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Planet Venus facts

While investigating facts about Planet Venus Tonight and Planet Venus Images, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Floating cities above the clouds of Venus may be our best bet for becoming a two-planet species. Conditions there are so similar to Earth a human wouldn't need a pressurized-suit, the gravity is similar and transit times are shorter than to Mars.

how hot is venus planet?

The planet Venus is nearly identical in size to Earth, their radius' differ in size by only 201 miles, with Earth being the larger.

What color is venus the planet?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does the planet venus look like. Here are 50 of the best facts about Planet Venus Color and Planet Venus Astrology I managed to collect.

what type of planet is venus?

  1. We have a good idea of what other planets would smell like based on their atmospheric composition. Venus and Mars would smell like rotten eggs, while Uranus is odorless.

  2. NASA wants to establish a floating cloud city to study Venus. The innovative concept involves helium-filled, solar-powered airships, which could contribute to humans permanently occupying the atmosphere of the hottest planet in our solar system.

  3. Although Mercury is closest to the sun, it is not the hottest planet in our solar system. Venus is hotter due its atmosphere trapping the heat.

  4. Lucifer, which means bringer of light or refers to the planet Venus, was not equated with Satan in the Bible but in Paradise Lost by Milton.

  5. A day on planet Venus lasts longer than a Venusian year

  6. The first man made aircraft to successfully land on another planet and send back data was the Soviet Venera 7 in 1970. After landing on Venus, the craft sent back only 23 minutes of weak data, presumably because it landed on its side.

  7. The first planet we landed probes on besides earth was not Mars but Venus

  8. By international agreement, topographic features on the planet Venus are named after goddesses and notable women

  9. There are over 24 tons of man made material on the planet Venus.

  10. Neso (moon of Neptune) is the farthest moon from its planet in the Solar System. It takes 26 Earth years to orbit Neptune planet once and it is as far away from the planet as the Earth is to Venus.

planet venus facts
What kind of planet is venus?

Why is venus the hottest planet in our solar system?

You can easily fact check why is venus called earth's sister planet by examining the linked well-known sources.

There is a 1% chance that the Planet Mercury will collide with Venus due to gravitational interactions from Jupiter...

The USSR beat the US to being the first country to land a probe on another planet: Venus. In the 70s, a series of missions successfully landed on Venus, capturing photographs. - source

Inner planets Mercury and Venus do not have any moons.

Even though Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, Venus is the hottest of all planets in the solar system because of its thick atmosphere. The atmosphere's thick, toxic environment enables it to trap the heat.

The four rocky terrestrial planets have few or no moons. Mercury has none. Venus has none. Earth has one. Mars has two small moons (AKA satellites).

Venus planet when is it visible?

There are demonyms for beings from each planet: Venus - Venusian, Earth - Earthling or Terran, Mars - Martian Jupiter - Jovian, Saturn - Saturnian, Uranus - Uranian, Neptune - Neptunian, Pluto - Plutonian, Sun - Solarian, Earth's Moon - Lunarian or Selenite, and so on..

How to draw venus planet?

The ancient Greeks called Venus Phosphorus, and Hesperus, as they believed it was two different planets due its strange orbit.

The first model that explained how classical planets wandered was the Eudoxan planetary model. The classical planets include the Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and the Sun.

Venus rotates clockwise. The rest of the planets rotate anti-clockwise.

Most planets rotate anti-clockwise on their axis, but Venus rotates clockwise. Uranus is the only other planet to rotate clockwise.

The thick atmosphere also protects Venus from meteors as they tend to disintegrate before they can pass through to the planet's surface. This means that Venus has fewer crater impacts than on the other inner planets.

When was the planet venus discovered?

The first photo ever taken from the surface of another planet was done by the Russian lander Venera 9 on the surface of Venus (10-22-1975), 9 months before the Americans had a picture of the surface of Mars (7-20-1976)

Mars, Earth and Venus have atmospheres that are able to generate weather.

The band of pink that proceeds the purple band of Earth's shadow at sunset is called "The belt of venus" or the antitwilight arch. The former name is not from the planet Venus, but from the girdle the Godess Venus wore.

A day on Venus lasts longer than a year on Venus: It takes 243 Earth days to rotate once on its axis. The planet's orbit around the Sun takes 225 Earth days, compared to the Earth's 365.

Surface planet Venus’ surface doesn't have 'air'. Surface temperatures of 467°C and surface pressures 93X of Earth force the CO2 atmosphere into supercriticality, when a fluid is both liquid and gas. This effective heat conductor keeps Venus' hellish temperature unchanging between night and day.

How to please venus planet?

Mercury is the closest inner planet to the Sun, followed by Venus, Earth, and Mars.

Shield volcanoes exist on other planets as well. Scientists have discovered them in evidence from space probes on Mars, and on Venus, and can exist on any planet or moon with a molten core.

Venus has more volcanoes than any other planet in the Solar System

Deimos is a very small, lumpy, heavily cratered object, though smoother than Phobos. It has a radius of 3.9 miles (6.2 kilometers) and takes 30.3 hours to orbit Mars. When Deimos eclipses the sun, it appears as a tiny dot moving across its surface. During full moon, Deimos shines as bright as the planet Venus which is one of the brightest objects in our Solar System.

Venus comes closer to Earth than any other planet, the closest at 38.2 million km.

In classical mythology, Lucifer ("light-bringer" in Latin) was the name of the planet Venus, though it was often personified as a male figure bearing a torch. The Greek name for this planet was variously Phosphoros (also meaning "light-bringer") or Heosphoros (meaning "dawn-bringer").

A Venus year is shorter than 2 Venus days. And that's just because it rotates in the opposite direction to most other planets. If it would rotate in the usual direction a day would last more than 13 years.

The closest planet to Earth is Venus, not Mars

Of the solar system's eight planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are the four planets are made of rock and metal.

The ancient Romans called Venus Lucifer and Vesper, also believing, like the Greeks, that Venus was actually two different planets.

The names of the planets in the Greek language correspond to the Greek God names, not the Roman God names. E.g., the planet Aphrodite for Venus and the planet Poseidon for Neptune.

Mercury and Venus are the only two planets in our solar system to have no moons

Mercury and Venus are the only two planets in our solar system that do not have any moons.

Every planet in the solar system could fit the space between Earth and the Moon. At its furthest, the moon is 252,000 miles away from Earth. The sum diameter of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus is 248,988 Miles.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Planet Venus. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Planet Venus so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor