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People Brains facts

While investigating facts about People's Brains and People's Brains Blown Out, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Getting goosebumps from music is a rare condition that actually implies different brain structure. People who experience goosebumps from music have more fibers connecting their auditory cortex and areas associated with emotional processing, meaning the two areas can communicate better.

how do smart people's brains work?

Many casinos try to avoid making you ever have to turn in a right angle by design, as such a hard turn forces people to call upon the decision-making parts of their brain; something that casinos naturally want to avoid.

What happens to old people's brains?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does alcohol do to young people's brains. Here are 50 of the best facts about Are Smart People's Brains Different and How Are Autistic People's Brains Different I managed to collect.

what evidence suggests that people's brains function?

  1. A study that examined the brains of nuns who engaged in “centering prayer,” which is meant to create a feeling of oneness with God. The nuns’ brain scans showed similarities to people who use drugs like psilocybin mushrooms.

  2. Left-handed people's brains are so different from right-handed that they are often excluded from many psychological research studies

  3. A Japanese professor searching to find out what happened to Einstein's brain discovered that it was being kept in a mason jar by a retiree in Kansas, who would occasionally shave off slices with a kitchen knife and mail it to people if they asked for some of it

  4. The reason some people feel the need to pace while on the phone is because when you talk on the phone, your brain is lacking the visual feedback it usually receives from face-to-face conversation, and begins to translate emotional responses into physical movements.

  5. Prolonged anger changes the body and brain in permanent ways leaving a person angrier, more agressive and less healthy. Anger and depression share similar signs. Angry people have trouble letting go of things that are beyond their control. Laughing could be a good way to alleviate anger.

  6. Scientists at UCLA noticed that "time and time again" people suffered their first experience with anxiety or depression right after stomach illnesses. They did brain scans after patients ate probiotics, and found that stomach bacteria actually directly affected connectivity of the brain.

  7. When people self-injure, e.g., cut themselves with razors, the brain immediately stops repeating painful thoughts, such as, "I am worthless and unlovable", and releases a flood of soothing endorphins.

  8. Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, the CIA released nearly 12 million documents. One set of documents revealed research of possibility that "insane" people may be experiencing multiple "levels of reality" and their brains can't process this information, leading to mental instability [PDF]

  9. Whenever you consume spicy foods, your brain will unleash endorphins and dopamine, which is why many people begin to aquire a craving for spicy foods after they aquire a taste for them.

  10. A study conducted at the University of Montreal showed that young people who played the 1996 game Super Mario 64 for just two months had increased spatial and episodic memory, which improves brain capacity and helping to forestall dementia.

people brains facts
What do people's brains look like?

Why do people's brains work differently?

You can easily fact check why do old people's brains shrink by examining the linked well-known sources.

People with anxiety perceive the world differently-their brain lumps both safe and unsafe things together and labels them all unsafe.

Some people have "blindsight." They are blind due to damage in the brain's visual cortex, but the eye and optic nerve are fine. They can't consciously see anything but can guess their way through an obstacle course or guess the emotional content of a photo through intuition with decent accuracy. - source

An 11 year old boy, dying from brain cancer, told his mother he wanted her to donate his organs so that he could save the lives of other children. He reportedly told her “I have seen many people doing good deeds and I think they are great. I want to be a great child too.” - source

Cognitive decline is slower for people exercising regularly, and increased physical activity levels can slow down brain aging by 10 years

Around 85% people breathe through one nostrils at a time which changes every few hours. It affects the body's glucose and oxygen levels and the activity of the brain hemisphere. Also explains why one nose is more stuffed up when having a cold. - source

When do people's brains fully develop?

People who have facial Botox injections have difficulty identifying emotional expressions in facial photos. Scientists suspect the Botox prevents facial mirroring which hinders the brain's ability to interpret emotions in others.

How are left handed people's brains different?

Your brain makes decisions before you realize it, according to researchers that used brain imaging to predict what choice people would make before they themselves were aware of having made a decision—prompting reconsideration of what we consider "free will"

The introvert’s brain treats interactions with people at the same intensity level that it treats encounters with inanimate objects.

The ability to read music uses different parts of the brain than reading words, and there are cases where a stroke has caused people to lose one ability but not the other

Cab drivers in London have much larger hippocampi, which is the brain region responsible for the formation of new memories, than other people.

Getting goosebumps from music is a rare condition that actually implies different brain structure. People who experience goosebumps from music have more fibers connecting their auditory cortex and areas associated with emotional processing, meaning the two areas can communicate better.

When do people's brains stop developing?

Scientists have reconstructed YouTube videos from the brain activity of the people watching them. One day a technique like this might allow us to record our dreams

Scientists have discovered how to temporarily induce Rain-Man like skills in normal people by stimulating parts of the brain with magnetic pulses.

The older we get, the area in the brain responsible for filtering noises in the background and make us concentrate gets weaker. that's why elderly people have trouble driving. They focus too much on the background of moving objects, and not enough on the actual moving objects in the foreground

Pretty people activate the reward centers of our brains. Shared brain regions judge both attractiveness and goodness. The insular cortex, associated with disgust, pain and punishment, is activated by both viewing unattractive people and by judging people to be of bad moral character. Ugly hurts.

A 6000 year-old stone complex discovered in Malta resonates at a frequency which has a measurable effect on people's brain activity, stimulating creativity during chanting.

How do left handed people's brains work?

People in South Africa dry, grind up, and roll cigarettes out of vulture brains because they think it will help them predict lottery numbers.

It has been suggested that full-time jobs are best for young brains whereas working more than 25 hours a week might impair cognitive function for people over 40.

LSD causes the regions in the brain involved in introspection and the regions involved in sensory perception of the outside world to communicate with each other more intensely than usual, which is why people tend to feel a sense of oneness with the universe while under its influence.

Brains of Transgender people more closely resemble brains of the sex they align with.

First widely spread computer virus, "Brain" was not malicious. It was made by two brothers from Pakistan, and even included their phone and address in the code so people could let them know they got it.

Texting is considered to be closer to speaking ("finger speaking") than it is to writing; it has many hallmarks of an evolving language in its own right with a unique grammar and dialect. Rather than hurting people's writing skills, texting may provide bidialectical benefits to the brain.

1/3rd of people in developed countries are infected with the brain parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which causes lower reaction times, higher testosterone production, and more masculine/dominant faces. It is believed that it changes its host to increase the probability transmission to a new host.

A brain disease that devastated communities in Papua New Guinea spread because people ate their dead family members' brains in ritual cannibalism. People who didn't die from the disease have a genetic mutation that blocks it.

People vomit from motion sickness because the only other thing that can cause a sensory mismatch like motion sickness is a neurotoxin, so the brain tries to get rid of that "poison" the only way it knows how: by vomiting.

Scientists in UCLA examine that "time and time again" people suffered their first experience with anxiety or depression right after stomach illnesses. They did brain scans after patients ate probiotics, and found that stomach bacteria actually directly affected connectivity of the brain.

Brain activity appears to continue for around 10 minutes after people are dead, especially in the part that controls the memory.

We treat our future selves like another person. When we are asked to think about ourselves, certain parts of our brain light up. When we are asked to think about our future selves, different areas of our brain light up, The same areas we use to think about other people.

The urge for people (especially mothers) to "gobble up" a baby is caused by the scent of the baby which causes the brain to deliver rewarding feelings similar to eating .

When hooked up to a brain scanner, expert level meditators are in a constant gamma wave brain state. Most people only experience a few moments of gamma brain waves at times of great joy or accomplishment. When meditating on compassion their gamma levels jump 700-800%.

The archaic study of head shape (Phrenology) is responsible for many sayings. Intelligent people had a "highbrow", stupid people had a "lowbrow", people with balanced attributes' heads were "well-rounded" and psychiatrists would reduce areas of people's brains and were called "shrinks".

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about People Brains. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is People Brains so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor