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Publicly Acknowledged facts

While investigating facts about Publicly Acknowledged As Excellent and Publicly Acknowledged As Excellent Crossword Clue, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Woody Allen has consistently refused to attend the Oscars or acknowledge his Oscar wins. His publicly given reason is his standing engagement to play clarinet in a Monday night ensemble.

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Lifelong racial segregationist Strom Thurmond fathered a daughter with his parent's African American maid. He never publicly acknowledged her, but paid for her education and met with her in secrecy.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does publicly accessible. Here are 20 of the best facts about Publicly Acknowledged As Excellent 9 Letters and Publicly Acknowledged Crossword Clue I managed to collect.

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  1. No mob figure had publicly admitted the Mafia existed until 1963, when Joseph Valachi acknowledged the existence of La Cosa Nostra in testimony to Congress after accidentally (& brutally) killing the wrong guy in prison.

  2. The Hollywood Blacklist was never publicly acknowledged but many lost their jobs for being included on the list.

  3. An unwed mother in Ireland spent years searching for her son, who was sold by the church. The son was taken by an American couple, became chief legal counsel to the Republican National Committee, was gay but did not publicly acknowledge it, and died of AIDS aged 43 in 1995.

  4. Because nuclear weapons secrets are so closely guarded and because governments don't acknowledge leaks of nuclear secrets, any publicly available descriptions of how nuclear weapons work rely to some degree on speculation, reverse engineering, and comparisons to related fields of physics.

  5. Glenn Burke was the first and only MLB player to come out as gay to teammates and team owners during his professional career and the first to publicly acknowledge it. Burke said "By 1978 I think everybody knew" and he was "sure his teammates didn't care."

  6. Ben Affleck is related to slave owners. When Affleck appeared on the PBS show "Finding Your Roots" it was discovered that his family tree contained slave owners. Rather than acknowledge this during his episode he instead pressured producers to cut it. This was later made public in an email leak.

  7. Despite Area 51 operating as early as 1955, it was only publicly acknowledged by the CIA in 2013.

  8. The American Kennel Club does not recognize the American Pit Bull Terrier, but does acknowledge the Staffordshire terrier. The name distinction was created in an effort to separate the breed from bad publicity

  9. The lost cosmonaut conspiracy theory which alleges that Soviet cosmonauts were sent into space prior to the first successful space flight. These lost cosmonauts were never publicly acknowledged, because they died on their mission.

  10. Anyone running for public office in Texas must acknowledge the existence of a "Supreme Being"

publicly acknowledged facts
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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

About the Gell-Mann amnesia effect, which is when experts believe news articles outside of their field even after acknowledging that articles written in the same publication, that are within the experts' fields of expertise, are error-ridden.

Rio police lied about Ryan Lochte vandalizing a bathroom during the Olympics. Authorities later acknowledged that law enforcement working as private security flashed badges and pointed guns at the U.S. swimmers, never released a full report, and even pulled previously public evidence from sight. - source

In 2014, the Danish government recreated all of Denmark in Minecraft, which, even people who have no interest in video games can acknowledge is pretty cool. It’s also curious. Their goal was to use the appeal of gaming to draw the public’s attention to geographical data. - source

In 1975 and 1978 a physicist listed his cat as an author on scientific publications on low temperature physics. In later publications the cat was acknowledged for "useful contributions to the discussion".

The young Joseph Stalin wrote poetry. His themes included Georgian nationalism and the beauty of nature. They were published anonymously and never acknowledged publicly by Stalin, but they became classics of Georgian literature until the 1970s - source

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The National Institute of Health assigned two family members of Henrietta Lacks on the NIH group responsible for reviewing researchers applications for controlled access to HeLa cells. Researchers must also include an acknowledgement to the Lacks family in their publications.

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The Texas Constitution states that public officials have to “acknowledge the existence of a Supreme Being."

Maurice Chatelain, a retired NASA communications engineer who helped develop the communications system used in the Apollo moon missions, acknowledged that Armstrong’s sighting of two UFOs over a lunar crater was being deliberately kept from the media and public by NASA

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Publicly Acknowledged. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Publicly Acknowledged so important!

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