Religious Reasons facts
While investigating facts about Religious Reasons Not To Vaccinate and Religious Reasons For Not Voting In Australia, I found out little known, but curios details like:
After being told he could not drink or smoke in front of the King of Saudia Arabia for religious reasons, Winston Churchill said "my religion prescribed an absolute sacred rite smoking cigars and drinking alcohol before, after, and if need be during all meals and the intervals between them."
how to fast for religious reasons?
Bob Marley could have halted the spred of his cancer but refused to have his toe amputated for religious reasons
What religious reasons for no immunizations?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are four religious reasons that led to the reformation. Here are 25 of the best facts about Religious Reasons For Circumcision and Religious Reasons For Colonization Of Africa I managed to collect.
which quotation hints at religious reasons for marley’s torment?
In 1999 George Harrison was repeatedly stabbed and beaten with a lamp in his own home by a fan who believed he was on a mission from God, nearly becoming the second Beatle to be murdered for religious reasons by a crazed fan.
Due to religious reasons, Manhattan is encircled by a constantly maintained, continuous string of clear wire.
The first autopsy performed in the New World was for religious reasons. A pair of infant conjoined twins died shortly after birth, and the Catholic Church wanted to determine if they had one soul or two. The doctor, after finding two complete sets of internal organs, declared they had two.
Harry Potter was the most banned book in the US for 2001 and 2002, for the reasons of being "anti-family, occult/Satanism, religious viewpoint, violence".
Warner Bros sued an Indian film called "Hari Putter" and lost. Two reasons the court ruled against Warner Brothers is because "Hari" is a Hindi word with religious connotations and "Puttar" is a Hindi word for son. The film was about a boy who was left "home alone."
Grape juice was invented in 1869 by Dr. Thomas Welch. Grapes ferment naturally and Welch wanted a nonalcoholic version for religious reasons.
"orientation" means "finding the Orient", that is, the East, which used to be at the top of maps in the Middle Ages for religious reasons: the Garden of Eden was supposed to be there.
The cancer that took Bob Marley's life started in his toe, which he refused to amputate for religious reasons, against his doctors advice.
West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette (1943) deemed it unconstitutional to force ordinary citizens to participate in patriotic rituals. The initial case was for refusal due to religious reasons, but the ruling was generalized to allow all forms of refusal.
In certain parts of Tibet, the dead undergo a practice known as a "sky burial". The corpse is placed on a mountaintop to be decomposed by the elements, and eaten by the animals. It is done for religious and practicality reasons.
Religious Reasons data charts
For your convenience take a look at Religious Reasons figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

5 reasons why religious festivals are important?
You can easily fact check explain 5 reasons why the religious festivals are important by examining the linked well-known sources.
The reason for founding the Pennsylvania Colony was based on religious beliefs. The reason that King George II gave William Penn such a large area in the New World was because he owed William's father a large amount of money.
While dining with the Saudi King, Chruchill was told he could neither smoke nor drink, for religious reasons. He replied that, “My religion prescribed as an absolute sacred ritual smoking cigars and drinking alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and the intervals between them.” - source
During the Mexican-Americam war Irish soldiers switched sides and formed Saint Patrick's battalion and fought against the U.S, mostly due to religious reasons - source
The extinction of animals wasn't believed to be possible until the 19th century for religious reasons. Instead it was believe Elephants were Woolly Mammoths that adapted to dislocation. The Dodo was believed to be a myth.
In 1977, a football injury led doctors to discover a malignant melanoma in Bob Marley’s toe. They recommended amputation, but he refused for religious reasons. The tumour then spread, which ultimately caused his death. - source
Should religious reasons be considered when giving treatment?
Amar Bharati has been constantly holding his arm up to honor the Hindu deity Shiva since 1973. The reason for that is that Mr. Bharati is a Sadhu, a part of a religious group that advocates very hard challenges as acts of devotion to the god Shiva.
How to get out of jury duty for religious reasons?
When a religious couple discovered they were having breakfast with James Hetfield of Metallica, the wife stated "I prayed that my son would never listen to you". James replied "Well, maybe if you knew the reasons why your son was listening to us, you wouldn't have to pray so much."
The reason we say "Bless You" when someone sneezes is not expressly religious. Rather people were superstitious and thought that a sneeze had to do to evil spirits or that the heart stops beating when a person sneezes. When they said "Bless You" they were offering it as a good luck charm.
The reason you can't buy cars on Sunday in many US states are Blue Laws, which were designed to enforce religious standards
A majority of Muslims in many countries support killing for religious reasons
The Pacific and Atlantic oceans do not mix where they meet, but instead are divided due to salt content ( as one reason ) and a very visible hue difference. Many people travel to witness this for themselves and religious books mention the phenomenon.