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Planet Fitness facts

While investigating facts about Planet Fitness Near Me and Planet Fitness Promo Code, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The gym chain Planet Fitness, which charges between $10 and $20 per month, has, on average, 6,500 members per gym. Most of its gyms can hold around 300 people. Planet Fitness can do this because it knows that members won't show up.

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Each Planet Fitness has a "lunk alarm" that is used to shame weightlifters who grunt loudly or drop weights. Some bodybuilders have described their policies as "discriminatory."

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what machines are at planet fitness. Here are 47 of the best facts about Planet Fitness Membership and Planet Fitness Customer Service I managed to collect.

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  1. You could fit all the planets in between Earth and the moon and still have room left over to spare.

  2. Planet Fitness gyms hold only 300 people even though they typically have 6,500 members; and the members who never go to the gym are considered their "best customers."

  3. Planet Fitness prohibits members from creating an "intimidating atmosphere." Grunting and banging weights result in either the "lunk alarm," a siren with flashing blue lights to humiliate the perpetrator, or membership cancellation.

  4. You Could Fit All the Planets in the Solar System Between the Earth and the Moon.

  5. You Could Fit All the Planets in our Solar System Side-by-Side Between the Earth and the Moon

  6. You could fit every planet in the solar system between the Earth and the Moon and still have room to spare.

  7. A storm on Jupiter known as ‘The Great Red Storm" has been going on for 350 years, minimum. It is so large that you could fit two planet earths inside of it.

  8. Uranium is named after the planet Uranus, in turn named after the powerful Greek God Ouranos, God of the sky. Ouranos was banished to dwell within the Earth by his son, the Titan Kronos. How fitting that the ancient power of Ouranos came to be awaken by the modern man in the form of Uranium.

  9. Space is really really empty. If you add up the diameters of all the other planets + Pluto in our solar system ( 382,367km they )fit in the gap between the earth and the moon (384,400km)

  10. You could fit all the planets in the solar system between the Earth and the Moon, and still have about 4000 km to spare.

planet fitness facts
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You can easily fact check why is planet fitness closed by examining the linked well-known sources.

A Pluto-sized world, astronomers discovered Eris in 2003. It takes icy Eris 557 Earth years to complete a single orbit around the sun. All the asteroids in the asteroid belt would fit inside Eris. However, like Pluto, Eris is still smaller than the Earth's moon.

His book, How I killed Pluto and Why it Had It Coming, explained why Pluto did not fit the International Astronomical Union's definition of a planet and why it now designated a dwarf planet.

Planet Fitness has a "Lunk Alarm" that sounds off when someone "grunts" loud enough - source

Jupiter is so large that all of the other planets in the solar system could fit inside it.

Every planet in our solar system could fit between Earth and the Moon - source

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Jupiter is the fifth planet from our sun and the largest planet in the Solar System with its radius almost 11 times the size of Earth. It is so large that all the other planets in the Solar System could fit inside it and it is visible to the naked eye. According to NASA, it has 53 known moons and 14 more waiting to be confirmed. If Jupiter had been about 80 times more massive, it would have become a star rather than a planet.

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The distance between the Earth and the Moon (240,000 miles) is large enough that every other planet in the solar system (plus Pluto, Eris and Ceres) could fit into it, with enough space leftover to leave almost 200 miles between each planet.

The distance between our earth and its moon is so big that all the planets in the solar system including giants like Jupiter and Saturn can easily fit in the gap between them.

You Can Fit Every Planet In The Solar System Between Earth And The Moon

Every planet in the solar system could fit the space between Earth and the Moon. At its furthest, the moon is 252,000 miles away from Earth. The sum diameter of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus is 248,988 Miles.

Every planet in our solar system could fit between Earth and the Moon.

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When the moon is farthest away from earth, every major planet (even Pluto) fits fairly snug in that gap.

If it were possible, you could fit 1 million planet earths inside the sun. It is believed that one day the sun will consume Mercury, Venus and the earth.

Between the distance of the Earth and the Moon you can fit every planet in our solar system.

You Could Fit All the Planets (And Pluto!) Between the Earth and the Moon.

You can fit 63 Earth sized planets in Uranus.

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All the planets of the solar system will fit between the Earth and Moon and still have 4,392 Km left.

Around 100 people can fit in the mouth of the blue whale, and yet, it eats one of the smallest animals on the planet - krill (shrimp-like invertebrates).

Every planet in our solar system could fit between Earth and the Moon

All planets of the solar system combined would still fit between Earth and our Moon. Excluding Earth, the diameters of all planets combined is 380,755 km while the distance to moon is 384,402 km.

The gap between the Earth and the Moon is so large that you could fit every other planet in it if you placed them side by side.

Planets orbiting the sun can actually fit between earth and the moon

The distance between the Earth and the Moon is so great that all the planets of the solar system can fit inside, and there would still be space to be filled!! This is how it will look like!!

The distance between the Earth and the Moon is so great that all the planets of the solar system can fit inside, and there would still be space to be filled!! This is how it will look like!!

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You can fit all of the planets in our solar system in the distance between the earth and our moon.

Between the earth and the moon, you can fit every planet in the solar system between them. (Not sun)

Planet Fitness has a "Lunk" alarm that employees can pull when gym patrons break their rules like grunting/breathing too loud.

If placed side by side, every planet in our solar system would fit between the Earth and the Moon (at apogee)

All the humans on the planet could fit into 1 cubic mile.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Planet Fitness. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Planet Fitness so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor