Peanut Butter facts
While investigating facts about Peanut Butter Cookies and Peanut Butter Falcon, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In the US, peanut butter must contain 90% peanuts, otherwise it must be called "peanut spread"
how peanut butter is made?
A study co-authored by hundreds of physicists, "The Effects of Peanut Butter on the Rotation of the Earth," is only one sentence long: "So far as we can determine, peanut butter has no effect on the rotation of the earth."
What peanut butter is bad for dogs?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what peanut butter is keto. Here are 50 of the best facts about Peanut Butter Jelly Time and Peanut Butter Pie I managed to collect.
what peanut butter is good for dogs?
Bees can be blue. Xylocopa Caerulea is a naturally blue carpenter bee from Southeast Asia. They are non aggressive and their honey is as thick as peanut butter
There is a grocery store named "Thanksgiving" in Paris that sells U.S. "cuisine" like Pop-Tarts, Heinz ketchup, and Skippy peanut butter to homesick ex-pats.
Elvis Presley once flew from Graceland to Denver and back in one night just for a sandwich. 'The Fool's Gold Loaf' is a hollowed out loaf of bread filled with peanut butter, jelly, and a pound of bacon. It has an estimated 8,000 calories
The singer of Peanut Butter Jelly Time passed away during an eleven-hour standoff with police even after Snoop Dogg his brother-in-law tried to convince him to surrender.
The singer of Peanut Butter Jelly Time died in an 11 hour police standoff during which time his brother-in-law Snoop Dogg attempted to calm him down and surrender
Elvis Presley flew to Denver and back one night just to pick up a Fool's Gold Loaf: an 8,000 calorie sandwich made from a hollowed out loaf filled with an entire jar of peanut butter, one jar of jelly, and a pound of bacon.
Texas abolished last meal requests after a prisoner ordered 2 chicken-fried steaks, a triple cheeseburger, a beef & cheese omelet , a pound of barbecued meat, a half loaf of bread, 3 fajitas, a meat-lover's pizza, fried okra, a pint of Blue Bell, and peanut-butter fudge, and then did not eat it.
One night, Elvis flew from Graceland to Denver and back just to buy a Fool's Gold Loaf - an 8,000 calorie sandwich made from a hollowed out load of bread, a jar of peanut butter, a jar of jam and a pound of bacon.
Modern Peanut Butter was invented as a source of protein for people with no teeth
Peanut butter in Dutch is called "Peanut cheese" because the word butter is only supposed to be used with products that contain actual butter.
Peanut Butter data charts
For your convenience take a look at Peanut Butter figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why peanut butter is bad for you?
You can easily fact check why peanut butter is healthy by examining the linked well-known sources.
80 percent of the peanut butter sold in the U.S. is creamy; only 17 percent is crunchy.
Peanut butter in a plastic jar at the supermarket usually has a sell-by date of about 18 months after it hits the shelf. Past this date, if it’s unopened it’s still perfectly good. Opened, peanut butter will slowly develop off-flavors of rancid nuts over the next five or so years. - source
"The Effects of Peanut Butter on the Rotation of the Earth", a study co-authored by hundreds of physicists, is only one sentence long: "So far as we can determine, peanut butter has no effect on the rotation of the earth." - source
Reese's peanut butter cups were also originally called "penny cups" since they cost just one cent each when Harry Burnett Reese first started selling them in 1928. The penny cups were so successful that Reese was able to sell them in 5-pound boxes to local retailers.
Individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease may lose the ability to smell peanut butter. The "Peanut Butter Test" may offer an early indication of the disease. - source
Ben en jerry peanut butter cup which?
Jif natural peanut butter has to be labeled as "peanut butter spread" because it doesn't meet the FDA requirements for peanut content--its "non-peanut ingredients" exceed 10 percent.
Homemade peanut butter?
At the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904, the world was introduced to hot dogs, hamburgers, waffle cones, peanut butter, iced tea, cotton candy, Puffed Wheat cereal and Dr. pepper
The singer of "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" died in an 11-hour-long police standoff. His brother in law, Snoop Dogg, tried and failed to calm him down and convince him to surrender.
A patent is pending on a "Jar with a Twist" -- a container for dispensing peanut butter and other similar products -- that has a rotating bottom which functions similar to a deodorant stick to bring the contents of the jar up towards the top for easier access.
Reese's Hearts have the highest percentage of peanut butter per cup.
That, when making peanut butter, the heart of the peanut is taken out because it's too bitter. The peanut hearts that are collected are put into birdseed.