Pound Pound facts
While investigating facts about Pound Pound Cake and Pound Pound Pound Crossword Clue, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1985 a drug smuggler jettisoned 40 kilograms (76 pounds) of cocaine from his airplane over Georgia's Chattahoochee National Forest. A black bear (later dubbed 'Pablo EskoBear') found and ate ALL of the cocaine and died of an inconceivably massive overdose.
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There’s a type of honey called "mad honey," which causes hallucinations. Honey hunters in Nepal make dangerous vertical climbs to harvest it since it sells for $60-80 a pound
What is pound for pound boxing?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is pound for pound ufc. Here are 50 of the best facts about Pound Pound Boxing Rankings and Pound Pound Puppies I managed to collect.
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On Christmas eve in 1969, Willie Nelson got a phone call that his house outside Nashville TN caught on fire. Willie came home and rush into the fire. He manged to save his guitar Trigger and one pound of weed.
A plane carrying 6,000 pounds of pot crashed in Yosemite National Park. Climbers in Yosemite Valley heard news of the crash and sparked a miniature gold rush with up to 20 people searching the frozen crash site. Much of the weed was salvaged, smoked, or sold before park rangers caught on.
Ryan Gosling gained 60 pounds by drinking melted ice cream to play the father in Peter Jackson's 'The Lovely Bones.' He was then told he was too fat to play the part and the role went to Mark Wahlberg.
The Cocaine Bear who was found dead in the woods after eating 76 pounds ($15 million worth) of cocaine
In 1948 a man wore 30 pound,3 toed lead shoes and stomped around a Florida beach during the night.That footprints lead people to believe that a 15 foot tall penguin was roaming the land.He kept up the prank for 10 years, visiting other beaches.The hoax wasn't revealed until 40 years later.
After Usain Bolt broke the 100 m world record at the 2009 Berlin World Championships, the mayor of Berlin awarded him a 12 foot long, 6000 pound piece of the Berlin Wall. Bolt accepted and it is now housed at the Jamaica Military Museum.
In 2010, a Kansas State University professor went on a Twinkie diet, where he ate mainly Twinkies, Oreos, and Doritos to prove to his students that calorie counting is the important part of losing weight, not nutritional content. He lost 27 pounds in 2 months.
In 2001 a shark bit off a boy's arm in Florida. His uncle rescued him before wrestling the 200-pound shark to shore. The arm was retrieved from inside the shark and after an 11-hour operation was reattached.
The British pound is the world's oldest currency still in use - it is 1200 years old.
In 1948, a man wore 30-pound, 3-toed lead shoes and stomped around a Florida beach in the night. The footprints lead people to believe that a 15-foot tall penguin was roaming their lands. He kept up the prank for 10 years, visiting various beaches. The hoax wasn't revealed until 40 years later.
Pound Pound data charts
For your convenience take a look at Pound Pound figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why does my pound cake crack on top?
You can easily fact check why did my pound cake fall by examining the linked well-known sources.
Ryan Gosling gained 60 pounds for a role in Peter Jackson's "The Lovely Bones" by drinking melted Haagen Dazs ice cream when he was thirsty. He was fired days before production began and replaced with Mark Wahlberg.
A man is making thousands of pounds selling fresh air from the British countryside to people in China for £80 a jar - source
There’s a 752 pound emerald in an LAPD vault, worth anywhere between $100 to $900 million. - source
In 2002, a British woman was so annoyed by Jehovah Witnesses repeatedly knocking on her door, she waited until they were holding a service, then started pounding on the front doors of their church. Then, she tried to get them to change religions. After about a half-hour, she was forced to leave
Durning WW2, the US government begged housewives to not reuse bacon grease, but to turn it in. A pound of fat could make a pound of explosives for bombs. In the end, bacon helped defeat the Nazis. - source
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20 years ago, someone impaled a 60 pound pumpkin on the top of a spire at Cornell University in the middle of the night. It was over 170 feet off the ground. To this day, no one is really sure how this was accomplished without anyone noticing....
How much is pound for pound fitness?
Every year, 25 million pounds of Mardi Gras beads are distributed in New Orleans, and the plastic beads contain toxic levels of lead, bromine, arsenic, phthalate plasticizers, halogens, cadmium, chromium, mercury and chlorine.
Norman Rockwell tried to enlist in the Navy during WW1, but was rejected for being 8 pounds underweight. He successfully enlisted the next day after spending the night gorging himself on bananas, liquids and doughnuts.
We use "lbs" as shorthand for pounds in English because of the Latin phrase "libra poundo", which is also where we derived "pounds" from
Mao Zedong, in a power-play against Nikita Khrushchev's visit in 1958, forced him to conduct a meeting in a pool. 200+ pound Khrushchev, who could not swim, was forced to wear floaters in the kiddie side of the pool while Mao swam laps and conducted the meeting.
Jason Mraz lives on and runs an avocado farm that supplies 30,000 pounds of avocados to California Chipotle restaurants every year.
Pound pound infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Pound Pound numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

USDA Recalls from 2005 - 2018 by pounds, species, & class