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Planet Surface facts

While investigating facts about Planet Surface Temperature and Planet Surface Pictures, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Due to incredibly high pressure on Uranus and Neptune, it is theorized that oceans of liquid diamond exist on the surface of the planet, with solid "diamond-bergs" floating on the surface

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Panspermia is the hypothesis that life exists throughout the Universe, distributed by meteoroids, asteroids, spacecraft etc. in form of extremophile types of bacteria. If met with ideal conditions on a new planet's surfaces, the organisms become active and the process of evolution begins.

What planet's surface temperature is about 10000 f?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the weight of a 70 kg body on the surface of a planet. Here are 50 of the best facts about Planet Surface Photos and Planet Surfaces Images I managed to collect.

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  1. In 20-70 million years, Mars' moon Phobos will get close enough to the surface of the planet that it will be ripped apart by the tidal forces. The resulting debris will most likely give Mars a planetary ring.

  2. More than four billion years ago Earth was hit by several objects larger than 600 miles that could vaporize the oceans and sterilize the surface yet bacterial life survived deep underground and each time recolonized the planet.

  3. There's a bunch of water under the Earth's surface, more than we thought, and there's 4 Times as much water on our planet than most people are aware of.

  4. Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with Jupiter in 1994, after being broken apart from Jupiter's tidal gravity. One fragment struck the planet's surface with the estimated energy of 6 million megatons of TNT (600 times the world's nuclear arsenal) and created a dark spot over 12,000 km across.

  5. Apollo 16 pilot Charles Duke left a plastic-encased photo portrait of his family on the surface of the moon with the message "This is the family of Astronaut Duke from Planet Earth. Landed on the Moon, April 1972."

  6. Since the MESSENGER probe intentionally crashed onto the surface of Mercury at mission end last year, we now have man-made objects on all four planets inside the asteroid belt.

  7. The first successful Mars landing occurred in 1976 when NASAs Viking 1 landed and took photos of the planet's surface.

  8. Mercury's surface is covered in craters due to the impact of asteroids and comets. Mercury does not have the ability to heal as many other planets are able to do via geological processes.

  9. Oxygen in the air from 60 miles (96.5 km) up to 150 miles (241 km) above the planet's surface reacts with the plasma in the solar wind and turns the sky green.

  10. The Arctic region covers roughly one-sixth of the planet's total surface area.

planet surface facts
What planet has a rocky surface?

Which of these would be a new surface on a terrestrial planet and why?

You can easily fact check which planet has the highest surface temperature and why by examining the linked well-known sources.

Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with Jupiter in 1994, after being broken apart from Jupiter's tidal gravity. One fragment struck the planet's surface with the estimated energy of 6 million megatons of TNT (600 times the world's nuclear arsenal) and created a dark spot over 12,000 km across.

Oxygen more than 150 miles (241 km) above the planet's surface reacts with the plasma in the solar wind and turns the sky red.

Gliese 436B - a planet that is covered in ice, but has such intense gravity that the ice can withstand the surface temperatures of 440°C - source

Ceres is a dwarf planet that is believed to have surface features and a rocky core, making it very similar to the inner planets.

Although there is no surface water on Mars now, the valleys and canyons on the planet suggest that there once was surface water like there is on earth.

An object experiences an acceleration g when it is on the surface of a planet?

The surface of the inner planets is characterized by volcanoes, canyons, craters, and mountains, and earth is the only one known to have water on its surface. Earth and Mars both have polar ice caps that are permanent (unless global warming continues).

How to calculate surface temperature of a planet?

There are around 216 tonnes (476000 lbs) of man-made objects on the surfaces of other planets, moons and comets

There are two types of planets...Terrestrial, which you can stand on the surface of...and Jovian, which you would just sink into. Solid vs. Gas.

All of the gold mined/harvested in human history would not fill the Washington monument. But the amount of gold at the center of the earth could cover the entire surface of the planet with 12 inches of gold.

