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Perfectly Preserved facts

While investigating facts about Perfectly Preserved Pie and Perfectly Preserved Dinosaur, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Scientists discovered a dinosaur tail perfectly preserved in amber. It is full of feathers.

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In 2007 workers in Antarctica discovered several perfectly preserved crates of Scotch Whiskey left behind by Ernest Shackleton in 1909.

What is the meaning of perfectly preserved?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is perfectly preserved. Here are 31 of the best facts about Perfectly Preserved Pie Fallout 76 and Perfectly Preserved Bodies I managed to collect.

what does perfectly preserved mean?

  1. Miners found a dinosaur so perfectly preserved that it still has a 3D shape and "might [as well] have been walking around a couple of weeks ago"

  2. Scientists discovered a dinosaur tail perfectly preserved in Amber. It still had its feathers

  3. Lyuba, the most well preserved Wooly Mammoth in the world. He skin and organs are in perfect condition, and scientists found her mother's milk in her stomach, along with feces in her intestines.

  4. Scientists discovered a perfectly preserved feathered dinosaur tail in a polished piece of Amber, after the jewellery seller initially thought it was just "plant material"

  5. In 1846, John Torrington perished during an expedition to find the Northwest Passage. When his corpse was exhumed 138 years later, it was almost perfectly preserved -- eyes wide open, clothing intact, and limbs so flexible that moving him felt like moving someone unconscious rather than dead.

  6. An almost perfectly preserved dinosaur was found in a Canadian oil sands mine in 2011. The 2,500 pound fossil was unveiled to the public in 2017 and is currently on display at the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology in Alberta, Canada.

  7. When Lincoln's coffin was opened in 1901, his body and clothes were perfectly preserved.

  8. The body of an almost perfectly preserved 700-year-old medieval knight was discovered on the grounds of St Bees Priory and autopsied in 1981.

  9. An Irish mummified corpse from 392 - 201 BC was so perfectly preserved in a peat bog that archaeologists could tell that he used "hair gel"; his hair contained a substance made from vegetable oil mixed with resin from pine trees found in Spain/France, proving that imports/trade was done.

  10. There is a perfectly preserved WWI trench in Belgium that you can go into and walk around. It is in an area called the Sanctuary Wood.

perfectly preserved facts
What are the best facts about Perfectly Preserved?

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The burial of Pompeii perfectly preserved Latin graffiti (some rather vulgar) etched into the walls, showing that humans' sense of humor has remained the same for many, many years.

In 2007, three cases of perfectly preserved whisky were discovered, frozen into the ice for a beneath Shackleton’s base camp at Cape Royds. These were personally ordered by Sir Ernest Shackleton in 1907. - source

Vladimir Lenin’s perfectly preserved body is on display in Moscow. He died in 1924 and was born in 1870, making his body 147 years old. - source

A 39,000 year old perfectly preserved wooly mammoth was discovered in Siberia.

The water in Lake Natron, Tanzania, has an extremely high soda and salt content, so high that it would cause the creatures crashing into it to calcify, perfectly preserved, like hard rock as they dry. - source

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The body of a 15yo Inca girl, who was sacrificed to "live with the gods" 500 years ago, was found during an expedition in 1999, and is so perfectly preserved by the negative temperatures, snow, and thin air that scientists could determine the type of diet she was put on before her death

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The Osterby Head, a skull from the late Iron Age with a perfectly preserved traditional haircut.

There have been wooden shipwrecks dating back to the 3rd and 5th centuries B.C. discovered at the bottom of the Black Sea during diving expeditions. They are preserved perfectly due to the environment.

There is a ghost town in very Remote B.C.; built in 1979 but abandoned a year later; library, movie theater, curling rink, homes, all perfectly preserved

In 1845 the London newspaper describes the drowning suicide of a dog. He threw himself in the water and endeavor to sink by preserving perfect stillness of the legs and feet. The dog was rescued, when he was released he entered in the water again . He kept his head under water until he died.

Until Heinz perfected preservatives for ketchup in 1904, it was estimated 90% of all ketchup on the market contained "injurious ingredients" that could lead to death. The short tomato growing season drove producers to extreme measures to preserve the product, including using coal tar for color.

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South Korean and Yakutian scientists have a joint project on mammoth cloning. Scientists at Northeastern Federal University recently found a female mammoth body with liquid blood and the perfectly preserved animal carcasses of mammoth fauna are on display at the university’s Mammoth Museum

A tomb with the perfectly preserved body of a young woman dating back to the early Roman Empire was unearthed during construction in 1485.

William L. Rathje, an archeologist and professor who led a team that studied municipal trash using archaeological methods. They discovered perfectly preserved hot dogs, lettuce, and even guacamole, showing that waste in dumps tends to mummify instead of biodegrading.

Xin Zhui is the most perfectly preserved body to be found. Scientists can"t figure out why she was so perfectly preserved. She was wrapped in 22 dresses of silk and hemp. Her last meal was still in her stomach.

In Antarctica, Workers have found perfectly preserved whiskey originally left there in 1909.

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Suicide bombers' heads are severed clean at the moment of detonation and are later found in a state of perfect preservation several yards away from the torso's shredded remains

Leonard Nimoy's last tweet, just a few days before he departed for the final frontier, was "A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP"

The body of Saint Silvan, who lived during the fourth century, lies in the Church of St. Blaise in Croatia - perfectly preserved and displays little to no decomposition.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Perfectly Preserved. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Perfectly Preserved so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor