Potter Movies facts
While investigating facts about Potter Movies In Order and Potter Movies Ranked, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Monty Python member Terry Gilliam was author J.K Rowling's first choice to direct the first Harry Potter movie, but was rejected for Chris Columbus. inan interview he said "I was the perfect guy to do Harry Potter... I mean, Chris Columbus' versions are terrible. Just dull. Pedestrian"
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Robin Williams wanted to play Hagrid in the Harry Potter movies, but there was a British only rule
What is the order of the harry potter movies?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the correct order of harry potter movies. Here are 50 of the best facts about Potter Movies Harry and Harry Potter Movies In Order I managed to collect.
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The movie Troll (1986) features a character named Harry Potter who navigates a world full of witches, wizards, and magic to save his family
One man created all the original movie posters for Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, Coming to America, Blade Runner, Rambo, Harry Potter, E.T., The Thing and more.
Harry Potters stuntman for the first 6 movies was left paralysed after an accident on set
About the 1986 movie Troll, which is about a young wizard named Harry Potter Jr, and features an old woman who gives Harry advice and an evil villain who hides his essence in someone close to Harry – Over a decade before JK Rowling released her first Harry Potter book
Domhnall Gleeson, who played Bill Weasley in the Harry Potter movies, is the son of Brendan Gleeson, who played Mad-Eye Moody.
Actor Brendan Gleeson (Braveheart, Mad-Eye Moody from the Harry Potter films, In Bruges, 28 Days Later) didn't start acting in movies until he was 34 years old.
The movie The Woman in Black(2012), starring Daniel Radcliffe, is actually a remake. The original film was released in 1989, and the same character was played by Adrian Rawlins, who played James Potter, Harry Potters father, in the Harry Potter films.
Rupert Grint's first movie outside of Harry Potter was a film called "Thunderpants". The movie featured a young boy whose explosive and dangerous farts land him a job as an astronaut.
English actor David Bradley, famous for playing Argus Filch in the Harry Potter movies and Sir Walder Frey in Game of Thrones, is also an accomplished stage actor who won a Laurence Olivier Award for his role in a production of King Lear.
Steven Spielberg declined to direct the Harry Potter movies because they weren't challenging, and he thought they should have been animated
Potter Movies data charts
For your convenience take a look at Potter Movies figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why aren't all the harry potter movies on netflix by examining the linked well-known sources.
Daniel Radcliff's stunt double for the first six 'Harry Potter' movies was paralyzed from the neck down in an accident on the set of the seventh movie.
Daniel Radcliffe lost his virginity at 16 with a 23 year old hairdresser on one of the Harry Potter movies - source
Warner Bros. threatened movie theaters with blockage of future posters if they showed a parody movie of Harry Potter - source
The first in the movie series for The Lord of the Rings, Shrek, The Fast and the Furious, Harry Potter, and Oceans Eleven all came out in 2001
In the 1986 movie "Troll", a character named Harry Potter Jr. attempts to learn magic from a woman who lives above him who's secretly a witch - source
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The train used in the Harry Potter movies called the Hogwarts Express is a real train being used in Scotland.
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According to "Hollywood Accounting", Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was a 167 million dollar loss, while actually being one of the top grossing movies of the last decade.
In the cult classic movie "Troll," a boy named Harry Potter defeated a powerful wizard who was cursed with a grotesque form after starting a war with humans and other magical beings. Warner Brothers warned the producers about copyright infringement if they were to remake the movie.
David Heyman, the producer of all 8 Harry Potter movies' first production was Juice starring Tupac Shakur.
Evanna Lynch, Luna in Harry Potter movies, was pen pals with J.K before she was cast. Battling anorexia, Lynch wrote to Rowling telling her the books gave her hope and asked to be cast as Luna. J.K. told her she'd need to be well first. Lynch said, "In the end, I think that's why I recovered."
Shirley Henderson, who plays Moaning Myrtle in the Harry Potter movies, was 37 years old at the time of filming.
Potter movies infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Potter Movies numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Revenue (USD) of the Harry Potter Film Series Compared to Other Movies Released in the Same Years