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Pocket Jeans facts

While investigating facts about Pocket Jeans For Ladies and Pocket Jeans Design, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Jeans originally had that extra pocket "as a protective sleeve for cowboys' pocket watches."

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The small pocket on blue jeans was originally designed to hold pocket watches. The pocket dates back to the old west (1879). Cowboys kept their pocket watches on chains and they put the watch in the small pocket, to help protect it.

What is the little pocket on jeans for?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the small pocket on jeans for. Here are 24 of the best facts about Pocket Jeans Pants and Pocket Jeans Black I managed to collect.

why do jeans rip at the back pocket?

  1. That little jeans pocket inside your actual jeans pocket originaly was designed to protect cowboys watches.

  2. The tiny little pocket inside a pocket on jeans is actually for watches, designed for cowboys in the 1800s.

  3. The small pocket in your jeans was originally designed for cowboys to keep a small watch on a chain in, normally kept in a waistcoat pocket, it was to prevent it from being lost or broken.

  4. A tiny front pocket in the right front pocket of jeans was initially made for a pocket watch

  5. Women's jeans pockets are nearly half the size of men's jeans pockets, and that 40% of women's jeans won't fit the leading smartphones.

  6. The small front pocket on jeans was originally added in the 1800s by Levi Strauss as place for cowboys to keep their watches protected.

  7. Little pocket in your jeans was designed for holding a pocket watch

  8. The little pocket on jeans is also known as a fob pocket and was designed to hold a pocket watch

  9. The tiny Pockets that are found on jeans were originally put their by the Levi Strauss Company for pocket watches. Now people use them for change, condoms, matches, etc.

  10. To reclaim lost consumers in the US, Levi's tried to market jeans equipped with an ipod remote control and docking station fitted in the pocket.

pocket jeans facts
What is the tiny pocket on jeans for?

Why small pocket in jeans?

You can easily fact check why is there a small pocket in jeans by examining the linked well-known sources.

What is the little pocket-on your jeans for?

The small pocket in your jeans isn't made for condoms, but pocket watches - source

Those really tiny pockets inside the front pockets on all of your jeans were initially invented by Levi's for Cowboys to carry their pocket watches in without getting broken while broken.

When was the pocket calculator invented?

The little pocket in jeans is for pocket watches.

How to wear a pocket watch with jeans?

Tiny pocket inside the pocket of your jeans is for holding pocket watches

The small pocket in the front of your jeans was originally designed for cowboys to put their pocket watch. The first blue jeans had four pockets—only one in back and, in the front, two plus the small, watch pocket.

The tiny pocket above main front pocket in jeans was introduced so that people could keep their watch chains in 1800s.

JNCO jeans, which were popular in the 90's for their 20"-30" pant cuffs and giant pockets, are due to be re-released in 2015

The tiny pocket just above the front pocket on most jeans, is a watch pocket. In the 1800s, cowboys used to wear their watches on chains and kept them in their waistcoats. To keep them from getting broken, Levi's introduced a small pocket on the jeans.

When was the first pocket calculator invented?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Pocket Jeans. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Pocket Jeans so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor