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Prince William facts

While investigating facts about Prince William Kate Middleton and Prince William County Schools, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Prince William and Prince Harry pulled a prank on their grandmother the Queen, by changing her voicemail answering message to say, "Hey wassup! This is Liz. Sorry I'm away from the throne. For a hotline to Philip, press one. For Charles, press two. And for the corgis, press three."

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That, in 2007, Princes William and Harry asked Channel 4 not to broadcast a documentary featuring footage of their mother's dying moments. Channel 4 broadcast the documentary anyway, then put out an additional programme an hour later to debate whether it had been right for them to do so.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is prince william instagram. Here are 47 of the best facts about Prince William And Kate and Prince William County I managed to collect.

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  1. Princess Diana was a descendant of Charles II via two of his illegitimate children; since Charles II never had any legitimate children, Prince William will, if crowned, be the first descendant of Charles II to be King

  2. While at university, Prince William was called "Steve" to avoid any journalists overhearing and discovering his identity

  3. Princess Diana once invited Cindy Crawford to dinner at Buckingham Palace because Prince William had a crush on her

  4. The 109-carat Diamond set in the British Royal Crown was mined over 700 years ago and is one of the world's largest known Diamonds. It was stolen from India by Queen Victoria in their surrender to Britain in the 19th Century and shall be worn by Kate Middleton should Prince William become King.

  5. A hospital nurse, Jacintha Saldanha, committed suicide on 7 December 2012, three days after receiving and falling for a prank phone call as part of a radio stunt by a prank call from two Australian radio DJs concerning Prince William's pregnant wife.

  6. All European monarchs occupying the throne today descended from one man: John William Friso, Prince of Orange.

  7. William Shakespeare's comedy-themed plays included All's Well That Ends Well, As You Like It. Comedy of Errors, Cymbeline, Love's Labour Lost, Measure for Measure, Merchant of Venice, Merry Wives of Windsor, Midsummer Night's Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, Pericles, Prince of Tyre, Taming of the Shrew, The Tempest, Troilus and Cressida, Twelfth Night, Two Gentlemen of Verona, and Winter's Tale.

  8. One nobleman, John William Frisco, Prince of Orange (1687 – 1711), is the ancestor of all European monarchs occupying the throne today.

  9. As a child, Prince William's nickname for The Queen was "Gary."

  10. A nurse committed suicide after falling for a prank phone call by Australian radio hosts pretending to be the Queen and Prince William calling to inquire about Kate Middleton's health while in the hospital during her pregnancy.

prince william facts
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What is true about prince william?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Prince William, the future King William IV of the UK, served in the American War of Independence. George Washington approved of plans to kidnap the young midshipman Prince.

Joseph Hazelwood, Captain of the Exxon Valdez which, in 1989, discharged around 11 million gallons of oil into Prince William Sound never had his masters' license revoked and it remains valid to this date. He is referred to as "Saint Joe" in the movie Waterworld. - source

The battle was fought in Manassas in Prince William County, Virginia. It was the second battle fought there, although it was a much larger battle than the first one.

A hospital nurse committed suicide three days after receiving and falling for a prank phone call as part of a radio stunt by a prank call from two Australian radio DJs concerning Prince William's pregnant wife.

Diana, Princess of Wales threw herself down a staircase 12 weeks into her pregnancy with Prince William. - source

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Princess Diana tried to kill herself by throwing herself down the stairs...while pregnant with Prince William.

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According to Prince William and Harry, the Queen bursted out laughing during a Christmas dinner when the Queen Mother tried to impersonate Ali G after watching him on TV.

It is possible to dig holes in the beach at Prince William Sound and find oil pockets.

Prince William Duke of Gloucester had a 'Horse Guard', which was a small 'army' of at one point 90 local children, when he himself was a small child

There are several indents along the coast of the Gulf of Alaska including Prince William Sound and Cook Inlet.

In order to protect the British Royal lineage, two heirs should never fly on the same flight together and this was violated when Prince William traveled to Australia with his son.

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Pug is loyal and trustworthy dog and an excellent watchdog. It became the official dog of the House of Orange in Netherlands after it managed to alert and save the life of prince William by loudly announcing approaching Spanish troops in 1572.

William I, Prince of Orange (1533-1584) is reputed to be the first head of state to be assassinated by pistol and that the bullet holes still remain in the wall where it took place.

3 year old Prince William told his mother "You’re the most selfish woman I’ve ever met, all you do is think of yourself". When asked why he said that, he replied "Oh, I’ve often heard Papa saying it".

In 1989 the coastline to Katmai Provincial Park was damaged extensively by the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound. It resulted in oil along 90% of the park's coastline. The oil killed 8,400 birds alone. The last oil was cleaned up in 1991.

Prince William suffered a depressed fracture of the skull after being accidentally hit on the forehead by a fellow peer with a golf club. In a 2009 interview, he dubbed this scar a "Harry Potter scar".

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When Daniel Day-Lewis he received the Academy Award for Best Actor from Helen Mirren (who won last year's award for The Queen), he knelt before her, saying "That's the closest I'll come to ever getting a knighthood". He was wrong. Six years later, he was formally knighted by Prince William.

John William Friso, Prince of Orange, is the ancestor of every current European monarch and a bunch of former ones.

Prince William will be Britain's first king to have a proven Indian ancestry.

Disney princesses have official coronation ceremonies that are attended by all of the other princesses as well as the general public. Rapunzel's was in the London Palace (AKA the same palace where Prince William and Kate Middleton were married)

Prince William used to play Call Of Duty on the Night Shift at the RAF.

Prince Rupert´s grandfather is William I, Prince of Orange

Prince Charles, President Obama, fans mark 400 years since William Shakespeare died

Taylor Swift and Prince William once sang Livin' on a Prayer with Jon Bon Jovi

Prince William, Kate Middleton and George Washington are all descendants of Edward III, King of England.

Tomorrow Prince William will become the oldest heir apparent to an heir apparent in British history

The Three Emperors Dinner was held in Paris on June 7, 1867 for King William I of Prussia, Tsar Alexander II of Russia, future Tsar Alexander III & Prince Otto von Bismarck. The banquet had 16 courses & 8 wines served over 8 hours. Cost: 400 francs per person or €9,000 in 2015 prices.

Queen Elizabeth actually has custody of Prince William and Kate Middleton's children.

Prince William of England, condemns homophobia and has been paired in the past with a trans pilot, a royal first.

On Saturdays when Prince William and Harry were home from school, Princess Diana would take them to McDonald's for a Big Mac and chips, then home to watch Saturday night TV.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Prince William. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Prince William so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor