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Radio Transmitters facts

While investigating facts about Radio Transmitters Near Me and Radio Transmitters And Receivers, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The most powerful commercial radio station ever was WLW (700KHz AM), which during certain times in the 1930s broadcasted 500kW radiated power. At night, it covered half the globe. Neighbors within the vicinity of the transmitter heard the audio in their pots, pans, and mattresses.

how radio transmitters work?

In 1937, Angelo Hays was declared dead and buried 3 days later. 2 days after that, an insurance investigation exhumed him and found him in a coma. He made a complete recovery. He later invented a coffin complete with upholstery, a food locker, chemical toilet, library, and radio transmitter.

What is frequency stability in radio transmitters?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do radio transmitters do. Here are 29 of the best facts about Radio Transmitters And Receivers Pdf and Radio Transmitters Pdf I managed to collect.

what are radio transmitters?

  1. The most powerful commercial radio station ever was WLW (700KHz AM), which during certain times in the 1930s broadcasted 500kW radiated power. At night, it covered half the globe. Neighbors within the vicinity of the transmitter heard the audio in their pots, pans, and mattresses.

  2. The Sputnik 1 didn't have any sensors, only a radio transmitter and it was launched 60 years ago.

  3. Houston's progressive listener-sponsored radio station "KPFT" was the only radio station in the country to have it's radio transmitter bombed. It was blown up twice, both times by the Ku Klux Klan.

  4. In 2005 and 2006, the U.S Department of Defence issued espionage warnings after mysterious coins with radio frequency transmitters were planted on U.S. contractors with classified security clearances. It turned out that the coins were ordinary Canadian quarters.

  5. Kelvin Doe who grew up in Sierra Leone and taught himself engineering at the age of 13. Kelvin made his own radio station from parts he found, as well as a generators, transmitters, and batteries and became the youngest participant in the Visiting Practitioner's Program at MIT.

  6. In the 1890s Guglielmo Marconi created the first practical and usable radio transmitter and receiver.

  7. The BBC had an emergency radio broadcast system in case nuclear war wiped out or incapacitated the main transmitters, and would broadcast instructions and music for at least 100 days.

  8. Preceding each code with "ten-" gave the radio transmitter time to reach full power (radios in the 1930s were based on vacuum tubes powered by a small motor-generator called a dynamotor took from 1/10 to 1/4 of a second to "spin up" to full power) because police officers'd forget to wait.

  9. For eight months in 2006 there was a Russian spacesuit, being used as a radio transmitter, orbiting earth.

  10. The Warsaw Radio Mast was the world's tallest structure from 1974 until its collapse on 8 August 1991, and the signals from its 2 megawatt transmitters could be received across essentially the entire globe

radio transmitters facts
What is the meaning of radio transmitters?

Why is crystal oscillator used in radio transmitter?

You can easily fact check why does my radio transmitter sound static by examining the linked well-known sources.

About 'Long delayed echos' from radio waves, where people hear transmissions being echoed from going around the Earth, but also being echoed from unknown means. Currently, people claim to hear waves originating from the 30's and 40's, when radio transmitters were significantly improved - source

A meteor trail is capable of reflecting radio waves from transmitters below on the Earth’s surface making it possible to listen to tonights meteor showers using a radio. - source

In an early example of 'hacking' pirate radio broadcasters in the 1920's would use their own transmitters to send messages for free

NAVSPASUR (Navy Space Surveillance Radar) was/is a very powerful transmitter. It could/can transmit "800 kW of continuous-wave (CW) radio power into an east-west oriented fan beam at 216.98 MHz" and "detect objects as small as 10 cm [3.93701 in] orbiting 15,000 km [9320.5679 miles] above" Earth. - source

When was the radio transmitter invented?

Acoustic Kitty, a CIA project to have cats spy on the Soviets with small radio transmitters

How do radio transmitters work?

On Continuation War the Finnish Army discovered that the Soviets had scattered radio-controlled mines throughout the re-captured city and so mobile transmitter was brought to the city and they played Finnish song continuously from August 1941 until 2 February 1942, about 1,500 times.

Aviation still uses AM radio because of a phenomenon in FM radio known as the 'capture effect', in which only the closest signal will be properly heard. In AM, this effect is not a factor, allowing multiple transmitters to still be heard on one frequency.

Mike Oldfield's acclaimed debut album Tubular Bells accidentally recorded the 16 kHz call sign of a British Navy radio transmitter at Rugby Warwickshire in England, that was used to communicate with submerged submarines.

If you point your car keys to your head, it increases the remote’s signal range. This works by using your brain to act as a radio transmitter.

The tallest structure in Scandinavia is a radio transmitter.

Interesting facts about radio transmitters

The Eiffel Tower is a functioning radio transmitter

In September 2005,The National Geographic Society funded a study in which radio transmitters were attached to dragonflies to track their migration.

The Woodside Omega Transmitter Tower (part of the Omega VLF radio navigation system), was the tallest structure in the Southern Hemisphere from 1982 until it's demolition in 2015. It stood at a height of 432 metres, and was sited in Victoria, Australia.

The last North African white rhino is guarded 24/7 by armed military, and has radio transmitters embedded into its horn.

Breitling SA makes an Emergency watch that contains a radio transmitter for civil aviation use and serves as a back-up for ELT-type airborne beacons.

How do radio transmitters and receivers work?

In 2007 the US Government's Defence Department warned that "mysterious coins with radio frequency transmitters" were found planted on US Contractors travelling in Canada. In reality, these were the colourized 'poppy quarters', quarters with a small red poppy on them to remember the fallen.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Radio Transmitters. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Radio Transmitters so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor