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Petition Change facts

While investigating facts about Petition Change, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Over 50k Australians signed a petition to change the name of their currency to "Dollarydoos"

Until 1961 all YMCAS required swimmers to swim naked and the rule only changed because parents petitioned a school board to allow boys to wear swim trunks to swim practice.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 20 of the best facts about Petition Change I managed to collect.

  1. ‘SUX’ remains the identifier for the airport in Sioux City, Iowa, although petitions to change it were filed in ‘98 and ‘02. The city was dissatisfied with the alternatives offered by the FAA, one of which was ‘GAY’

  2. Thousands of Aussies have gotten behind a petition to change the Australian currency to "dollarydoos."

  3. U.S. Route 491 had its name changed from Route 666 in 2003 after people petitioned the American Association of State Highway & Transport Officials as they believed altering the name might lift the curse that many thought had been placed on the road.

  4. The people of Calgary, Alberta once petitioned to change the outgoing Prime Minister's name from Stephen Harper to "Calgary International Airport"

  5. The UK public voted to name a new Antarctic research ship Boaty McBoatface. The ship was instead named after naturalist Sir David Attenborough. A petition called for Attenborough to change his name to Sir Boaty McBoatface. Ultimately, a submarine on the ship will be named Boaty McBoatface.

  6. When Mormon-owned school BYU-Idaho changed its dress policy to allow yoga pants and leggings in its gym, many students petitioned against the change, claiming that the new policy did "not conform to...the teachings of the scriptures or modern-day church leaders."

  7. Sioux City's leaders petitioned the FAA to change their airport code, SUX, in 1998 and again in 2002. The FAA offered them five alternatives — GWU, GYO, GYT, SGV and GAY. In 2007 they opted to embrace the code by running the slogan, "FLY SUX."

  8. A member of the Five-Percent Nation wanted to change his legal name to Black Cream Allah but it was denied because the judge thought it was sacrilegious. He has since filed a second petition to change his name to Original Kreeam Shabazz

  9. After thousands of people petitioned online, Facebook changed its "feeling fat" emoji to "feeling stuffed".

  10. When Stockwell Day's Canadian Alliance Party proposed to hold a referendum on any petition signed by 3% of Canadian voters, comedian Rick Mercer responded by creating a petition to change Stockwell's name to Doris Day, which met the 3% threshold. Stockwell simply replied, "Que Sera Sera."

petition change facts
What are the best facts about Petition Change?

What is true about petition change?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The National Milk Producers Federation petitioned the FDA to stop the misbranding of non-dairy products (changing almond 'milk' to almond drink)

Snapchat had an update to their app last month and the backlash from users has been so overwhelming that a petition was made.. demanding the app go back to the way it was. In less than a month, the petition already has over 1,250,000 signatures. Snapchat is now changing the app features back. - source

The mayor of the Turkish province of Batman tried to sue Warner Bros and Christopher Nolan for royalty infringment on the grounds that they used the city’s name in their movies. There is also currently a petition to try and change the provinces borders to look like the Batman Logo. - source

There is a petition to change the name of an exoplanet to Namek from the Dragonball universe.

There's a petition to change Buffalo's name - source

U.S. airlines are actively petitioning changes to the Americans with Disabilities Act that would exclude "Emotional Support Animals" from flights. They argue that the animals pose a risk to passengers with emotional support Pigs, Turkeys, and other animals being brought into the cabin.

In 2013, a petition was launched to change the U.S. National Anthem to "Ignition (Remix)" by R. Kelly.

There is a petition to change a road in South Carolina to Harambe BLVD.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Petition Change. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Petition Change so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor