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Adult Diapers facts

While investigating facts about Adult Diapers, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The birth rate in Japan is so low, and the boom of senior citizens so huge, that adult diapers have outsold baby diapers for the last 6 years.

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In Japan, the sales of adult diapers have surpassed the sales of baby diapers.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is google adsense auto ads. Here are 36 of the best facts about Adult Diapers I managed to collect.

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  1. Because of Japan's increasing senior citizen population, more adult diapers are sold than baby diapers.

  2. Clay Matthews, linebacker for the Green Bay Packers, wore an adult diaper under his uniform to help test the product and benefit a non-profit organization.

  3. Adult diaper sales are about to eclipse baby diaper sales in Japan

  4. Due to a declining population, adult diapers now outsell baby diapers in Japan

  5. In 2014, adult diapers outsold baby diapers in Japan due to their rapidly aging population

  6. There are more adult diapers sold in Japan than baby diapers

  7. There are more adult diapers sold in Japan than baby diapers

  8. Birth rates are so low in Japan, adult diapers outsell children's diapers.

  9. Japan sells more diapers to adults than they do to babies, based on their increasingly aging population.

  10. Japan Sells More Adult Diapers Than Baby Diapers

adult diapers facts
What are the best facts about Adult Diapers?

What is true about adult diapers?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Japan sells more adult diapers than baby diapers.

Adult diapers have become increasingly popular among Japanese women who say wearing them saves them a lot of time. - source

A China factory ground down 'disgustingly smelly' used adult diapers and recycled them to make new ones for sale. Used needles and IV bags were recycled to make toys.

Adult diapers outsells baby nappies in Japan - source

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Adult diapers outsell baby diapers in Japan

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In Japan, adult nappies (diapers) outsell baby nappies.

There exists an entire industry around an "Adult Baby Fetish". One UK "Adult Nursery" charges clients £75 to let them wear diapers, sleep in cots, and even to be fed meals in over sized high chairs. Clients can also pay an extra £25 if they want a "messy change"

The birthrate is so low in Japan adult diapers are almost outselling nappies for babies.

Due to Japan's aging population, they sell more adult diapers than baby diapers

Many people that celebrate New Years Eve in Times Square wear Depends adult diapers so as not to lose their spots for when the ball drops.

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In the state of Connecticut baby diapers are subject to the state's 6.35% sales tax while adult diapers are exempt.

Expandable water toys are made possible by superabsorbant materials first used in sanitary pads and adult diapers

Many tourists wore adult diapers on NYE 2017 to secure a spot to watch the ball drop

Japan’s birth rate is so low that adult diapers are sold more than baby diapers.

Since 2011, adult diapers have been outselling baby diapers in Japan.

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NYE revelers in Times Square are often locked into place for up to twelve hours and cannot move, so many of them wear adult diapers and the kids just go on the street.

There are 15 companies that cater to the ABDL (Adult Baby Diaper Lover) community. There are over 50 different styles of adult diapers available for purchase online that are designed to look like oversized baby diapers.

Adult diapers outsell baby diapers in Japan.

It is a normal thing in competitive marathon cycling for the cyclists to never stop for toilet breaks and instead go in their pants.Some bike shorts have padding that can essentially double as an adult diaper if need be.

Adult diaper sales aimed not at seniors or babies, but mostly at women could overtake the baby diaper market within the next ten years.

In Japan, the sales of adult diapers have surpassed the sales of baby diapers.

Adult diapers are outselling children's diapers in Japan

There are more adult diapers sold in Japan than baby diapers

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Adult Diapers. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Adult Diapers so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor