Incredible and fun facts to explore

Presidents Day facts

While investigating facts about Presidents Day 2020 and Presidents Day 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The 10th U.S. President, John Tyler (b. 1790), has surviving grandchildren to this day. He had a son when he was 63, and that son had children at ages 71 and 75. Those grandchildren are now 89 and 93.

how presidents day started?

On October 24, 1975, 90% of Iceland’s female population went on strike, demanding equal rights. They did not work, do housework, or look after their kids for an entire day. In 1980, Iceland elected its first female president, who credits her win to this specific day.

What presidents day is today?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what presidents day 2019. Here are 50 of the best facts about Presidents Day Sale and Presidents Day Banks Closed I managed to collect.

what's presidents day?

  1. On his second day in office, President Jimmy Carter pardoned all evaders of the Vietnam War drafts.

  2. Paris holds an annual contest to find the city’s best baguette. Around 200 bakers each submit two baguettes (must be eligible) to be graded on quality, look, smell, taste, and crunch. The winner wins €4000 and a contract to supply the French president fresh baguettes every day for 1 year.

  3. President Grover Cleveland developed mouth cancer during his second term. Fearing news of this might cause financial panic, he underwent secret surgery on his friend’s yacht off the coast of Long Island, under the cover story of being on a 4-day fishing trip.

  4. John F. Kennedy was on 12 different medications a day during his presidency, just to enable him to face the day.

  5. Theodore Roosevelt Jr., the son of the famous president, was the only General to land in the first wave of the D-Day landings, despite having a heart condition that forced him to walk with a cane. He succumbed to a heart attack a month later, and was awarded a posthumous Medal of Honor.

  6. When Marquis de Lafayette died, President Jackson ordered that he receive the same memorial honors bestowed on Washington's death. Both Houses of Congress were draped in black bunting for 30 days.

  7. Since Ronald Reagan, each outgoing United States president has left a private message on the Oval Office desk for the incoming president on Inauguration Day.

  8. H. L. Mencken when writing about the US Presidency predicted that "On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."

  9. On Nixon's Inauguration Day, LBJ pulled out a cigarette—his first since his heart attack. One of his daughters pulled it out of his mouth saying "Daddy, what are you doing? You're going to kill yourself." He replied, "I've now raised you girls. I've now been President. Now it's my time!".

  10. In 1872, Victoria Woodhull became the first woman to run for President. She did it almost 50 years before the ratification of the 19th Amendment and on Election Day, November 5, 1872, she couldn’t even vote for herself

presidents day facts
What is closed on presidents day?

Presidents Day data charts

For your convenience take a look at Presidents Day figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

presidents day fact data chart about Probability of future presidents of The Church of Jesus Chri
Probability of future presidents of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

presidents day fact data chart about Probabilities of Future Presidents of the Church of Jesus Ch
Probabilities of Future Presidents of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Why presidents day in february?

You can easily fact check why presidents day is important by examining the linked well-known sources.

The whole reason we focus on presidents' first 100 days in office so much is because of how much FDR accomplished during his.

During the opening sequence of Gilligan's island shows a U.S. flag flying at half mast, because it was filmed the same day that President Kennedy was assassinated. (fact #4) - source

When Kurt Cobain committed suicide, then-President Clinton asked Eddie Vedder (who happened to be visiting the White House the next day) if he should address the nation about it. Vedder advised no, because of concerns it might spur copycat incidents. - source

Ulysses S. Grant wrote his memoirs after being commissioned by Mark Twain. After his presidency, Grant had lost all his savings to a shady investment partner, leaving his family nearly destitute. Grant died days after finishing, but sold over 300,000 copies and earned his family over $450,000.

After President Garfield was shot during an assassination attempt in 1881, he was kept alive for several days through rectal feeding, and was even given drams of whisky via his butt. The Dr who treated him was named Dr Doctor. - source

When's presidents day?

President John F. Kennedy was a huge James Bond fan. He viewed an early print of 'From Russia with Love' at the White House on Nov 21st, 1963. It was the last film he ever saw, he was killed the next day in Dallas.

How to celebrate presidents day?

While giving a speech in the US in 1965, the Canadian PM criticized US bombing in Vietnam. Before he finished his speech, he was summoned to meet with US President Lyndon Johnson the next day. Johnson reportedly grabbed him and shouted, "Don't you come into my living room and piss on my rug."

When he was the Governor of Tennessee, former US President Andrew Johnson made with his own hands a very handsome suit of clothes and sent it to the Governor of Kentucky, who had been a blacksmith in his young days. He forged a shovel and tongs and sent them to Johnson.

Yuengling sent a truckload of beer to the White House the day Prohibition ended to show their appreciation to President Roosevelt

When Stephen Colbert ran for president in 2008, the Facebook group supporting the campaign became the fastest growing group on the site's history, surpassing a million members in 9 days.

Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pearson visited the US in 1965 and made a speech criticizing American foreign policy; the next day, President Lyndon Johnson invited him to Camp David, grabbed him by the lapels, and said, "Don't you come into my living room and piss on my rug."

Presidents day infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Presidents Day numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

presidents day fact infographic about Comparison of the Dow Jones Industrial Average by days in of

Comparison of the Dow Jones Industrial Average by days in office. President Obama vs Trump

presidents day fact infographic about Days of government shutdown by president

Days of government shutdown by president

When's presidents day 2020?

President Ronald Reagan revealed he wore hearing aids in 1983, leading to greater acceptance and increased sales of the devices among seniors. At age 72, he said that his hearing loss dated to his early Hollywood days when a .38-caliber blank was fired close to his right ear on a film set

DC police officer William West warned Ulysses S Grant, the sitting President of the United States at the time, about recklessly driving his horse-drawn carriage. The next day West saw Grant driving in the same manner and placed the POTUS under arrest. (Washington Post, NOV 7 1925)

When the Super Bowl and the Presidential Inauguration conflicted, the President did the coin toss ceremony for the Super Bowl and had his public inauguration the next day.

Victoria Woodhull who was the first woman to run for president in the 1872 election by the newly formed National Woman's Suffrage Association. On the day before the election, she was arrested for "publishing an obscene newspaper" and was unable to cast a vote for herself.

When President George Washington died, Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte ordered ten days of mourning in France.

How did presidents day start?

Teddy Roosevelt Jr, son of President Theodore Roosevelt, stormed Utah Beach on D-Day. The only general to land by sea with the first wave of troops, he was 56 years old (the oldest person in the invasion), even though he suffered from arthritis and walked with a cane from injuries in WWI.

After President Kennedy's autopsy, his brain and all autopsy tissues and materials dissapeared. To this day it's unknown what happened to them.

A man swore to never shave again if Abraham Lincoln were elected president, and kept his promise. His beard eventually grew so long that most days he tied it in a knot and stuffed it into a silk bag that he wore beneath his vest. He died 50 years later at the age of 80 with a beard 12.5' long.

The space shuttle Enterprise was originally planned to be named Constitution and unveiled on Constitution Day, September 17, 1976, but Star Trek fans convinced President Gerald Ford to name it the Enterprise.

On Christmas, 1975 the first president of Equatorial Guinea had 150 of his opponents killed; Soldiers dressed up in Santa Clause outfits and executed them in a football stadium while amplifiers played "Those Were the Days"

The Day After, a 1983 made- for- TV movie about nuclear war and it's horrific effects, was watched by about 100 million people when it aired. President Reagan was left deeply depressed after viewing it, the film is now seen as having pushed him to start advocating nuclear disarmament

The Help Celebrate Our 150th American Independence Day in 1926, Poland Presented President Coolidge with a birthday present to America as a big thank you for aid during WW1. The present was an 11 volume, 300,000 pages of 5.5 million (1/6 of population then) signatures from polish people.

The 10th U.S. President, John Tyler (b. 1790), has surviving grandchildren to this day. He had a son when he was 63, and that son had children at ages 71 and 75. Those grandchildren are now 89 and 93.

John Adams, the 2nd President of the United States, died on the 4th of July. His last words were "Oh, yes; it is the glorious Fourth of July. It is a great day. It is a good day. God bless it. God bless you all."

That, when the 1889 Presidential Inauguration occured on a rainy day, the defeated incumbent president, Grover Cleveland, held the new president, Benjamin Harrison's, umbrella for him while he took the oath of office.

Abraham Lincoln had a nightmare in which mourners grieved a corpse in the White House. He asked "Who is dead in the White House?" and a soldier answered "The President. He was killed by an assassin." 10 days later, Lincoln was assassinated.

Gerald Gainous climbed over and breached White House grounds 4 times. On his first attempt he was able to walk around without being stopped for 90 minutes and even approached the President's daughter Susan Ford. He only served 40 days jail.

After President Garfield was shot, his doctors turned a 3-inch gash into a pus-infested 20-inch wound that had to be drained every day and he lived for 80 days after being shot.

When president Garfield was shot, naval engineers helped him beat the heat when they designed the prototype that would set the path for modern day air conditioning. For 58 days of cooling the president, the contraption consumed over half a million pounds of ice at the White House.

It was a Somali president, Aden Abdullah Osman Daar, who was the first leader in Africa to peacefully hand over power to a democratically elected successor. He lived another 40 years after the handover to 2 days short of 100 years-old

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Presidents Day. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Presidents Day so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor