Phone Battery facts
While investigating facts about Phone Battery Replacement and Phone Battery Charger, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Cows were used for radiation testing of early cell phones. Farmers were paid to have high-powered phones strapped to their cows head 24/7. A single engineer worked full time to chase the cows and change the batteries.
how phone battery charge?
There is a phobia of being out of mobile phone contact. Over half of UK people polled become anxious when they "lose their mobile phone, run out of battery or credit, or have no network coverage", and it's called Nomophobia.
What phone has the best battery life?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is draining my phone battery. Here are 36 of the best facts about Phone Battery Pack and Phone Battery Draining Fast I managed to collect.
what phone battery life?
Li-ion are lithium ion batteries and are not toxic and are smaller and charge faster than NiCd batteries. They are commonly used in tablets, gaming systems, and cell phones.
NiMH batteries are nickel metal hydride and are commonly used in portable electronics such as toys and portable home phones.
Alkaline batteries are used in portable devices such as flashlights, toys, portable home phones, and calculators. These come in 1.5 and 9 volts.
All of the critical smartphone technology- including the battery, the touchscreen and the multi-core processor- are a direct result of government research funding. Without this funding smart phones would've been far more expensive, and taken much longer to develop.
It's not a good idea to discharge your phone's battery all the way down to 1-2% before recharging it again. The best thing to do to extend the battery life of your device is to operate it between a 'charge range' of 30-80%.
Engineers at the University of Washington have developed a phone that can make and receive calls with no battery.
People who allow their cell phone batteries to drain to zero have been found to be generally unorganized in other areas of their lives both professionally and personally
The battery percentage on your phone is not found directly from looking at the battery. Due to the volatility of lithium ion batteries, it is predicted by years of app data usage to predict your battery life. This also explains why your phone goes from 60% to 15% randomly, a bad prediction.
Of the 999 phone charging myth. A widespread belief in the UK states that calling the 999 emergency phone number charges the battery on a mobile phone. British police forces have asked people to not do so, because (besides the belief being false) it makes the emergency system busier.
The first cell phones ran for 30 minutes without the battery needing a charge. Plus, that short-lived battery took a full 10 hours to recharge.
Phone Battery data charts
For your convenience take a look at Phone Battery figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why phone battery drain so fast?
You can easily fact check why phone battery dies quickly by examining the linked well-known sources.
If you drop your phone in a plane, the flight attendants will look for your phone for you because they’re afraid you’ll move your seat, crush the lithium battery, and start a fire
If you have a 100Ah car battery, and your phone’s battery is 1800mAh, a completely dead handset would pull about 2% of the charge out of your vehicle - source
The battery percentage displayed on your phone's screen was always just a rough estimate, rather than a precise measurement. - source
AI-based loan applications in China evaluate over 5,000 features to judge creditworthiness. One surprising factor—how high or low you keep your phone battery charged.
Overcharging your phone doesn't damage your phone or cause fires. It effects it just as much as having a low battery. - source
When phone battery swells?
The urban legend that calling 999 will recharge your cell phone may have come from the fact that Blackberry phones would shut off their radio on low battery and one could unlock the radio and make other calls by calling 999 and hanging up immediately.
How to save phone battery?
Calling the police doesn't charge your phone battery
It's estimated that if you kept a cell phone battery at full charge for an entire year, it would lose around 20 to 30% of its overall capacity.
If your power is out you can charge your phone by using a 9-volt battery, a car phone adapter, and a key
Emergency power for your phone and router for WIFI using your car battery
Some blackberry models locked functionality at low battery, but emergency 999s were allowed and unlocked the phone which led to massive amounts of 999 hoaxes.
Phone battery infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Phone Battery numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

My phone has a real hard time getting my battery above 83%