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Reading Obituary facts

While investigating facts about Reading Obituary At Funeral and Reading Obituary Notices, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, was able to view his obituary before he died due to a news-outlet mishap. Due to all the horrible things he read about himself, including being called "the merchant of death", he decided to dedicate his fortune to the creation of the Nobel Prize.

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QR codes have been popping up in cemeteries. When you scan a code on a gravestone, you can read an obituary and see photos of the deceased.

What is obituary reading?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to say after reading an obituary. Here are 20 of the best facts about Reading Obituary Meme and Anthony Reading Obituary I managed to collect.

what to say before reading an obituary?

  1. When Yvonne Brill, the inventor of the electrothermal hydrazine thruster for rocket propulsion, died, the first line of her New York Times obituary read, "She made a mean beef stroganoff"

  2. In 1888 Alfred Nobel's brother died, but a newspaper published his obituary instead. It condemned him for inventing dynamite and stated, "The merchant of death is dead." Alfred was so disappointed with what he read that he used his wealth to celebrate humanity and created the Nobel Prize.

  3. About Marcus Garvey, a political leader who died from a stroke after reading an obituary of himself that was mistakenly published in a newspaper

  4. Marcus Garvey suffered a non-fatal stroke, and a newspaper incorrectly wrote his obituary, which reported that he died "broke, alone, and unpopular." After reading this, he suffered another stroke that killed him.

  5. QR codes have been popping up in cemeteries. When you scan a code on a gravestone, you can read an obituary and see photos of the deceased.

  6. Alfred Nobel, inventor of the dynamite, established the Nobel Prize from his earnings after a newspaper mistakenly published his obituary: "The merchant of death is dead." His invention contributed to warfare and reading his obituary made him want to be remembered for something better.

  7. Rudyard Kipling died on January 18th, 1936, at the age of 70. His obituary appeared in the newspaper two days before he died and he read it and responded to the publisher of the falsehood.

  8. In 1913, The SS James Carruthers sunk in a storm. While looking for the body of his son in the morgue, Thomas Thompson found a body that bore an extreme resemblance to his son, Right down to a similar birth defect. His son read his own obituary, and arrived home just in time for his wake.

  9. In 1888, an inventor read his own obituary (which had mistakenly been published before his death). It labeled him “the Merchant of Death” because he had invented dynamite. Shaken by the condemnation, the inventor decided to serve the cause of peace, so he created the Nobel Peace Prize.

reading obituary facts
What are the best facts about Reading Obituary?

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You can easily fact check who what where when why questions reading comprehension by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 1912 China's Vice President was incorrectly reported to have been assassinated. The London Daily Mail printed an obituary calling him "modest and competent" - which he later read, and then became obsessed with...

After Swedish arms manufacturer Alfred Nobel read a premature obituary condemning as a 'merchant of death', he put his funds into creating the Nobel prize, so that when died, he would leave a better legacy. - source

Ernest Hemingway and his wife survived two successive plane crashes. The press believed he had died and reported him dead. He spent the next few weeks recuperating and reading his erroneous obituaries.

The first obituary written in the United States appeared in 1704 in a Boston News Letter. Jane Treat, granddaughter of Connecticut's deputy governor, was struck by lightning while reading her Bible. - source

Who what where when why questions reading comprehension?

American showman P.T. Barnum requested that his obituary be released several weeks before his death so that he could read it

Who what when where why how reading comprehension worksheet?

Alfred Nobel added what would become the Nobel Prize into his will after reading his own obituary. Titled "The Merchant of Death is Dead", it made him apprehensive about how the world would remember him as the man who hasten people's death with his invention.

Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, likely did **NOT** read his obituary before he died contrary to popular belief. The Nobel prize comity stated "There have never been found any documentation about this story despite all the research conducted." (page 10 of the linked pdf).

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Reading Obituary. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Reading Obituary so important!

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