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Plate Armor facts

While investigating facts about Plate Armor 5e and Plate Armor Pocket Camp, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There are gold plated ATMs in various countries that dispense gold bars (first ATM was located in Abu Dhabi). The machines are fitted "like an armored vehicle" and tested with explosives to prevent theft.

how plate armor was made?

Full plate armor of medieval knight was about the same as the weight of the gear of modern infantry soldier (30-50 pounds)

What was plate armor made of?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was worn under plate armor. Here are 32 of the best facts about Plate Armor Dnd 5e and Plate Armor Skyrim I managed to collect.

what size armor plate do i need?

  1. In 2006 a man armored a bulldozer with steel plates and concrete (making a tank), and destroyed half of Granby, Colorado

  2. Marvin Heemeyer, a man who after fighting a losing legal battle with a large business that was ruining his auto shop business, manufactured a homemade tank equipped with a 50. Caliber anti material rifle, 1 inch armor plating, security cameras and more to destroy the town hall/enemy buildings.

  3. That, due to the ineffectiveness of swords against plate armor, German knights would grip the blade with both hands and use the pommel as a club when fighting armored opponents.

  4. A man tried to destroy a Colorado town with a bulldozer fortified with 1 foot thick homemade armor plates, multiple guns and video cameras and air jets, causing $7 million in carnage

  5. Marvin Heemeyer built a modified bulldozer in 2004, named Killdozer, to destroy his local town over zoning disputes. Killdozer consisted of armored plating, concrete reinforcements, video cameras, monitors and gun-ports for rifles and even included an AC for the inside.

  6. For the most part, all armor in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings is chain mail, leather, helms, etc. There is no mention of metal plate armor. This has been a long standing discussion even before Jackson's movies.

  7. Aside from armored plates, Ankylosaurus was also covered with two rows of spikes arranged along the body. Purpose of both bony plates and spikes was to provide protection against predators.

  8. Titanosaurus was covered with rows of bony plates on dorsal side of the body. Main purpose of this armor was to protect Titanosaurus from predators.

  9. Since they are very tiny and vulnerable at birth, babies develop armor plates which protect their bodies until they grow and become stronger.

  10. Entire body (including the belly) of dwarf crocodile is covered with tough scales. These bony plates serve as armor which provides protection against predators and sun. Dwarf crocodile is also known as bony crocodile because of this unusual shield.

plate armor facts
What is the best armor plate carrier?

Why did knights start wearing plate armor?

You can easily fact check why was plate armor invented by examining the linked well-known sources.

After multiple disputes with his town Marvin Heemeyer constructed a concrete/steel armor-plated bulldozer “Killdozer” to destroy those who had sided against him. His rampage destroyed 13 buildings & was unstoppable by Police/SWAT until the dozer stalled. He killed himself & was the only casualty

Millipedes have armor-like plates called tergits on dorsal side of the body. When millipedes are in danger, they curl their body into the coil to protect lower, softer body parts.

The "Killdozer" rampage where a man in Granby, CO, disgruntled over a zoning dispute, fitted steel plates and concrete to a bulldozer as well as ports for various firearms, and preceded to ram it through town hall. He eventually took his own life, yet no bullets had penetrated the armor. - source

Ankylosaurus had armored body, covered with massive knobs and large bony plates. Bony plates were embedded in the skin and arranged in horizontal rows along the neck, back and hips. The greatest concentration of plates was located in the neck area (the most vulnerable zone). Only belly of Ankylosaurus was naked (free of bony plates).

The "Bulldozer Assault." During the Gulf War a trench network filled with Iraqi soldiers was in the way of the US military, so they used armor plated bulldozers to "pave" the trenches over. - source

When was plate armor invented?

Armor-Plated "Ground Sloths" Were 20 Feet Long and Weighed Over 4 Tons

How to make plate armor?

Baby armadillo is born without bony plates. It takes few weeks for soft skin to turn into hard armor.

Some people fight in MMA rings with swords while wearing plate armor.

Javan rhinoceros has grey or brown-grey hairless skin with pinkish skin on the folds, which are thick and create appearance of armored plates.

Land Rover sells a model of Range Rover that comes pre-armored including plating and bullet proof glass straight from the factory. For your crime and spy needs... I guess.

Harlequin-type Ichthyosis, a very rare severe genetic disease which causes thickening of the skin. At birth, the child’s whole body is encased in an 'armor' of thick white plates of skin, separated by deep cracks.

When did plate armor start?

The Medieval European arms industry was so large that in 1295 Phillip the Fair acquired 2,853 helmets, 4,511 mail shirts, and 5,067 coats of plates for an army. By 1426 Milan was able to equip 6,000 soldiers with sets of armor in several days.

Backpacks in battle today reduce mobility more than a full set of plate armor, and firearms and plate armor co-existed for 300 years.

A man made an armor plated bulldozer and dozed the town that had denied him access to his own business.

A full suit of medieval (pre-1600s) plate armor weighed less than the typical equipment load modern infantrymen

Boob plate armor is actually not completely unrealistic.

How effective was plate armor?

The 3rd fastest manmade object was an armor plated manhole cover that was traveling 34 miles per second or approximately 6 times the Earth's escape velocity.

Full plate armor of a knight was introduced in the 15th century and it weighted about 50 lbs!

About “explosive reactive armor”. It is a high explosive sandwiched between two solid plates, which are usually metal. When hit by a penetrating projectile, the explosive detonates, disrupting the projectile. Reminds me of the saying “the best defense is a good offense.”

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Plate Armor. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Plate Armor so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor