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Physics Astronomy facts

While investigating facts about Physics & Astronomy Zone and Physics & Astronomy International Journal, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Galileo has been called the "father of modern observational astronomy," the "father of modern physics," the "father of science," and "the father of modern science."

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His work extends into the fields of physics, mathematics, engineering, astronomy, and philosophy.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what can you do with a physics and astronomy degree. Here are 15 of the best facts about's Video and Physics Astronomy Building Uw I managed to collect.

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  1. a distinguished professor of physics and astronomy at UNC-Chapel Hill was tricked by someone he met on an online dating site into smuggling 2 kilos of cocaine into Argentina

  2. He has received numerous awards including The American Institute of Physics Science Writing Award in Physics and Astronomy, The Phi Beta Kappa Science Writing Award,and the Lilienfeld Prize.

  3. He is also a professor in the Physics and Astronomy Department of the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque.

  4. In 1607 he entered the Jesuit College Royal Henry-Le-Grand where he studied mathematics, physics and astronomy.

  5. Wegener began his work studying meteorology and physics before finally receiving a doctorate in astronomy in 1905.

  6. Ampere quickly rose in position and respect as a professor of mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy before being offered the chair of experimental physics at the College de France in 1824.

  7. Astronomer Thomas See, who "...ended a colorful life with no real accomplishment in astronomy or physics...known for a career dogged by plagiarism, being fired from two observatory staffs, grand egotistical claims, being exiled to an isolated outpost, and his vitriolic attacks on relativity."

  8. He fell in love with astronomy and became a study of physics and mathematics.

  9. When Scientific American went monthly in 1921, it was published as a journal of “practical information”. Engineering and other applied sciences predominated until after World War II, when attention turned to the natural world (biology) and later to theoretical pursuits (physics, astronomy)

  10. Theoretical astronomy is conducted with the use of analytical models to study topics such as stellar dynamics, galaxy formation, cosmic ray origins, matter in the universe, evolution, general relativity, and astroparticle physics.

physics astronomy facts
What can i do with a physics and astronomy degree?

What is true about physics astronomy?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

A controversy ensued, one that divided the physics and astronomy communities for a time; it was Bell herself who put much of the controversy to rest by stating in an interview that research students did not deserve to be awarded the Nobel or any other prestigious prize, and that she was not upset by the committee's decision.

Logarithms and exponential notation made calculations much quicker and was important to scientific advances in astronomy, and physics.

Liberals generally prefer basic science, including physics, astronomy and zoology, while conservatives favour the more applied and commercial sciences, with topics ranging from criminology and medicine to geophysics. - source

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