The thick atmosphere also protects Venus from meteors as they tend to disintegrate before they can pass through to the planet's surface. This means that Venus has fewer crater impacts than on the other inner planets.

The first photo ever taken from the surface of another planet was done by the Russian lander Venera 9 on the surface of Venus (10-22-1975), 9 months before the Americans had a picture of the surface of Mars (7-20-1976)

Interesting facts about planet surface

All known data is from 1989 when Voyager 2 flew by and mapped the planet. A very interesting discovery was made by the spacecraft when it photographed a plume of frozen material being ejected from the moon's surface several kilometers into the atmosphere. It is believed that the material is composed of liquid nitrogen or methane. The best observed examples were named Mahilani and Hili. An eruption of a Triton geyser may last up to a year.

An estimated 50-80% of all life on earth is found under the ocean surface and the oceans contain 99% of the living space on the planet.

Nitrogen in the air more than 60 miles (96.5 km) above the planet's surface reacts with the plasma and turns the sky purple.

Surface planet Venus’ surface doesn't have 'air'. Surface temperatures of 467°C and surface pressures 93X of Earth force the CO2 atmosphere into supercriticality, when a fluid is both liquid and gas. This effective heat conductor keeps Venus' hellish temperature unchanging between night and day.

Scientists believe that in the next several hundred years Eris will move close enough to the sun to begin to thaw the ice sheet on its surface. They believe the planet is rocky on the surface.

How hot is the surface of planet venus?

MOOSE, a proposed emergency "bail-out" system capable of bringing a single astronaut safely down from Earth orbit to the planet's surface that placed an astronaut in a bag which would fill with foam.

Deimos is a very small, lumpy, heavily cratered object, though smoother than Phobos. It has a radius of 3.9 miles (6.2 kilometers) and takes 30.3 hours to orbit Mars. When Deimos eclipses the sun, it appears as a tiny dot moving across its surface. During full moon, Deimos shines as bright as the planet Venus which is one of the brightest objects in our Solar System.

4 Vesta" is a minor planet located in the asteroid belt. It accounts for 9% of the total mass in the asteroid belt and has the tallest mountain in the solar system. Its Rheasilvia impact crater is 19 km (11.8mi) deep with a central peak 23km (14.3 mi) above the surface of the crater.

All of the inner planets have impact craters from the collision of space objects, and volcanoes and other tectonic surface features.

The surface temperature on Uranus is -197 degrees Celsius, sometimes being as low as -224 degrees Celsius. It is the coldest planet in our solar system.

An asteroid called 'God of Chaos' Apophis is going to brush the Earth in 2029, 340 meters in width, while most asteroids that pass near our planet aren't bigger than 10m wide. Passing next to the Earth may even cause avalanches on the asteroid's surface. It will be visible to the naked eye.

The pressure on Jupiter's surface and the high temperatures would make it impossible for any earth-type life to exist on the planet.

Nitrogen in the air 60 miles above the planet's surface reacts with the plasma in the solar wind and turns the sky blue.

300-500 million years ago the geography of Venus would have been completely different. Its so hot, the whole planet "is thought to have resurfaced" itself. "The surface is a thin crust of rock that bulges and moves as Venus' mantle shifts and creates volcanoes".

In the 1960s General Electric proposed a design for the MOOSE - an emergency "bail-out" system capable of bringing a single astronaut safely down from Earth orbit to the planet's surface

When Pluto moves closer to the Sun the frozen Methane and Nitrogen on its surface creates a thin atmosphere. As the planet moves further away from the Sun, the atmosphere that hasn"t escaped into space is refrozen on the surface.

Approximately 72% of the surface of the planet is covered by salt water.

Plutoids are sometimes also referred to as ice dwarfs due to their cold surface temperatures and diminutive size.

Triton rotates on its axis as it orbits the planet. It keeps the same face toward Neptune at all times. The orbital surface is 5.87 days.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Planet Surface. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Planet Surface so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor