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Pencil Sharpeners facts

While investigating facts about Pencil Sharpeners Amazon and Pencil Sharpeners That Work, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In the '90s a batch of pencils by the Bureau for At-Risk-Youth with the slogan "Too Cool To Do Drugs" were recalled for saying "Cool to Do Drugs" and "Do Drugs" as they were sharpened.

how pencil sharpeners work?

In the 90s, pencils with the slogan “Too cool to do drugs” were recalled after it was realized that once sharpened to a certain length, the pencils promoted drugs instead

What are the best pencil sharpeners?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does the world price for pencil sharpeners represent. Here are 19 of the best facts about Pencil Sharpeners At Walmart and Pencil Sharpeners For Colored Pencils I managed to collect.

what are pencil sharpeners made of?

  1. The famous author, John Steinbeck, had a life-long obsession and fetish with pencils. He liked his pencils when they were new and long and of different hardness/softness. He also noted that he sharpened and used about 60 pencils a day, and preferred to sharpen them all at once.

  2. Colored pencils don't actually use graphite. Rather, they are wax-based. This wax can dull the regular pencil sharpener blades and gunk the sharpener up.

  3. There's a comedian who decided started his own Artisanal pencil sharpening business where you ship him your pencil, and he sharpens it for 40 dollars. He even wrote a book about how to sharpen pencils.

  4. Pencil sharpeners were outlawed in Britain during WWII due to dwindling supplies of Red Cedar and the fact that pencil sharpeners wasted wood. Incense Cedar was later discovered as an alternative to Red Cedar.

  5. David Reese a former Cartoonist charges $15 to sharpen pencils you sent him by mail incase you don't have a pencil he can provide you with a sharpened pencil for $500

  6. David Rees, the cartoonist of the political comic 'Get Your War On' ended the strip shortly after G.W. Bush's administration ended, and now runs an 'Artisanal Pencil Sharpening' business

  7. Pencil sharpeners were once illegal in Britain.

  8. The large hole on school pencil sharpeners is for crayons

  9. Wikipedia's first "Did You Know?" was in February 23, 2004, saying " that a pencil sharpener 'is a device for sharpening a pencil's point by shaving the end of the pencil'? Well, all right, you probably did.".

  10. There is a pencil-sharpener museum in Logan, Ohio.

pencil sharpeners facts
What are metal pencil sharpeners made of?

Why do pencil sharpeners break the lead?

You can easily fact check why are pencil sharpeners made of magnesium by examining the linked well-known sources.

You can sharpen the metal portion of a pencil and extend the eraser usage! Took me 26 years to figure this out...

I've been sharpening pencils all wrong: You have to turn the sharpener while holding the pencil still. This reduces stress on the lead and the likelihood it will break. - source

The first Wikipedia "did you know" explained how pencil sharpeners work - source

A pencil sharpener is an incredible way to make kindling for a fire.

Artisanal Pencil Sharpener" is a job (and this guy's charging $500 per on his site). - source

When were pencil sharpeners invented?

Bruce Lee darts guns slingers in the hand in this movie. The darts are like sharpened pencils

How pencil sharpeners are made?

A US drug abuse education program, DARE gave away pencils that, after sharpening, actually read: "do drugs" (#16)

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Pencil Sharpeners. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Pencil Sharpeners so important!

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