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River Rhine facts

While investigating facts about River Rhine Map and River Rhine Cruise, I found out little known, but curios details like:

An unusual dry period led to low river levels in the Rhine in December 2011 exposing a 4,000 lb (1,800 kg) blockbuster bomb in the riverbed near Koblenz. 45,000 people needed to be evacuated as it was defused.

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Julius Caesar built a 400 m long and 9 m wide bridge across the Rhine River in only 10 days using 40,000 soldiers. After pillaging the local villages, he crossed back and destroyed the bridge.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the best rhine river cruise line. Here are 35 of the best facts about River Rhine Siren and River Rhine Germany I managed to collect.

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  1. The Rhine Action Plan was put into place to improve the quality of water in the Rhine after the 1986 disaster. Although the Rhine is not pollution-free, the efforts resulted in the return of salmon, which are a species of fish very sensitive to the quality of water they will live in.

  2. The Rhine River is called different names depending on which country it is flowing through. In Netherlands it is Rijn. In France it is Rhine. In Germany it is Rhein.

  3. Gen. Patton waited all day to piss so he could relieve himself in the Strategically important Rhine River during WW2

  4. The Rhine Falls are a famous waterfall located at Schaffhausen.

  5. The Rhine River's primary source is Vorherrhein at Tomasee, Surselva, in Switzerland.

  6. Lorelei, a massive rock on the Rhine River that makes a whispering sound when wind blows through it, said to be the calling of a mermaid or siren for ships to wreck upon the rocks of the shore.

  7. Prior to the construction of canals along the Rhine, its length was 820 miles. After the canals were constructed the length of the Rhine decreased to 764 miles.

  8. The Rhine River's secondary source is Hinterrhein, at Paradies Glacier, Switzerland.

  9. In 1986 a chemical factory fire in Switzerland resulted in severely polluting the already polluted river. The toxic chemicals killed millions of fish and wildlife that lived along the Rhine River. It only took 10 days for the toxic chemicals to reach the North Sea.

  10. The Rhine River flows through or along several countries including Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Netherlands, and Liechtenstein.

river rhine facts
What countries does the rhine river flow through?

Why is the rhine river important?

You can easily fact check why does the rhine river flow north by examining the linked well-known sources.

The River Thames and the River Rhine were Connected Together until they were Separated Around 8,500 Years Ago.

The Rhine River watershed (area of land drained by the river) is 71,429 square miles in size. Its basin includes Luxembourg, Italy, and Belgium.

Major cities along the Rhine include Basel, Strasbourg, Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Ludwigshafen, Wiesbaden, Mainz, Koblenz, Bonn, Cologne, Leverkusen, Neuss, Krefeld, Duisburg, Arnhem, Nijmegen, Utrecht, and Rotterdam.

There are many UNESCO World Heritage Sites along the Rhine River including Luxembourg's Old Quarters and Fortifications; Germany's Speyer Catherdral, Wurzburg Residence, Roman Monuments, Town of Bamberg, Koln Cathedral, and the Upper Middle Rhine Valley; Belgium's La Grande-Place and Major Town Houses of Victor Horta, and Plantin-Moretus Museum; France's Grande Grande île; and Netherland's Defense Line and 17th Century Canal Ring.

The most expensive photograph ever sold is Rhein II, a basic picture of the lower Rhine river under an overcast sky that was digitally altered to remove dog walkers and a factory building and was sold in 2011 for $4.3 million. - source

When is the rhine river low?

Rhinestones got their name because they were originally made from crystals gathered from the river Rhine

How long is the rhine river?

During the last interglacial (130,000-115,000 BC), forests reached the North Cape and hippos were common in the Thames and Rhine rivers.

About the most expensive photograph ever, which sold for $4.3 million and is just a digitally edited picture of the Lower Rhine river.

Due to road clearance issues, the spectrometer for the KATRIN physics experiment was shipped down the Danube to the Black Sea, through the Mediterranean, around Spain and up to the North Sea and up the Rhine river to end its 9000 Km journey back in Germany, 400 Km from where it started.

The Rhine River is a popular tourist river cruise route today. The boats used for the tourists are usually river barges.

Tributaries to the Rhine River include Rein de Curnera, Valser Rhine, Rabiusa, Plessur, Aach, Bregenzer Ache, Leiblach, Argen, Schussen, Rotach, Linzer aach, Thur, Wutach, Alb, Moselle, Lahn, Wupper, and many more.

When is the best time to cruise the rhine river?

The Rhine-Main-Danube canal, which connects the Rhine and Danube rivers and allows ships to move between the Atlantic and the Black Sea

The Rhine River's name is derived from a Celtic word "Rēnos".

The trio named the element after the Rhine River in Germany.

In 1966 there was a white whale swimming up Rhine river and is said to be the trigger to start first environmental movements in Germany

In the Swiss Alps where the Rhine begins it is only a stream. It gathers volume and by the time it reaches Lake Constance it is important to southern Germany for drinking water.

How wide is the rhine river?

The most expensive photo ever sold was an apparently simple photograph of the river Rhine, sold for $4,3 million

The Soviet space shuttle (Buran) now lives in a German museum. How did they get it there? They floated it down the river Rhine.

The Rhine-Main-Danube Canal, which connects the Rhine and Danube rivers and allows ships to travel from the Atlantic and North Sea to the Black Sea without the Mediterranean.

The most expensive photo print ever sold ($4.3M) is an apparently uninspired shot of River Rhine by artist Andreas Gursky

When he reached the river Rhine, General Patton peed into it.

When General Patton and the Third Army crossed the Rhine River, he stopped to urinate in it at they crossed.

'Doggerland'. Before the seas rose 6200 BC, Britain was connected to mainland Europe. The Thames river was connected to the river Rhine, and humans and neanderthals lived and hunted in these lands.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about River Rhine. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is River Rhine so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor