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Prize Winning facts

While investigating facts about Prize Winning Cupcake Recipes and Prize Winning Books, I found out little known, but curios details like:

After a waitress at a pizzeria helped a customer choose the numbers for a winning lottery ticket in 1984, he 'tipped' her $3,000,000 - half of his $6,000,000 prize money.

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Marie Curie, the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the first person to win twice, and the only person to win a Nobel Prize in two different sciences couldn't legally attend college, so she did it illegally, going to what was known as the 'Flying University', a secret organization.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the prize money for winning wimbledon. Here are 50 of the best facts about Prize Winning Meatloaf and Prize Winning Books 2019 I managed to collect.

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  1. A maximum-security prison in Uganda has a soccer league (run and played by prisoners), with an annual soccer tournament. The tournament is taken very seriously; they have a uniforms, referees, cleats, and a 30-page constitution. The winning team gets prizes such as soap, sugar, and a goat.

  2. Norman Borlaug saved more than a billion lives with a "miracle wheat" that averted mass starvation, becoming 1 of only 5 people to win the Nobel Peace Prize, Presidential Medal of Freedom, and Congressional Gold Medal. He said, "Food is the moral right of all who are born into this world."

  3. Marie Skłodowska Curie changed the world not once but twice. She founded the new science of radioactivity – even the word was invented by her – and her discoveries launched effective cures for cancer. She is the 1st woman to win a Nobel Prize, and 1st person to win a second Nobel prize.

  4. When John Bardeen won a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1956, the Swedish king criticized him for not bringing his children to the ceremony. Bardeen promised he would bring them the next time he won - and in 1972, he did when he became the first person to win 2 prizes in the same field.

  5. The first photograph of DNA was taken as part of research by a woman, Rosalind Franklin. Unknown to her, and without her permission, it was shown to James Watson, who then with Francis Crick used what they learned from it to develop the double helix model for DNA, winning them the Nobel Prize.

  6. Dr Barry Marshal was convinced that H. pylori bacteria caused stomach ulcers, but no one believed him. Since it was illegal to test his theory on humans, he drank the bacteria himself, developed ulcers within days, treated them with antibiotics and went on to win a Nobel prize

  7. Helga Estby walked across America to win a $10,000 prize to save her home. When she finished, the sponsor refused to pay out. She returned home and found two of her children died in her absence, then she lost her house.

  8. Stockholm, Sweden tested a "Speed Camera Lottery" where speed limit-abiding drivers were automatically entered into a drawing to win a prize pool funded out of fines paid by speeders.

  9. In the early 1900s Wagner von Jauregg treated syphilis patients with malaria (winning the Nobel Prize). The patients developed malaria, causing a severe fever and killed the syphilis bacteria. Then given the malaria drug quinine and cured. This was used until the development of penicillin

  10. Photojournalist Kevin Carter killed himself 3 mos. after winning the Pulitzer Prize because of the toll taken by the atrocities he had witnessed

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Prize Winning data charts

For your convenience take a look at Prize Winning figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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I lined up (Pulitzer Prize-Winning Factchecker) Politifact's Truth-O-Meter ratings for each of the "Mainstream Media" news outlets to compare them

Nobel prize winners and why?

You can easily fact check nobel peace prize winners list and why by examining the linked well-known sources.

Melvin Milligan, who in 2000, used the regular mail to send in his winning jackpot ticket and claim a $46 million prize. He did not use certified or insured mail. When asked to comment on this decision at his news conference, he stated "I have faith in the postal service."

Dr. Barry Marshall was convinced that H. pylori bacteria causes stomach ulcers, but no one believed him. Since it was illegal to test this theory on humans, he drank the bacteria himself, developed ulcers within days, treated them with antibiotics, and went on to win a Nobel Prize. - source

Marie Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize, but also the first person (man or woman) ever to win the award twice and for achievements in two distinct scientific fields; Chemistry and Physics. - source

President Ulysses S. Grant gave a homeless loiterer a free ride to the US Naval Academy. This man was Albert Michelson, who then went on to discover the speed of light and win a Nobel Peace Prize.

If you win the million dollar prize on the McDonald's monopoly game, they actually pay you $50,000 per year for 20 years. - source

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In order to convince his first wife to agree to a divorce, Albert Einstein promised her the full monetary award when he wins the Nobel Prize. Three years later, he won the prize and transferred all the money to her.

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Joyce Brothers, the first person to win the eponymous grand prize on "The $64 000 Question" in 1955, was not actually supposed to win. The producers deliberately gave her difficult questions believed to be beyond her abilities as a woman, but Joyce answered them anyways.

For winning the 1922 Nobel Prize in physics, Carlsberg brewery gave Niels Bohr a house located next to their brewery, complete with a direct pipeline so that Bohr had free beer on tap whenever he wanted.

On January 3, 2005 FOX made a reality show named "Who's Your Daddy?". It starts with an orphan that is introduced to eight men and tries to figure out which one really is her father. If she’s right, she wins the cash prize. If she’s wrong, the “dad” who’s conned her takes the money.

Marie Curie is the only person to ever win Nobel prizes in two different areas of science

Marie Curie is the only person to ever win two Nobel Prizes in differing science fields; chemistry and physics.

Interesting facts about prize winning

J.K. Rowling won the Nestlé Smarties Book Prize in 1997, 1998, and in 1999 for her first three Harry Potter books. This made her the first person to win the award three times running. She later withdrew the fourth novel from contention to allow other books a fair chance.

Someone anonymously sent St. Jude Children's Research Hospital a $1 million-winning McDonald's Monopoly piece. Although McDonald's does not allow the transfer of prizes, they had waived the rule.

Art Spiegelman, the creator of Maus (a Pulitzer Prize winning anthropomorphic comic about Nazi concentration camps) also created the Garbage Pail Kids.

The composer of the Broadway musical RENT died hours before the first performance of the show. He would go on to win three Tony Awards and the Pulitzer Prize, but never got to see the show performed for an audience.

The Great Stork Derby was a contest held in Toronto from 1926-1936, in which women competed to produce the most babies in order to win $750K as stipulated in the will of a wealthy lawyer. The prize ended up being split among four women who each had 9 babies.

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You are twice as likely to win the jackpot in the mega millions lottery than you are to win the $1million prize from McDonald's monopoly

Many of China's lottery winners have donned masks (and some even full costumes) when claiming their multi-million prizes. This has led to photos of people dressed as Baymax, yellow bears, and even a giant panda holding the novelty cheques of their winnings.

There was a long-running theory that in the film "Pulp Fiction" you can hear over the radio that Uma Thurman and John Travolta's characters stole the prized trophy from Jack Rabbit Slim's instead of winning it...

Nick Ut, the photojournalist who took the Pulitzer Prize-winning "Napalm girl" photo during the Vietnam War, put down his camera after taking the shot, rushed the girl to a hospital and forced them to treat her. The girl survived and the two have remained in touch ever since

"chicken shit bingo", a weekly event at the Little Longhorn Saloon in Austin Texas. Participants purchase a ticket which corresponds to a random number on the table. If the chicken poops on your number you win a cash prize.

Nobel Prize-winning Yale University professor Robert Shiller wrote two books: one predicted the dot-com bubble and the other, the housing bubble.

Choose numbers higher than 31 if playing the lottery. Not better odds of winning, but decreases the chance you must share your prize. People use birthday dates as a number, and no date falls higher than 31.

Kendrick Lamar's DAMN is the first non classical/jazz musical work to win the Pulitzer Music Prize. The awards began in 1943.

John Nash, the Nobel Prize-winning mathematician and subject of the film A Beautiful Mind, earned a PhD thesis in 1950 with a 26-page dissertation. It had 2 citations, one being an article that Nash had written.

Tu Youyou, the first Chinese woman to win a Nobel Prize in medicine, developed a new malaria drug by finding a fever-fighting traditional herb mentioned in a 1,600-year-old text and then isolating the antimalarial compound in the plant.

Prize Insurance, which companies buy instead of prizes for competitions. The policy pays out in the unlikely event that somebody wins the competition.

Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, still is the only woman to hold two Nobel Prizes, and her daughter also won a Nobel Prize.

Swordquest, an Atari 2600 game that contained hidden clues players could decipher for a chance of winning jewelry prizes valued at $25,000~ each

The phrase "close, but no cigar" originated from carnivals/fairs using cigars as prizes in the early 20th century. After playing a game but not winning they would say close, but no cigar. Sense these carnivals traveled all over the place, it became a well known saying.

American chemist Henry Eyring did not receive the Nobel Prize for his development of transition state theory of chemical reactions. Several chemists would go on to win Nobel prizes for work based on his theory.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Prize Winning. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Prize Winning so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor