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Rumors Spread facts

While investigating facts about Rumors Spread By Fools and Rumors Spread By Haters Quotes, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 1987, Corona sales plummeted when a rumor spread that their workers were peeing in their beer. The company traced its origins back to Heineken, whom Corona sued for $3 million in damages, but their reputation still suffered and their product was referred to as “Mexican piss water” for years.

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2012 Aurora shooter "Jame Holmes" never called himself the 'Joker' nor was the Dark knight a reason for the shooting, it was a rumor made by journalist that spread online.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do you call a person who spreads rumors. Here are 15 of the best facts about Rumors Spread By Haters and Rumors Spreading About This Other Guy I managed to collect.

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  1. The rumor Rod Stewart had to have his stomach pumped after "ingesting" too much semen, was spread by a disgruntled employee after being fired by Stewart. The rumor followed Stewart for decades and he finally dispelled it in his 2012 autobiography.

  2. Martin Shkreli spread false rumors online and attempted to interfere with FDA drug approval in order to sabotage companies whose stock he was short-selling

  3. Only six days after its opening a rumor spread that the bridge was about to collapse. In the panic 12 people were crushed to death.

  4. Anti-Spanish propaganda depicting exaggerated accounts of Spanish colonial practices became very popular in the 16th century. Pope Paul IV called Spaniards "the scum of the earth" and rumors were spread that Spaniards fed Indian children to their dogs.

  5. Admist the breaking news of Michael Jackson's death in June 2009, rumors also spread online that Jeff Goldblum had fallen off a cliff in New Zealand while filming his latest movie. On several search engines, "Jeff Goldblum" soon became the only non-Jackson-related term to crop up in the top 10.

  6. Rumors spread across labor camps in the Soviet Union that injecting crows blood would result in a hallucinogen-like high.

  7. During the English Civil War, the Royalist commander Prince Rupert was often accompanied by his white poodle Boye. His opponents spread rumors that Boye was a devil in disguise or witch from Lappland who had disguised herself as a small dog. The brave dog fell at the Battle of Marston Moor

  8. Operation Pedro Pan where the US spread rumors that Castro is sending children off to Russia to train them. They did it so Cuban parents send their children to the US orphanages for educational purposes.

  9. In 2000 2 Israeli soldiers accidentally came to a Palestinian checkpoint. They were detained and brought to a police station. A rumor spread that they were undercover Israeli agents so a mob broke into the police station, beat, stabbed, gouged the eyes out of, and disemboweled the soldiers.

  10. The FBI frequently undermined black empowerment organizations by spreading false rumors that important lead-members were FBI informants, snitches, or embezzlers -- a process called "bad-jacketing"

rumors spread facts
What to do when someone spreads rumors about you?

Why rumors spread so quickly in social networks?

You can easily fact check why does my friend spread rumors about me by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 1991, rumors spread in NYC black communities that the soda 'Tropical Fantasy' was being laced with drugs which sterilized black men, as part of a KKK conspiracy. Within months, its sales fell by 70%. While the FDA later proved all claims to be unfounded, some rumors still persist to this day.

John Travolta's nephew tried to kill himself once because of Scientology. He claims that members implanted drugs into him, spread rumors that he was a pedophile, and sent him death threats. He also claims that he worked 60 hour weeks as a clerk for them, and was only paid $30. - source

A Sherriff once launched a social media smear campaign against a teenager after he failed to show up to court for substance abuse charges. The teenager eventually committed suicide due to the sheriff sending dozens of threatening private messages through Facebook mocking him and spreading rumors - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Rumors Spread. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Rumors Spread so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor