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Peaceful Protest facts

While investigating facts about Peaceful Protests Near Me and Peaceful Protests That Worked, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Jonathan Daniels, a white Episcopal priest who was killed in 1965 after he threw himself in front of a shotgun blast targeting a seventeen-year-old black girl. Both he and the girl had been peacefully protesting for civil rights when they were attacked by a deputy.

how peaceful protests work?

In 1846, Henry David Thoreau refused to pay his taxes because he objected the Mexican-American War and slavery. He spent the night in jail for his actions. This popularized the concept of Civil Disobedience, peacefully protesting a law, which later influenced Gandhi, MLK, and Leo Tolstoy.

What peaceful protests worked?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a peaceful protest. Here are 50 of the best facts about Peaceful Protest Definition and Peaceful Protest Examples I managed to collect.

what peaceful protests have worked?

  1. Three masked instigators at a peaceful protest in Quebec were found out to be undercover police. Protestors figured it out when they noticed the boots they were wearing were the same as police.

  2. In 2007, Quebec police sent provocateurs disguised as demonstrators to a protest at the North American leaders summit in Montebello Quebec to incite a riot and justify dispersing the otherwise legal and constitutionally protected peaceful assembly.

  3. In 2011, cell service was shut down in San Francisco at four BART stations to prevent protesters from organizing a peaceful demonstration.

  4. Shell had a peaceful non-violent protest leader murdered by Nigeria because they wanted oil on the land of the protester. Shell was sued and settled the lawsuit for millions.

  5. Catholic and Protestant areas in Northern Ireland are still separated by walls up to 25 feet tall called "peace lines"

  6. Thich Nhat Hanh wrote a letter asking MLK for his support to end the Vietnam War. In the letter, Thich described why monks would self-immolate as an act of protest. MLK nominated Thich Nhat Hanh for the Nobel Peace Prize in January 1967. Unfortunately, that year no Peace Prize was awarded.

  7. The 1925 Shakee Massacre, where over a hundred peaceful Chinese protesters were gunned down in Guangzhou, China. The perpetrators were not punished and refused to even apologize.

  8. In 2003, as a response to Prime Minister John Howard's attitude towards peace protests, the Australian satirical newspaper The Chaser published his real home phone number on their front page. The headline read "Howard ignores the people. So call him at home on (02) 9922 6189".

  9. The Irish 'Tri-colour' flag symbolizes the struggle that was once in Ireland. Green represents the Catholics, orange represents the Protestants and white represents the hope for peace between both sides.

  10. Peaceful protests topple dictatorships. A study found that out of 323 violent and nonviolent resistance campaigns from 1900 to 2006, major nonviolent campaigns have achieved success 53 percent of the time, compared with 26 percent for violent resistance campaigns.

peaceful protest facts
What to bring to a peaceful protest?

Why peaceful protests work?

You can easily fact check peaceful protests don't work by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Irish flag symbolises peace between Catholics and Protestants

At one point Nelson Mandela felt that peaceful protest was bearing no fruit so co-founded a paramilitary organisation believed to be responsible for over 130 deaths, including 60 black Afrikaners. It's believed the possibility of the group being disbanded played a large role in his release. - source

Following the pepper-spraying incident involving peaceful protesters and an overzealous Campus Cop, UC Davis spent at least $175K in an effort to 'scrub' the internet of negative posts about the incident, part of their "strategic communications" budget that reached $5.47M in 2015. - source

Valdosta State University administratively withdrew a student for peacefully protesting the construction of new campus parking garages, resulting in a civil rights lawsuit and a $900,000 payout

This is the 100th anniversary of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre where the British gunned down 1500 peaceful Indian protesters in 10 minutes. Colonel Dryer, the man who ordered the massacre said he “wanted to punish Indians for disobedience.” - source

When peaceful protest becomes impossible?

A peaceful protest against the Soviet Union known as the Baltic Chain, where 2 million people joined hands forming an unbroken human chain that spanned 675 kilometers (420 miles) across Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

How to organize a peaceful protest?

Two million citizens of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia held hands in 1989, forming a 600 km (370 mi) human chain to protest against Soviet occupation. The Soviet Union threatened "catastrophic consequences", but ended up peacefully giving the states their freedom.

Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in '73 for his role in “peacefully resolving” the Vietnam War, despite the fact that Kissinger prolonged the war for five years. The decision to award Kissinger with the Prize caused two members of the Nobel committee to resign in protest.

When Bush Sr. visited Australia in 1992 he attempted to be friendly to a bunch of protesters in Canberra by giving the Peace Sign out of his limo. Unfortunately he presented with the palm facing inward and probably did a lot more damage than if he just left his hand inside the vehicle.

In 1819 the British government sent their cavalry against a peaceful rally of more than 60,000 people which was demanding political reform and protesting against poverty. 18 protesters were killed and more than 650 were injured. It is the bloodiest political clash in Britain’s history.

That, in 2009, thousands of women in Kenya went on a seven-day sex strike in protest of political instability. The strike was successful and ended in peaceful talks, because, above everything else, sex matters the most.

When peaceful protest is ignored?

From the 18th of Feburary to 8th of March 1989 the Caracazo took place, where the president of Venezuela suspended numerous articles of the constitution (including the right to peaceful protest) and the police and military killed around 2,000 protesters

In 1919 Gandhi called for peaceful strikes and protests when the British began to imprison suspects of resistance without trial. Gandhi was arrested in 1922 and charged with sedition (resistance to government rule).

Marie Equi, an American Doctor, served 10 months in prison for peacefully protesting WWI

Belfast has walled off religious ghettos for Catholics and Protestants called "Peace Lines."

How to start a peaceful protest?

The same lady who campaigned for mother's day to be a recognised holiday was arrested for disturbing the peace when she protested the day's commercialisation

Today is the 46th anniversary of the Tlatelolco Massacre in 1968, in which the Mexican government murdered and arrested an unknown number of peaceful protesters, ignoring their human rights

The November 2015 Paris attacks were not "the worst acts of violence committed in Paris since WW2". That title goes to the Paris Massacre of 1961, when French police attacked a peaceful pro-Algerian protest, killing as many as 200 civilians.

The 1925 Shakee Massacre, where British, French and Portuguese forces gunned down hundreds of peaceful Chinese protesters & then declined to punish the perpetrators or even offer an apology

The December 9th, 2009 Georgia prison riot "Lockdown for Liberty". It was a peaceful protest partially started due to Georgia being the only state that does not pay inmates for labors they perform.

The People Power Revolution. Where millions of people banded together for a peaceful protest to end their dictator's 20 year run and won.

Mr Brian Willson, a peace activist, was maimed in 1987 after he sat on a train track to protest US weapon shipments to Central America. The train crew was aware of his protest plans, and were advised against stopping the train.

The Baltic Way, a 2 million person long human chain created in 1989 to peacefully protest communist rule in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

The White House Peace Vigil has been protesting against nuclear weapons since 1981. William Thomas and Concepcion Picciotto, lived in front of the White House until their deaths in 2009 and 2016 respectively. William's wife, Ellen, started in 1984 and stopped in 2002.

In 1968, a large group of students peacefully protested in Mexico City. The protest got so out of hand that the Mexican President ordered soldiers to shoot at the protestors, causing between 30 and 300 students to be killed. 10 days later, the 1968 Olympics started in Mexico City.

"Ohio" by neil young was not just a song about "Forgetting ohio" it was infact a song highlighting outrage over the way the military reacted to an otherwise peaceful protest in kent state university in Ohio.

Peaceful protesters in China are imprisoned and frequently killed for their organs

Oakland PD attacked an Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran who was peacefully protesting and put him in intensive care

In 2000 Clearwater FL police officers were paid by Scientology to be private police security. Brutal harassment of peaceful protesters ensued

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Peaceful Protest. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Peaceful Protest so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor