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Rising Sun facts

While investigating facts about Rising Sun Hotel and Rising Sun Yacht, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The song "House of the Rising Sun," most famously known from the recording by The Animals in 1964, is actually a much older traditional folk song with no known original artist, composer or place of origin.

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The Chinese equivalent of "when pigs fly" is "when the sun rises in the West." Other variants include "when the crayfish whistles" (Russian), "when the crow turns white" (Tagalog), "when the fish climbs the poplar" (Turkish), and "when it snows red snowflakes" (Hungarian).

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is my sun moon and rising sign. Here are 50 of the best facts about Rising Sun Pub and Rising Sun Workshop I managed to collect.

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  1. Concorde was so manoeuvrable, you could barrel roll it, and so fast, you could watch the sun set in London and watch it rise again in the West as you flew to New York

  2. 'Dog Days' of summer are actually defined as the period from July 3 through Aug. 11 when the Dog Star, Sirius, rises in conjunction (or nearly so) with the sun

  3. To decide who would become the monarch of the Persian Empire (44% of world population), six nobles decided on a test. They were to gather outside the palace, mounted on their horses at sunrise, and the man whose horse neighed first in recognition of the rising sun would become king.

  4. Despite being the third largest country in the world, China only has one time zone, mostly based around the far Eastern portions (where most of the population lives). As a result, in Western regions such as Tibet, the sun officially rises at around 10:00 AM.

  5. Newgrange, a prehistoric monument in Ireland was built c.3200 BC, millennia older than Egyptian pyramids. Chamber entrance is aligned with rising sun on the winter solstice, which floods the inner chamber with light.

  6. The "Dog Days of Summer" meaning comes from the dog star Sirius, and that the star would rise just before the sun mid-summer (the hottest days of the year)

  7. The Japanese Navy still uses the Rising Sun Flag today.

  8. The hit song "House of the Rising Sun", covered by The Animals, Bob Dylan, and others, was written in London in the 1700's, and historians have no idea as to its origin, or who wrote it.

  9. Alan Price receives all royalties for The Animals' "The House of the Rising Sun" as there wasn't room for all 5 band members' names on the record label ("Alan" was first alphabetically). When Chas Chandler proposed that they all split the royalties equally, Price told him to go fuck himself.

  10. The Cerne Abbas Giant, a massive 2000-year-old turf-cut outline filled with chalk on a hill in Dorset, England that depicts a large naked man with an erection. His 36-foot long penis and testicles points toward the rising sun each year on May Day.

rising sun facts
What is my sun moon and rising?

Why is japan called the land of the rising sun?

You can easily fact check why we shouldn't use rising sun flag by examining the linked well-known sources.

Earth's crust under the Solar Eclipse of Aug 21 will rise about 40 millimeters, due to the combined gravitational force of the Sun and the Moon.

China is close in size to the Continental U.S. but has just one time zone. In some cities the sun can rise as late as 10:00am - source

The Great Sphinx built by the ancient Egyptians was built to point directly at the rising sun on the vernal equinox.

It's possible to stand on Mercury's surface and see the Sun rise about halfway, reverse and set, and then rise again, all within the same Mercurian day.

Viviparous lizards bask in the sun during the autumn and spring to increase their body temperature and ensure adequate motility of the body. Body temperature can rise 15 degrees of Celsius (and reach optimal 30 degrees) when lizard spends enough time on the sun.

When does the sun start rising?

At least two of Pluto's moons, Nix and Hydra, have chaotic rotations and that "You'd have days where the sun rises in the east and sets in the north."

How to find your sun moon and rising sign?

Ernest Hemingway's most notable works include The Sun Also Rises (1926), A Farewell to Arms (1929), For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940), and The Old Man and the Sea (1951).

The House of the Rising Sun is actually a traditional folk song written by an unknown author.

Japan is often referred to as the "Land of the Rising Sun".

When the summer solstice occurs in the northern hemisphere, thousands of people flock to Stonehenge, an ancient stone site in Wiltshire, England. There they watch the sun rise, where it creates an illusion that the sun is balancing one of the main stones.

The Bighorn Medicine Wheel in Wyoming has stones that show the direction of the summer solstice's rising and setting sun.

When is the sun rising?

The song 'Rising Sun' best known, 'House of The Rising Sun' originated in England as a folk ballad and there are broadside versions of it from early to mid 1700's. It "took a boat" to Appalachia before the Revolutionary war and then headed west to New Orleans and the composer is lost to history.

Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun on the earth which affects their periodic rise and fall.

In 607 Prince Shōtoku, the Regent of Japan, sent a mission to China with a letter. The message said: "Here I the emperor of the country where the sun rises send a letter to the emperor of the country where the sun sets. How are you."

Mystery behind the Sailing stones at Death Valley National Park - When ice sheets that form after rare overnight rains melt in the rising sun, making the hard ground muddy and slick. Wind pushes the floating ice against the boulder. The ice acts as a sail over making the rock slowly slide.

The dog days of summer refers to the time of year when the dog star Sirius rises just before the sun

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While all of The Animals took part in arranging their version of The House of the Rising Sun, there was no room for five names on the label, so only keyboardist Alan Price was credited. As a result, he became the only one receiving royalties for the song.

In Norilsk (Russia), located above the Arctic Circle, winter lasts nine months – and during the polar night the sun doesn’t rise for two months. In almost every building you can find a solarium. By some estimates, one percent of global sulfur dioxide emission comes from Norilsk's nickel mine.

Cornelia Fort, one of the first witnesses of the Pearl Harbor attack. She was a flight instructor and was flying that day when a military plane heading towards her. She swiftly evaded the plane, and noticed the rising sun insignia on its wings.

The Japanese national flag flown today is the same as the one flown in WW2. The "Rising Sun" flag is actually the flag of the army and navy and was never the official flag of the Japanese state. The Rising Sun flag is still flown to this day on Japanese navy ships.

On a clear day, you can see the edges of Earth's shadow at twilight creeping up or down the horizon. It's a dark bluish band that appears opposite to the rising or setting sun."

In the city of Barrow, Alaska, the sun doesn't rise above the horizon for 67 days in a row

Calling Japan "The Land of the Rising Sun" refers to its geographical position in relation to China

In 1925 Hemingway and his wife took a trip to Spain's Festival of San Fermin, which would serve as the basis for the later novel The Sun Also Rises, published in 1926.

Hela’s headdress in Thor: Ragnarok was essentially a character, which is why the number of antlers and the look of the cowl changes from shot to shot. It took a collaborative effort from Method Studios, Framestore, Rising Sun, and Trixter to get Hela’s full body CG costume just right.

Due to Mercury's orbit coupled with the long length of a Mercurian day. There are certain points on Mercury's surface where an observer would be able to see the Sun rise, reverse and set, and then rise again, all within the same Mercurian day.

On the Ethiopan clock the sun rises at about 0:00, midday occurs at 6:00 in the day, and the sun sets again at 0:00 and midnight occurs at 6:00 in the night.

Apollo was the son of Leto and Zeus. He is the god of music. His job was to make the sun rise, and to watch over musicians. He had a twin sister Artemis.

The Land of the Rising Sun" originates from an insult in a letter sent to the Chinese by Japan

On Mercury the Sun can rise, reverse direction and set, then rise again all on the same day

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Rising Sun. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Rising Sun so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor