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Public Spaces facts

While investigating facts about Public Spaces Protection Order and Public Spaces Nyc, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 2005, Facebook hired graffiti artist David Choe to paint murals in their new office space. Choe accepted Facebook shares instead of a cash payment, and when Facebook went public in 2012, his shares were valued at $200 million.

how public spaces make cities work?

If you receive public funding for construction in Philadelphia, you have to dedicate a percentage to public space or art. It's in part why Philadelphia has the most murals in the world.

What public spaces and forms of transportation were segregated?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the role of art in public spaces. Here are 50 of the best facts about Public Spaces Near Me and Public Spaces Examples I managed to collect.

which group is at highest risk of victimization in public spaces?

  1. Adolf Hitler absolutely despised smoking and German doctors were the first to link smoking with lung cancer, which led to the first public anti-smoking campaign in modern history. This consisted of restrictions on tobacco advertising and smoking in public spaces.

  2. In 2005, Facebook hired graffiti artist David Choe to paint murals in their new office space; Choe accepted Facebook shares instead of a small cash payment of several thousand dollars, and when Facebook went public in 2012, his payment for the murals ballooned into a 200 million dollar payoff.

  3. Tom Hanks is an avid support of NASA's manned space programs and originally wanted to be an astronaut, but "didn't have the math". He was awarded the Douglas S. Morrow Public Outreach Award in 2006 for his contributions to raising public awareness of space programs.

  4. Barely a year after the 1969 moon landing the American public had completely lost interest in space exploration - to such an extent that 90% of people surveyed could not remember Neil Armstrong's name.

  5. That, when asked to investigate the space shuttle Challenger disaster, Richard Feynman wrote a very critical report about NASA's safety policy concluding: "For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled."

  6. Theatres were among the first air-conditioned spaces available to the public, partly why theatre was and is still so popular today.

  7. The Netherlands is known today as a haven for pedestrians and cyclists, however, in the 1970s, a growing epidemic of traffic deaths led to a national movement called 'Stop the Child Murder.' The results transformed the public spaces and street into some of the safest in the world.

  8. Ham, the first chimpanzee in space, was only given the name "Ham" after successfully completing his mission. He was known as Number 65 before that, as NASA believed that it would be bad publicity if a "named" chimp burned up in the atmosphere or otherwise died as a result of mission failure.

  9. The reason public toilet seats have a gap in the front is to aid women. Leaving a space allows them to wipe without touching a "dirty surface."

public spaces facts
Project for public spaces what makes a great place?

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You can easily fact check why do youth congregate in public spaces by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Hubble Space Telescope is fully open for public use, regardless of nationality or academic background

About hostile architecture, where public spaces are constructed or altered to discourage people from using them in a way not intended by the owner. - source

In 1907 Lawrence Luellen, a Boston lawyer, was concerned about the spread of germs due to people sharing glasses and dippers in public drinking spaces. He invented the first paper cup, dubbed the Klean Cup. 5 years later he renamed it after a popular line of toys: Dixie Dolls. Thus, Dixie Cups. - source

About the Italian Unabomber, who placed tiny explosive devices inside everyday objects, including tomato sauce, a Nutella jar, and an egg, in public spaces in parts of Italy. Numerous people, including children, lost fingers and limbs. The bomber operated from 1994 to 2006 and remains unknown.

Michael Jackson once had a secret airport hanger where he would work on dozens of sketches and paintings. This 'art space' was completely hidden from the public until after his death. - source

When will public sector pay increase?

When the Soviet Union launched the 1st satellite (Sputnik) into space in 1957, the event created such a profound public shock in the US that, in less than a year, congress had increased education funding six-fold and Eisenhower had signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act - creating NASA.

How public spaces make cities work ted?

During the space race the public was generally opposed to funding manned space exploration, and spaceflight was ranked near the top of federal programs the public would prefer cut.

In the 1950s, rocket designer Wernher von Braun and NASA collaborated multiple times with Walt Disney to create several space-themed television shows and help influence public perception of space exploration

In 1926, the City of New York passed several laws banning dancing in public spaces without a special license. The laws are still enforced today.

There are thin 'Eruv' wires which are maintained in most major cities with Jewish populations to separate public and private spaces on the Shabbat. It essentially allows those of the strict Jewish faith to move within those wire boundaries on their holy day.

A 2005 British TV show that successfully convinced several members of the public that they were going into space as a space tourist. Even though they never left the ground and the whole show was an elaborate practical joke.

Public sector pay rise when?

Physicist Richard Feyman was part of the Rogers Report in the investigation of the Challenger Space Shuttle Disaster. Despite being ill with cancer, he decided to join to determine the root cause of the explosion and the publicize his findings.

About "Potty Parity", equal or equitable provision of public toilet facilities for females and males within a public space. Recent parity regulations require more fixtures for females to ensure that the average time spent waiting to use the toilet is the same for females as for males.

There are various USB drives embedded into walls around NYC by a Berlin artist to create an anonymous, offline file sharing network in a public space.

The New York Public Library organizes books in its closed underground stacks by size -- rather than subject -- to make more efficient use of space

The name of the Spitzer Space Telescope was decided by the general public.

How to design public spaces?

The name Makemake, the creator of humanity, god of fertility and chief god in the mythos of the Rapa Nui, the native people of Easter Island, was chosen because of its discovery shortly after Easter. In fact, before the discovery was made public, the team used the codename "Easterbunny" for the project.

The lost cosmonaut conspiracy theory which alleges that Soviet cosmonauts were sent into space prior to the first successful space flight. These lost cosmonauts were never publicly acknowledged, because they died on their mission.

There are attempts to deter criminal activity by altering the design of public spaces. The multidisciplinary approach, known as "Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED)", relies on the ability to influence offender decisions that precede criminal acts.

The Kingdom of Bhutan has a phallic obsession credited to Drukpa Kunley, a monk known as “Madman” and "The saint of 5,000 women". It's common to find phallus paintings in Bhutan's public spaces, and people place phallus sculptures in rooftops to drive away evil spirits.

In the 70s, NASA was investigating ways for astronauts to have wine in space, but was eventually shut down, in part, by public protest

Toronto's First Canadian Place has been the tallest skyscraper in Canada since 1975. It was hoped the podium would become a magnet for shoppers and diners, perhaps even a tourist attraction in its own right—a “people’s place.” But it has never been a compelling space for the public to linger

In the 1920s pedestrian deaths, especially those of children, were treated as public tragedies. The term 'jaywalker' was created by the automobile industry to shift the blame to victims of car accidents. Roads, previously considered shared public spaces, became first and foremost for cars.

When "soothsayers" predicted that NASA's Skylab space station would crash in the Philippines, they caused so much public panic that President Ferdinand Marcos had to go on national television to urge calm

Yuri Levitan announced war victories, air raid alerts, and Germany's surrender. He also relayed the first public admission of Stalin's death,and Yuri Gagarin's space flight. His voice was very discernible to the Soviet public, usually starting his reports with "Attention, Moscow is speaking!".

Many public transit companies once had special funeral trolleys with space for a casket that could be chartered for funerals.

Single-family homes don’t just contribute to the affordability crisis, but are also bad for the environment, urban vitality and people’s health. Houses use more energy, make us more reliant on cars, and valorize private space at the cost of public space

New York's Chrylser Building once had a space themed public observation deck at the top. It featured a solar system motif, complete with a starburst roof and planet-like lamps when it opened in 1930 but it closed in 1945, and was gutted sometime later

There were 157 public parks in Shanghai by 2012, with green space to break up the concrete jungle atmosphere.

New York passed a law in 1926 that banned dancing and singing in public spaces without a special permit. It was repealed in 2017.

Each year, NASA's Spinoff publication, which presents remarkable examples of the technology derived from the space program that has been transferred to the private sector, is available for free by request or via PDF.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Public Spaces. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Public Spaces so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor