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Risked Lives facts

While investigating facts about Heroes Who Risked Their Lives For Others and Scientists Who Risked Their Lives, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Wait Calculation, a dilemma stating that during the millennia long trip to another star system, humanity would easily find ways to increase travel speed greatly, meaning any new expeditions would arrive much earlier. Therefore, no-one would risk wasting their lives on such a meaningless trip.

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The Chernobyl nuclear disaster would have been much worse if not for three men who dove into contaminated water with minimal diving equipment, risking their own lives in the process.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the risk of transmitting genital herpes. Here are 50 of the best facts about Journalists Who Risked Their Lives and Risked Their Lives I managed to collect.

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  1. Franz Stigler, a German ace fighter pilot who risked his life to spare and then save the lives of 9 Americans by escorting their injured B-17 bomber out of Germany. The incident would later be called "the most incredible encounter between enemies in World War II."

  2. Various studies have shown that coffee prevents cancer, causes cancer, makes you live longer, makes you die younger and reduces your risk of diabetes.

  3. Henry Beecher, anesthesiologist in Boston, published a 1966 article that drew attention to 22 examples of unethical clinical research that had risked patients' lives, which along with subsequent Congressional investigation led to current guidelines on informed consent and human research.

  4. Elephants risk their lives to mine a cave in an extinct volcano in Kenya. The rock has 100 times more sodium than what they normally eat, as well as being rich in potassium and calcium. They dig with their tusks, grind it and swallow it. The bones of those who didn't make it line the trail.

  5. North Koreans love foreign movies and TV shows so much that they risk their lives to watch them via smuggled USBs from China

  6. Freddie Mercury had a throat infection at the time of Live Aid and was advised by his doctors to not risk performing at the festival. He defied their orders, and Queen's set went down in history as one of the best performances that day.

  7. Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat in Lithuania during WWII, saved 3000-6000 Jewish lives by unlawfully issuing transit visas so that they could travel to Japanese territory, risking his career and his family's lives.

  8. Garlic may help you live longer, as it fights infectious diseases, combat sickness, including the common cold, Can reduce Blood Pressure, Improves cholesterol levels, which may lower the risk of Heart Disease, just to mention but a few..

  9. Dark-skinned people living in cold countries are 6 times more at risk of developing vitamin D deficiency.

  10. A micromort is a unit of measurement used to measure the risk of activities. One micromort is equal to a one-in-a million chance of death. Living a normal life is about 22 micromorts a day.

risked lives facts
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Why i risked my life to expose a government massacre?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

A DNA part known as telomeres likely determine how long you will live. Each year your telomeres get shorter and shorter, increasing your risk of disease and death. However, a healthy diet and meditation has been scientifically proven to lengthen your telomeres.

Lilly, a rescued pit bull. She risked her life to drag her unconscious owner out of the path of an oncoming freight train, causing her severe injuries including a destroyed paw, multiple pelvis breaks, and internal injuries. They both lived. - source

Private Channing Moss, who was hit by a live grenade that lodged in his side but did not explode; his fellow soldiers risked their own lives and violated military procedure by choosing to help him, and he eventually recovered - source

Eating a live Slug could cause paralysis neck down, coma, or even death. To eat one safely, it must be adequately cooked to minimize the risk of dying from ingesting the parasites it hosts.

Sickle Cell Anemia (a condition which disproportionately afflicts Africans) provides protection against Malaria. It is believed that the reason why Africans are more likely to have S.C.A. is Africans benefited from the condition from living in a Malaria risk location. - source

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People traveling to regions that may have yellow fever should be vaccinated, as should those living in areas putting them at high risk for infection.

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Because hurricanes lose their strength over land, those who live on the coast are at a greater risk of encountering one.

People living at higher elevations have a higher rate of suicide. The correlation between elevation and suicide risk was present even when the researchers control for known suicide risk factors, including age, gender, race, and income. The cause for the increased risk is as yet unknown.

The national anthem of Kosovo has no lyrics - the Albanian-speaking government decided not to risk offending Serbs who live in the country by having lyrics in Albanian.

Runners have a 25%–40% reduced risk of premature mortality and live approximately 3 years longer than non-runners.

Lung cancer is the only cancer that claims more women's lives than breast cancer. Smoking increases the risk for both lung and breast cancer.

Interesting facts about risked lives

Since the majority of Canadians live so close to the US, occasionally high risk pregnancies will be transferred to US hospitals, incidentally giving the newborn US citizenship

In WW1 a handful of journalists risked their lives to report on the realities of war. As the Government sought to control the flow of information from the frontline at the start of the war, journalists were banned

Living in the Chernobyl exclusion zone has the same health risks as living in a populated city such as London

Chiune Sugihara helped 6000 Jews flee Europe by issuing transit visas to them so that they could travel through Japanese territory, risking his job and the lives of his family. During the second world war!

Living in an urban environment during childhood or as an adult has consistently been found to increase the risk of schizophrenia by a factor of two, even after taking into account drug use, ethnic group, and size of social group.

Harrison Ford was once piloting a vintage 2 seater plane that had a reported “engine failure” instead of risking the plane crashing and many people’s lives, Ford landed it safely on a golf course green resulting in only minor injuries

American P.O.W.S. risked their lives to smuggle food past the Nazis to their starving Russian Comrades in a Concentration Camp. They reunited many years later.

20 Percent of Neanderthal Genome Lives On in Modern Humans, especially skin, hair, and may affect risk of lupus, cirrhosis, Crohn's disease, and diabetes.

Steven Pinker's assertion that we're living through the most peaceful era in human history has been repeatedly challenged by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, who argues that war is not declining and that we're still every bit at risk of a major conflict as we always were.

More than two million people living on the banks of Lake Kivu in central Africa are at risk of being asphyxiated by gases building up beneath its surface.

Lake Kivu, one of 3 lakes at risk of a limnic eruption. If an eruption occurred it would release a massive amount of CO2 into the air asphyxiating everything near the lake, and also has the chance of spawning a lake tsunami. There are 2 million people living near the lake basin.

In 2015 fears began to emerge that Cotopaxi Volcano was about to erupt again. The volcano's activity increased and this could result in melting the glacier peak of the mountain, and flooding the towns below. If the volcano were to erupt it would also be devastating to the people living in the town below. Evacuation plans have been established. The park has been closed at times when risk is high.

Dogs living around Chernobyl are at greater risk from cold than radiation. In 2018, the first batch of rehabilitated Chernobyl dogs were taken to the United States to find loving homes outside away from the exclusion zone.

In the UK, no qualifications are needed to become a yoga teacher, and according to the Chair of the official governing body, this is putting people’s lives at risk. Also, he says would likely close down 75% of training institutions, if he had the power.

About the Carnegie Hero Fund which is an award given to individuals in the United States and Canada who risk their lives to an extraordinary degree saving or attempting to save the lives of others.

Near the end of WWII, two men died and 70+ men put their lives at risk in a joint Nazi/American mission to save a rare breed of horse.

If you want to live longer, avoiding processed meat is associated with up to 35% lower mortality risk (according to a 2014 scientific study with 925k participants)

that the term for a woman who has never given birth to a live child is "nulliparous", which carries with it a higher risk of breast and reproductive cancers.

Living in a city doubles the risk of schizophrenia and mood disorders, and adds a 21% risk of anxiety disorders.

Chiune Sugihara, the Japanese ambassador to Lithuania during World War II, helped several thousand Jews flea the country by providing free travel visas, risking his career an his family's lives.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Risked Lives. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Risked Lives so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor