Parallel Universes facts
While investigating facts about Parallel Universes Of Self and Parallel Universes In Fiction, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Stephen Hawking spent his final days attempting to solve the parallel universe mystery and updated his paper just ten days before his death
how to travel to parallel universes?
There is a conspiracy theory that we are living in a parallel universe due to the spelling of the children's books The Berenstain Bears
What does parallel universes mean?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happens if parallel universes collide. Here are 41 of the best facts about Parallel Universes Of Self Pdf and Parallel Universes And How To Change Reality I managed to collect.
what is a parallel universes?
There is a theory known as the "Mandela Effect" which states we might be living in parallel universes due to many people having the same 'false memories' of past events that did or did not happen.
The "Berenstain Bears theory", in which people believe that they have switched over to a parallel universe because they explicitly remember "Berenstain" spelled as "Berenstein"
Enough people are so certain that the "Berenstain Bears" were once spelled "Berenstein" that it has sparked a theory that they're from a parallel universe.
There is a region called the Eridanus Supervoid which is a cold spot ~5 degrees above absolute zero and has been theorized to be an imprint of a parallel universe.
In 1903 he received a PhD for his dissertation in interference phenomena in plane-parallel plates and from 1903 to 1905 he studied at the University of Gottingen.
In 2009 a man under the pseudonym James Richards claimed to have been taken to a parallel universe in which The Beatles were still together and brought back an unreleased album on cassette
He has written several books for the general audience including, Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the Tenth Dimension in 1994 and Physics of the Future: How Science will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100.
Talespin is a weird parallel universe story to the Junglebook
There is a Doctor Who comic where the Doctor goes to an parallel universe where his adventures are on a show and scripted and called "Doctor Who"
Parallel Universes data charts
For your convenience take a look at Parallel Universes figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Someone using the pen name "James Richards" claims to have gone to a parallel universe where ketchup is purple and where The Beatles never broke up. James also claims to have taken a cassette tape titled "Everyday Chemistry", a Beatles album never released in our universe.
Hugh Everetts (the guy who gave the many world theory and believed in quantum immortality) daughter committed suicide so that she could end up in the "correct parallel universe" to meet her father. - source
The Berenstain/Berenstein Bears conspiracy theory. The theory states that most people remember the name of the popular children's book pronounced Berenstein, but is now somehow Berenstain, thus confirming the existence of parallel universes. - source
The Belgium is so divided by language that there are parallel, Dutch- or French-speaking political parties, newspapers, TV stations, libraries, schools, universities, and government meetings. Only the national debt is national.
The "evil twin" trope originates from a 1967 Star Trek episode 'Mirror, Mirror' where Spock was swiped with an evil counterpart from a parallel universe - source
What happens when parallel universes collide?
The Berenstain Bears Mandela effect where the name is incorrectly remembered as “Berenstein Bears” which some attribute to time travel and parallel universes
Parallel universes and how to change reality?
The Berenstein Bears are actually The Berenstain Bears, and there are people so convinced that it used to be "Berenstein" that they think it is proof of a parallel universe.
People remembering details differently, like how to spell the Berenst#in Bears, is the basis for the Mandela Effect as proof of people crossing between parallel universes
The Berenstain Bears parallel universe theory. Many people remember remember the spelling as "Berenstein," and some are convinced that this change is proof of a parallel universe.
Mini Black Holes Could Prove Existence Of Parallel Universes
How the ancient Chinese came up with the Yin Yang symbol. It started off with a series of diagrams with numbers and shapes in order to explain the universe, which they believed, acts like an organism paralleling the human body...