Pokemon Anime facts
While investigating facts about Pokemon Anime Episodes and Pokemon Anime Characters, I found out little known, but curios details like:
PETA waged war on Pokemon for virtual animal cruelty.
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The Pokemon Kadabra hasn't appeared in the Anime or Card game following a lawsuit filed by "psychic" Uri Geller in 1999, claiming "Nintendo turned me into an evil, occult Pokemon Character".
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the new pokemon anime called. Here are 16 of the best facts about Pokemon Anime Timeline and Pokemon Anime 2019 I managed to collect.
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The Pokemon anime has produced 919 episodes and Ash still hasn't caught them all
The original Pokemon anime soundtrack for western release, 2.B.A. Master, reached #3 on the Austrian music charts.
During 1999-2000 the Pokemon anime was USA's No. 1 Saturday morning cartoon on broadcast for 54 straight weeks, until finally being beaten in ratings in April by The Weekenders
In 2006, China banned the Simpsons, Pokemon from prime-time television to protect China's struggling animation studios who found it difficult to compete with the foreign cartoons
PETA [The animal "rights" organization] considers Pokemon to be animal enslavement. In response, they created a parody video game based where you help the Pokemon attack their trainers
The Pokemon anime eventually revealed that Gary Oak chose Squirtle as his starter Pokemon. It was eventually defeated by Ash's Charizard.
There is a japanese version of Jigglypuff's song from the Pokemon anime.
Pokemon probably came up with IP system land lines before it was a thing since everyone uses video phone land lines in the anime. Sooner or later this will be a common everywhere once the old circuit-switched telephone system is replaced by IP systems
The Pokemon Ditto is based on an amoeba. This may emphasize its ability to alter its cellular composition. This could also explain why Ditto is unavailable through breeding, since single-celled organisms reproduce differently from multi-cellular plants and animals.
An Easter egg in Wolfram Alpha that allows you to graph functions that resemble objects and people. There are currently 4087 special curves including plants, animals, celebrities, just about every Pokemon ever, cartoon characters, rubber ducks, famous architecture, and logos.
Pokemon Anime data charts
For your convenience take a look at Pokemon Anime figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why is the pokemon anime so bad by examining the linked well-known sources.
In the Pokemon anime Ash' starter was originally intended to be Clefairy, but replaced last-minute by Pikachu because it would appeal to both boys and girls
Saddam Hussein believed the animated series "Pokemon" was an Israeli plot to corrupt the minds of Iraqi youth. He also claimed that "Pokemon" meant "I am a jew" in Hebrew. - source
There is a a "advice animal" in the Internet based on the Pokemon character Slowpoke - source
China banned Pokemon and The Simpsons from prime time TV slots to help its own struggling animation studios