Pay Debts facts
While investigating facts about Pay Debts Off Fast and Pay Debts Or Save Money, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In Germany, when a kid becomes an adult at age 18, it can get rid of all its debt by offering its debtors everthing its owns at that point. The young adult is relieved from all other debts they can't pay back so that no young adult has to face a life in debt for things they did as teenager.
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In Texas, prison inmates have to pay $100 a year out of their personal account to see a doctor for a sickness that is not an emergency or a chronic illness. If they don't have the money, half of all future funds deposited into their account are put towards the debt.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the legally bound obligation to pay debts called. Here are 50 of the best facts about Pay Debts Or Invest and Pay Debts Meme I managed to collect.
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Pope John XII was the only Pope who was ever beaten to death by a jealous husband for sleeping with his wife. He was also accused of turning the papal palace into a brothel, sleeping with his niece, toasting the devil, ordaining a 10yr old boy, and misusing papal funds to pay gambling debts.
There's a strong correlation between people who buy bird seed and people who usually pay their debts. Inversely, people who buy chrome accessories for their car tend to not pay their debts in full.
Jesse James once gave a widow who housed him enough money to pay off her debt collector. He then robbed the debt collector as the man left the widow's home.
The drug lord Pablo Escobar offered to pay off Columbia's $20 billion foreign debt in order to avoid extradition to the US.
Pablo Escobar offered to pay off Columbia's $10 billion foreign debt in order to avoid prosecution
Willie Nelson released an album in 1992 specifically made to pay off his debts to the IRS, entitled 'The IRS Tapes: Who'll Buy My Memories?'
There's a strong correlation between people who buy bird seed and people who usually pay their debts. Inversely, people who buy chrome accessories for their car tend to not pay their debts in full.
At some point in 1847, the chief executioner of France informed the government that he was unable to carry out that day’s execution because he’d pawned the guillotine to pay off a debt and lacked the funds to buy it back
It took Quebec until 2006 to pay off its debt from hosting the 1976 Summer Olympics
Outlaw Jesse James once gave a poor widow who housed him in her farmhouse $1,400 to pay off her debts. When the debt collecter arrived, he hid outside until he left the home, robbed him, took back the $1,400 and rode off.
Pay Debts data charts
For your convenience take a look at Pay Debts figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is it important to pay off debts?
You can easily fact check why pay off small debts first by examining the linked well-known sources.
Jesse James once gave a widow he was staying with $1400 to pay off a debt collector. He told her to give him the money and get a receipt. James then hid and waited for the debt collector to leave, and then robbed the man as he left the widow's home.
When filing for bankruptcy, ex-NFL Player Mike Vick personally elected Chapter 11 Bankruptcy as opposed to Chapter 7, so he would be able to pay back his debt almost in full. Paying $17.4 million of the $17.6 million he owed. “I didn’t want to stiff people who never stiffed me” - source
Germany finally finished paying off debts from reparations required in the post-WWI Treaty of Versailles in 2010 - 92 years after the end of the war. - source
Bank robber Jesse James once gave a widow who housed him enough money to pay off her debt collector and then robbed the debt collector to give her back the money.
During the Asian Financial Crisis many Koreans willingly gave up their precious jewelry, heirlooms and mementos in order to help their country pay off their debt to the IMF. - source
What happens when an estate cannot pay debts?
Finland is the only country that did not default on its debts from World War One. It continued to pay the United States until the last of its debt was discharged in 1976.
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One proposed solution to the US debt ceiling crisis of 2012 was the minting of a 1 trillion dollar coin that would be used to pay off the country's debt.
Koreans donated billions of euros' worth of gold jewelry, personal heirlooms, and other valuables to help pay down the nation's IMF debt in the wake of the 1997 Asian financial crisis
The idiom "When my ship comes in" originated with sailors' wives who promised to pay off debts when the sailors' ships returned to port.
The British government only finished paying off its debt from WW1 in 2014
If you have debt + a winning lotto ticket, you can file bankruptcy, discharge your debts, and then cash in the ticket without having to pay off your previous debt.
Pay debts infographics
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