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Research Institutes facts

While investigating facts about Research Institutes In India and Research Institutes In Nigeria, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A group of 15 monkeys escaped a research institute in Japan by using trees to catapult themselves over a 17ft high electric fence one by one.

how do research institutes make money?

When scientists first realized that American gay men and Africans in France were both suffering from the same disease (AIDS), French researchers sent over a sample to be tested. But a scientist with a grudge against the French institute switched out the sample, setting research back years.

What do research institutes do?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is american institutes for research. Here are 50 of the best facts about Research Institutes In Bangalore and Research Institutes In Hyderabad I managed to collect.

what's research institutes?

  1. An Australian research institute ran a four-month study "to answer the age old question, 'Where have all the bloody teaspoons gone?'". Results: 80% of the teaspoons in the study disappeared, with the half life of the teaspoons calculated at 81 days

  2. Japanese train drivers and conductors "point and call" at all important signs and warnings. As it turns out, research conducted in 1994 by the Railway Technical Research Institute found that the combination of pointing and calling reduced mistakes by almost 85 percent.

  3. A group of 15 monkeys used trees to catapult themselves over a 17ft high electric fence after escaping a research institute.

  4. Due to lash back from a Far Side cartoon where a female chimp finds a human hair on the male she is grooming and says, "Conducting a little 'research' with that Jane Goodall tramp?", Gary Larson now donates all profits from sales of a shirt featuring this cartoon to The Jane Goodall Institute.

  5. Disney’s “Baymax” character design was inspired by Chris Atkeson’s pioneer work in soft robotics. His research in Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute is based on a theory: “For robots to effectively operate in our world, they’re going to have to be as squishy as we are”.

  6. Nazis destroyed Germany's largest institute focusing on human sexuality in 1933 that studied and advocated for Gay and Transexual rights, burning their extensive library and research as it was deemed "Un-German".

  7. The first modern attempt at restricting smoking was imposed by the then German government in every university, post office, military hospital, and Nazi Party office, under the auspices of Karl Astel's Institute for Tobacco Hazards Research, created in 1941 under orders from Adolf Hitler.

  8. Three government research institutes spent several years and millions of dollars creating a version of kimchi that could safely (and without disgusting other astronauts) be sent into space with South Korea's first astronaut, Ko San: space kimchi.

  9. Unlike Susan G Komen when you donate to Huntsman Cancer Institute 100% of the donation goes to cancer research.

research institutes facts
What are the best research institutes in india?

Research Institutes data charts

For your convenience take a look at Research Institutes figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

research institutes fact data chart about Opioid overdose deaths: all projected scenarios by 10 resear
Opioid overdose deaths: all projected scenarios by 10 research institutions

research institutes fact data chart about Paid child care leave at research institutions in Canada and
Paid child care leave at research institutions in Canada and the US

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You can easily fact check why are helicopters used in rescue operations by examining the linked well-known sources.

The "Smartest Street in the World" is located in a scientific community in Siberia because its 2.5 kilometers have more than 20 scientific research institutes. Many Soviet scientists moved there in the 1960s for its level of intellectual freedom

The Soviets reverse-engineered the B-29. The reverse-engineering effort involved 900 factories and research institutes, who finished the design work during the first year; 105,000 drawings were made. - source

Georgian troops deliberately torched Abkhazian Research Institute of History to remove any evidence that Abkhazians' lived in their historical homeland - source

Bill Gates funds a diarrhea research institute located in Bangladesh

Researchers at the Institute for Applied Physics at the University of Bonn have shown that cucumbers scream when they are sick, flowers whine when their leaves are cut and plants can "hear" caterpillars eating them and respond defensively. - source

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Only three companies rank among the top 30 polluters of America's air, water and climate: ExxonMobil, American Electric Power and Koch Industries, according to the Political Economy Research Institute at University of Massachusetts Amherst

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Much of the earliest research on sexuality and transgender identity was lost forever when the archives of a Berlin institute were destroyed by the Nazis in 1933; some of it has never been repeated to this day.

In 1984 he helped found the Santa Fe Institute to support research into complex adaptive systems and complexity.

In 1931 he was awarded a National Research Council Fellowship at the California Institute of Technology at Pasedena where he continued his work on the genetics of Indian corn and the genetics of the fruit fly.

In 1944 he sent a proposal to the Tata Trust for backing to establish a school of research in fundamental physics in India, and the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research opened in 1945.

Rutherfordium was discovered by a team of researchers working at the Nuclear Institute in Dubna, Soviet Union.

Research institutes infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Research Institutes numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

research institutes fact infographic about This is a plot of the observed versus predicted values of th

This is a plot of the observed versus predicted values of the strength of Brazilian social assistance participatory institutions, which is the subject of a chapter of my PhD disser

Interesting facts about research institutes

From 1954 to 1959 he was a Research Associate of the Carnegie Institute of Washington Geophysical Laboratory.

From 1886 to 1894 he held the post of Professor of Physics and Director of the Physics Institute in Bonn, where he continued his research on electricity in rarefied gases.

The famous Nazi book burning photo was at the Magnus Hirschfeld's Institute of Sex Research. This was where the first sex reassignment surgery took place and a plethora of progressive studies before WWII into sexual orientation were destroyed.

Scientist Dmytry S. Ivanov, a rice specialist who worked at a botanical and agricultural research institute during the siege of Leningrad. He was found at his desk, starved to death, amongst bags of rice, protecting the precious specimen for future generations.

The "NIMH" in the children's film "The Secret of NIMH" stands for the National Institute of Mental Health, the medical research facility where the characters are test mice of.

Nora Volkow the current director of the National Institute on Drug Research (an office within the Department of Health and Human Services which researches addiction) is Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky's Mexican-American great-granddaughter

In 1923 he accepted a post at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York.

After graduation he became a research assistant at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research.

In 1934 he added Director of the Institute of Physics at the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research to his resume.

Part of the original collection of mollusk specimens was stored at the Research Institute for Natural Resources in Tokyo and in Hirase's home.

In 1901 he received a request from the German Emperor Wilhelm II to found a department of cancer research at his institute.

She founded the Radium Institute for research into radioactivity and refused to patent her process for radium isolation so other scientists could continue the work unencumbered.

In 1962 he received the National Institutes of Health Research Career Award and was a recipient of the Horace Mann award for Service to Humanity in 1984.

From 1911 to 1914 he was a research assistant at the Physics Institute of Berlin and it was here that he and James Franck experimented on inelastic electron collisions in gases.

In September 1927 he was awarded a United States National Research Council fellowship to the California Institute of Technology.

He moved to Paris and from 1933 to 1935 he was a research associate at the Pasteur Institute.

In 1933 he was offered a directorship at the Sieff Research Institute (now the Weizmann Institute) in Rehovot, Palestine. He accepted but died in mid-journey of heart failure.

After his residency he applied for permanent research positions but again encountered Jewish quotas and many institutions.

From 1990 to 1992 he was the head of the Human Genome Project at the National Institutes of Health. Francis Crick and James Watson shared the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology in 1962 for their discovery but their co-researcher, Rosalind Franklin, was ineligible because the Nobel is only awarded to living scientists and she had died in 1958.

Harvard President Lawrence Summers resigned shortly after suggesting that the greater variability among men (compared to women) in tests of cognitive abilities could be why women are underrepresented in tenured positions in science and engineering at top universities and research institutions.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Research Institutes. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Research Institutes so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor