Political Commentator facts
While investigating facts about Political Commentators and Political Commentator Pfeiffer, I found out little known, but curios details like:
After the financial crises of 2008, the people of Iceland elected twenty-five non-political citizens to write a new constitution to free Iceland from the exaggerated power of international finance. The Icelanders could witness and comment on the constitution as it was being drafted online.
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The reason the suffix 'gate' is tacked on to every scandal is because of William Safire, a speechwriter for Nixon and a political commentator at the NYT, who began affixing all scandals with -gate in the belief it would make his boss’s crimes seem less severe in the light of history
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do political commentators get paid. Here are 21 of the best facts about Political Commentator Ezra and Political Commentators Uk I managed to collect.
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One of South Africa's most prominent novelist, journalist and political commentator was murdered at age 97 in 2017
Some commentators have suggested that Niccolo Machiavelli's writings inspired modern democratic political philosophy Enlightenment aspects.
Political cult leader Lyndon LaRouche and televangelist James Bakker were cellmates in federal prison. Bakker later commented: "To say LaRouche was a little paranoid would be like saying that the Titanic had a little leak."
The Dixie Chicks actually got more fans and sold more albums after making political comments.
Queen Elizabeth is not in a position to reveal her political views or comment on political matters as she is a constitutional monarch.
A local soccer team monkey mascot ran for mayor in 2002, promising to provide free bananas to all school kids. He then quit his mascot job, decided to focus on politics and was re-elected twice after becoming one of the most successful mayors in the country. (2nd source in comments)
Mara Wilson (famous child actress that starred in Matilda) is the maternal cousin of political commentator Ben Shapiro.
In 1941 Charles Ridley trolled the Nazis by remixing one of their propaganda videos to make it look like they were marching and dancing to a popular song called "Lambeth Walk." It is one of the first examples of political trolling. [Wiki link in the comments]
"I am the Walrus" John Lennon, always the most political Beatle, had it "dawn on" him that the poem,"The Walrus and the Carpenter" was Lewis Carrol's comment on "the capitalist and worker system."
In 1996, John Stewart, prior to hosting the Daily Show, was a guest on TDS with Craig Kilborn and said "I thought this was a political show...this is a Daily show commenting on the world. Am I right?"
Political Commentator data charts
For your convenience take a look at Political Commentator figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why can't federal contractors donate to political campaigns by examining the linked well-known sources.
About the electoral college... I've seen serval Dems comment about the electoral college recently. So I decided to do research and came across this video on YouTube. Can we have an open and educated discussion (regardless of our political association and winner) on the validity of this video?
Benjamin Jeremy "Ben" Stein (writer, lawyer, actor and political commentator) has denounced the scientific theory of evolution, which he believes is the inspiration for the Holocaust - source
Rodney Atkinson is a British eurosceptic conservative academic, political and economic commentator, journalist and author, is the eldest brother of comedian and actor Rowan Atkinson, who plays Mr. Bean. - source
Ebenezer Scrooge was based on 2 men. The first, a political miser, the second, a misinterpretation of a headstone. Link to the first in comments.
Steven Crowder, the conservative political commentator and creator of the “Change My Mind” meme used to be the voice of the titular character Arthur from the PBS Kids show “Arthur” - source
When were corporations allowed to donate to political campaigns?
Tucker Carlson (conservative political commentator who rags on "elites") went to a private boarding school and attended a small private liberal arts college. His stepmother is Patricia Caroline Swanson, heir to the Swanson frozen food fortune.
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Political commentator Donald Trump thinks bankruptcy is good business
Former Dutch Pornstar Zara White is now living in Paris, France, where she's engaged in politics and created a charity for homeless people (source in French, translation in comments)
A study found exposure to negative online comments about a political party caused both independents and members of that party to rate it more favorably.