Pretty Cool facts
While investigating facts about Pretty Cool Ice Cream and Pretty Cool Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:
55,000 mattresses exist. "Their slogan, which I have to admit is pretty cool, is. 'Spend a third of your life in First Class.'"
how to make pretty and cool paper snowflakes?
Wilt Chamberlain almost fought Muhammad Ali. He also was quoted as saying "With all of you men out there who think that having a thousand different ladies is pretty cool, I have learned in my life I've found out that having one woman a thousand different times is much more satisfying."
What's pretty cool?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does pretty cool mean. Here are 29 of the best facts about Pretty Cool Movie and Pretty Cool Bananas I managed to collect.
what pretty cool mean?
In 2014, the Danish government recreated all of Denmark in Minecraft, which, even people who have no interest in video games can acknowledge is pretty cool. It’s also curious. Their goal was to use the appeal of gaming to draw the public’s attention to geographical data.
The Irish name "Darcy", both a given name and a surname, is an evolution of an old family name meaning "descendant of the dark one", and is therefore pretty damn cool.
I learned that Dreams can help you memorize information and other stuff-(this video is pretty cool and goes through 4 different theories of the purpose of dreaming)...
I learned that Black Holes Can stop time from this video (I thought it was pretty cool)
Rick Astley was English (and a pretty down to earth cool guy).
The BBB actually helps people protect themselves from online fraud. Pretty cool.
Why quartz watches and clocks are pretty darn cool
Australian bank note security features are pretty cool.
Charlie the ‘finger biter’ & his brother ‘whatshisname’ have pretty cool folks.
How a Baseball is made, thought it was pretty cool.
Pretty Cool data charts
For your convenience take a look at Pretty Cool figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why did pretty boy fredo get arrested?
You can easily fact check why was pretty boy fredo arrested by examining the linked well-known sources.
I found out that Gopros 4k setting is pretty amazing for pov videos. Its pretty freaking cool.
Cool Facts about time :) I found these pretty cool and educational, hopfullt you will too :D - source
female hyenas have a pseudo penis. Well, it wasn't today, but that's pretty cool right. 3 minutes of glory right there. Not to mention the inches. I also have a channel under my name. No Hyena crotch based material there. More nutcase issues and music. - source
Watching a jawbreaker melting backwards looks pretty dang cool
Jim Carrey's website was pretty fucking cool - source
When a guy says you're pretty cool?
Competitive yoyo-ing is a thing and some peoples stories are pretty cool when you dig deeper
How to make cool whip look pretty?
A pretty COOL trick that's definitely a game changer here in Texas... You can increase the frequency of production in your ice maker!
Letting people vote for more than one thing in a classroom or social setting is pretty cool and kinda works out.
So...Gero's Androids (16, 17, and 18) from DBZ had names and background info; 17 and 18's names were Lapis and Lazuli, and 16 was modeled after Dr. Gero's deceased son (Relevant clip @ 5:09) Also..the whole video is pretty cool.
Scotch tape produces x-rays! The video is pretty cool.
The Instagram "Boomerang" feature is pretty cool!
Pretty cool infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Pretty Cool numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Not sure if this belongs here but I think this looks pretty cool