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Previously Unknown facts

While investigating facts about Previously Unknown Crossword Clue and Previously Unknown Synonym, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Due to the Taliban dynamiting two famous 4th century giant statues of Buddha for their status as idols, excavators of the site discovered a cave network filled with 5th-9th century artwork and another, previously unknown giant statue of Buddha within

how previous generations influence our decisions?

After watching an episode of House M.D., a doctor from Germany learned of a patient's previously unknown hip replacement and correctly diagnosed them with cobalt poisoning, saving their life.

What attack exploits previously unknown vulnerabilities?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 26 of the best facts about Previously Unknown Human Species and Previously Unknown Cause Of Disease I managed to collect.

what does previously unknown mean?

  1. A monk who had taken an old book written by Archimedes, erased the contents, and wrote over it with prayers. Scientists have determined that that monk erased a previously unknown book by Archimedes, that laid out the foundations of Calculus thousands of years before Newton and Leibniz.

  2. Abstract paintings by a previously unknown artist "Pierre Brassau" were exhibited at a gallery in Sweden, earning praise for his "powerful brushstrokes" and the "delicacy of a ballet dancer". None knew that Pierre Brassau was actually a 4 year old chimp from the local zoo.

  3. British scientists found three previously unknown species of mushrooms in a commercial packet purchased from a small Chinese supermarket in London

  4. A previously unknown species of beaked whale has been discovered in the northern Pacific. It's black, 24 feet long, and has only been seen from dead animals that have washed up on the beach.

  5. When demolishing Pablo Escobar's former house, the new owner found a previously unknown safe that to this day is still locked and unopened.

  6. A ten-year-old in Missouri formed a stable molecule previously unknown to scientists during class, and was credited as co-author in a paper written about it.

  7. The previously unknown glymphatic system was first described in 2012. Previously, scientists did not fully understand how the brain, which maintains its own closed ecosystem, removed waste. During sleep, a system of plumbing pumps cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) through the brain to wash away waste

  8. Rats in New York City carry numerous diseases, in a sample of 133 rats, scientists discovered 18 different viruses known to infect humans. In fact, scientists even discovered some viruses that were previously unknown to have existed.

  9. Aurora enthusiasts in Alberta discovered a previously undocumented ribbon of light in the sky similar to the aurora borealis. They named it 'Steve' in tribute to the animated film "Over the Hedge," in woodland creatures name an unknown object "Steve" to make it appear less frightening.

  10. A herpetologist discovered a previously unknown species of iguana while watching the 1980 Brooke Shields film "The Blue Lagoon".

previously unknown facts
What are the best facts about Previously Unknown?

Why are digital students different from previous generations?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Brown worked in Australia for three and a half years and collected over 2000 previously unknown species of plants.

In 2013, at a conference on endangered languages, retired teacher Linda Lambrecht announced extraordinary discovery of a previously unknown language - Hawaii Sign Language, or HSL “the first time in 80 years that a new language has been discovered in the United States and maybe the last time.” - source

Several species of previously unknown bacteria have been found in the walls of catacombs. - source

Gigantoraptor, a large oviraptorosaurian dinosaur, was discovered by a paleontologist who was reenacting the discovery of the Sonidosaurus for a documentary film crew--he dug up a thigh bone and realised it was from a previously unknown species of dinosaur.

The filming of the movie The Blue Lagoon led to the discovery of a previously unknown species of iguana - source

When was prevention of cruelty to animals established?

During a routine mission in the Laptev Sea, two Russian helicopter pilots stumbled across a previously unknown island. The new island was dubbed Yaya, for the claims made by the Mi-26 crew members crying out “It was I, it was I who found it!” (“Ya” being the Russian word for “I”).

How are millennials different from previous generations?

This "previously unknown species" of the genus Homo was hailed by SUNY ESF as being "a new branch" on the family tree for early humans. Discovered in South Africa, the exact age of the remains are yet to be determined but "will have implications for the early history of our genus."

A project called "Mark2Cure" uses "citizen scientists" to identify key aspects of scientific papers and allow AI to identify previously-unknown links in diseases

The original Landsat program found an previously unknown island near Newfoundland, Canada. A scientist was sent to investigate the island, only to find a polar bear who took a swat at the scientist. The island is now named "Landsat Island", but was very nearly called Polar Island instead.

A previously unknown mountain rainforest in Mozambique mapped using Google Earth and of the society that found it, the Kew Royal Botanical Gardens

Recent findings indicating the possible discovery of a previously unknown subatomic particle may be evidence of a fifth fundamental force of nature, according to new research by theoretical physicists.

Interesting facts about previously unknown

Pigs have been recorded using tools for the first time. The pigs in question were using pieces of bark to dig and move soil with. These observations could signal a new cognitive skill previously unknown amid swine, which are well known for their intelligence.

A Previously Unknown "Supercolony" of more than 1,500,000 Adelie Penguins were Discovered in Antarctica.

A 15 year old deduced that ancient Mayans had aligned the locations of their cities with constellations, then used Google Earth to find a previously unknown Mayan city where the constellations said it would be.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Previously Unknown. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Previously Unknown so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor