Rocket Launch facts
While investigating facts about Rocket Launch Today and Rocket Launch Schedule, I found out little known, but curios details like:
One of the main engineers behind NASA's Challenger rocket, which exploded in 1986, revealed that after NASA would not heed his warnings against launching in the cold weather, he told his wife the night before the launch, "It's going to blow up."
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When Robert Goddard,scientist who created the first liquid fueled rocket,published his work in 1919, he was ridiculed for his belief man could reach the moon.The New York Times even mocked his understanding of basic physics.They later published a correction the day after the launch of Apollo 11
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering when is the rocket launch at cape canaveral today. Here are 50 of the best facts about Rocket Launcher and Rocket Launch Today Live I managed to collect.
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Germany has launched a rocket with yeast on board into space. When the rocket returns the yeast will be used to make beer. Making it effectively space beer.
In 1954, Soviet rocket engineer Sergei Korolev could not get funding to pursue a space program, so he planted a fake new-story claiming Russia was going to launch a satellite. The US responded that they were also going to launch one, so the Soviets then agreed to fund the program.
In 2011 a Gurkha single-handedly held off 12 Taliban as they attacked his base. Alone on the roof, he fought βan onslaught of rocket-propelled grenades and AK-47sβ. He fired over 400 rounds, launched 17 grenades and detonated a mine. After his gun failed, he threw his tripod to fend a man off.
In 1920, The New York Times ridiculed Robert H. Goddard and claimed that rockets could not function in space. On July 17, 1969, a day after the Apollo 11 launch, NYT formally acknowledged their error
Lottie Williams is the only person to have been hit by re-entering space debris. She was walking through a park in Tulsa Oklahoma in Jan 1997 at 3:30 am and felt a tapping on her shoulder. It was a piece of the fuel tank of a Delta II rocket launched in 1996. She was unhurt.
The US launched a spy rocket with a logo featuring an octopus and the words "Nothing is beyond our reach"
In 1920, the New York Times published an editorial titled "A Severe Strain on Credulity," mocking scientist Robert Goddard's contention that a rocket could conceivably leave the atmosphere and even reach the moon. They later printed a retraction, the day after the launch of Apollo 11.
About the worst space related disaster in history. In 1994 China launched an untested rocket which immediately crashed into a nearby village, destroying it--killing hundreds. Officially only 6 died.
In 1981 India launched a satellite that was transported on an ox-cart, with the rocket parts carried on the back of bicycles.
The launch of a Saturn V rocket is so loud, producing about 220 dB, that grass upwards of a mile away ignites by the sound alone.
Rocket Launch data charts
For your convenience take a look at Rocket Launch figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why rocket launch from kazakhstan by examining the linked well-known sources.
The 3rd stage of Apollo 12 Saturn V rocket launched in 1969 is an semi-stable orbit and revisited the earth-moon system in 2003 and is expected to arrive again in 2040s
China had the worst rocket disaster in history during a 1996 launch at Xichang and covered up an estimated 500 deaths. - source
Cape Canaveral has the area code "3-2-1", to resemble the countdown sequence for rocket launches occurring in the area. - source
Laika is not the first animal to travel into space. The title actually goes to a bunch of fruit flies aboard a V2 rocket launched in 1947. They were later recovered alive.
After America's Vanguard TV3 rocket exploded seconds after launch, Russia offered the US aid during a UN meeting under the "Soviet program of technical assistance to backwards nations" - source
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After surviving the explosion of a rocket launch failure, the first thing the Soviet cosmonauts asked their rescue crews was cigarettes, but they were given shots of vodka instead
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When Norway launched a rocket to study the Aurora Borealis, a mistake led to Russia not being informed of this launch. The russian president, Boris Jeltsin, opened the nuclear briefcase and were on the verge of starting a nuclear war.
A small town in Kansas has one of the largest space museums in the world, including Liberty Bell 7, the Apollo 13 command module, the Gemini X spacecraft, Vostok and Voshkod spacecraft, an SR-71, Nazi V1 and V2 weapons, and several full-scale launch rockets
There designs for a rocket even larger than the Saturn V that could boost 1.2 million pounds into orbit. It was so large it had to be launched partially submerged and was call the Sea Dragon.
In 1959 Soviet Premiere Nikita Khruschchev was denied a request to visit Disneyland during a trip to the United States. He became enraged and stated "But just now I was told that I could not go to Disneyland. I asked 'Why not? What is it? Do you have rocket-launching pads there?' I do not know."
The largest non-commercial rocket launch in European history was done for an episode of Top Gear where they tried to send a Reliant Robin into space.
Rocket launch infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Rocket Launch numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Using a mod, I collected telemetry from a rocket launch in Kerbal Space Program