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Responsible Popularizing facts

While investigating facts about Who Was Responsible For Popularizing The Use Of The Transorbital Lobotomy and , I found out little known, but curios details like:

Critics complained that Indian musician Daler Mehndi's music was only popular because his videos featured beautiful women. Mehndi's response was to create a video featuring only copies of himself greenscreened in, leading to the creation of the "Tunak Tunak Tun" video.

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Google Images was created in response to Jennifer Lopez wearing a Versace dress to the Grammy's in 2000, which subsequently resulted in Google's "most popular search query" they had seen to date: Jennifer Lopez's green dress.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what animal is responsible for the most human deaths worldwide. Here are 34 of the best facts about Responsible Popularizing I managed to collect.

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  1. There was a popular Bitcoin alternative named Coinye West, until Kanye West sued for copyright infringement. In response, the company removed all direct references to West and replaced him with "an unnamed half-man half-fish hybrid."

  2. On August 13, 1966, in response to John Lennon's "More popular than Jesus" comment, a radio station in Texas held a burning of Beatles merchandise. The next day, the broadcast tower was struck by lightning, damaging much of their equipment and sending the news director to the hospital.

  3. About Dr John L. Leal, the man responsible for popularizing chlorine in our drinking water, and saving countless lives by doing so

  4. Ciabatta is not a traditional Italian bread- it was invented in the 80s as a response to the popularity of baguettes

  5. 4chan is responsible for popularizing the "Free Bleeding" movement and for entirely creating the "Bikini Bridge" phenomenon. This was done as a prank against groups it considered gullible, and has largely been considered very successful.

  6. Ciabatta bread was invented in 1982 by a baker in Verona, Italy in response to the popularity of French baguettes.

  7. During this time in the NBA, Sudanese-born American Basketballer Manute Bol was responsible for popularizing the expression "my bad" when he made a bad pass to team mates at his tenure with Golden State due to his dialect

  8. God blessing a sneeze was popularized by the Pope in response to a pestilence during the sixth century

  9. Martin Couney, a physician responsible for promoting and popularizing the infant incubator-- he initially worked out of Coney Island, where he charged 25 cents to view the babies so parents would not have to pay for their children's medical care.

responsible popularizing facts
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You can easily fact check why is lord capulet responsible for the deaths of romeo and juliet by examining the linked well-known sources.

Critics complained that Daler Mehndi's music was only popular due to his videos that featured beautiful women dancing. Mehndi's response was to create a video that featured only himself. The music video was the first made in India using greenscreen technology.

The popular children fireworks, The Sparkler, burn at a high temperature as hot as 1800°F to 3000°F (or 1000°C to 1600°C). It's responsible for 16 percent of legal firework-related injuries in the United States. - source

Baltimore police released a video response to the popular underground DVD "Stop Snitching" thanking those involved for providing video footage that aided in the arrest and prosecution of several local criminals. - source

Jerry Heller, the man best known for discovering and managing N.W.A., is responsible for making Elton John and Pink Floyd popular in America. Both acts were previously only popular in the UK before Heller discovered them and planned the first major US tours.

Bees use nectar from linden flowers to produce delicious honey. Flowers are rich source of volatile oils that are responsible for the pleasant aroma of this plant. Aromatic flowers are popular and often consumed in the form of teas and herbal tinctures.

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Rammstein wrote the song Links 2-3-4 in response to allegations of fascism. The refrain is an allusion to a revolutionary song of the Communist Party of Germany in the 1930s and re-popularized in the GDR.

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Coca-Cola is partially responsible for popularizing the image of Santa Claus that we still picture today, with the red suit and white beard and black boots and belt.

During one of Jay Leno's "Jaywalking" segments, he asked random people on the street to name one of the Ten Commandments. The most popular response given was "God helps those who help themselves" (which is not in the Bible).

Chanel couture was responsible to make "flat-chested" fashions popular in the hourglass-figure dominated 1920s.

In 2003 there was a successful internet campaign to popularize the term “Santorum” referring to a certain byproduct of anal sex, in response to the comments made by then-senator Rick Santorum regarding homosexuality and gay marriage

In Homer's Iliad,contrary to the popular perception, Achilles is younger than Patroclus who is portrayed as the older and more responsible of the two.

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Bill Robinson (aka "Mr. Bojangles") was responsible for introducing the word "copacetic" into popular culture.

Stone washed denim was so popular in the US that importing the pumice used in the process from Europe became unfesable. This eventually led to extensive mining of pumice deposits in California, Arizona, and New Mexico, triggering a negative response from American ecologist groups.

Sprite was developed in West Germany in 1959 as Fanta Klare Zitrone ("Clear Lemon Fanta") and introduced in the United States as Sprite in 1961. This was Coke's response to the popularity of 7 Up.

The US sitcom "Cheers" was one of the first TV shows using multiple episodes for one storyline. Its creator regrets helping to make serialization popular; "we may have been partly responsible for [how] if you miss the first episode or two, you are lost ... It can be very frustrating"

Hugely Popular "Youtube Personality" Colleen Ballinger/Miranda Sings is Responsible for Her Childhood Dog's Euthanasia

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A 19th century English plumber was largely responsible for popularizing the modern indoor toilet. He also developed some important related inventions, such as the ballcock. He was noted for the quality of his products and received several royal warrants. And that plumber's name? Thomas Crapper.

Bayer is responsible for heroin’s popularity. They did not originally synthesize it, but a chemist that was employed there independently recreated it from the notes of its original creator.

7'7" NBA Center Manute Bol was responsible for the origination and popularization of the phrase "my bad"

Nolo" means "I do not wish" in Latin, making it a legitimate response to the popular declaration "yolo".

Maine, in response to popular disgust at the New York custom of adding tomatoes to clam chowder, made doing so illegal in 1939

Henry Anslinger, the Federal Bureau of Narcotics Comissioner from 1930-1962, was responsible for popularizing the word “Marijuana”, and is considered to be The Godfather of Cannabis Prohibition.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Responsible Popularizing. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Responsible Popularizing so important!

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