Oxford Dictionary facts
While investigating facts about Oxford Dictionary Search and Oxford Dictionary Free Download, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Oxford English Dictionary has included the informal use of the word "literally" in its official definition since 2011, and that use of the word "literally" to mean "figuratively" has been documented as far back as 250 years.
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Five years into their ten-year plan, editors of the original Oxford English Dictionary had only reached the word 'ant'
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the oxford dictionary word of the year 2018. Here are 50 of the best facts about Oxford Dictionary Download and Oxford Dictionary Of English I managed to collect.
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'cunted', 'cunting', 'cuntish' and 'cunty' were all added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2014.
The word with the most meanings in English is the verb 'set', with 430 senses listed in the Second Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, published in 1989. The word commands the longest entry in the dictionary at 60,000 words, or 326,000 characters.
Yale graduate William Chester Minor, who became one of the largest contributors for the compiling of the Oxford English Dictionary by providing usages of words from his antiquated book collection, was a clinically insane murderer who cut off his own penis.
The most complex word in the English dictionary is the word 'set' with over 430 definitions in the Oxford English dictionary
In 2018, the word 'embiggen' from The Simpsons was added to the Oxford English Dictionary. It has been used in research papers on String Theory.
With at least 645 different meanings in the Oxford English Dictionary, the word 'Run' currently holds the record for having the most meanings for a word in the English language
The name of the eponymous character "STAN" from Eminem's biggest hit song of the same name ,has given rise to a slang term online which refers to overzealous, maniacal, overly obsessed fans of a celebrity or personality; the term has since been included in the Oxford English Dictionary.
The longest palindromic word included in the Oxford English Dictionary is tattarrattat, meaning a knock at the door. It was coined by James Joyce in "Ulysses."
The Oxford Dictionary published some fake words and caught Dictionary.com copying them.
JRR Tolkien was responsible for many W word definitions we have today in the Oxford English Dictionary
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You can easily fact check why oxford english dictionary by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Homer Simpson quote, "Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is never try" was added to The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations in August 2007.
The most complex word in the English language, or the word with the longest dictionary definition, is the word "set", with 430 senses and a ~60,000-word definition in the Oxford English Dictionary. - source
Expresso' is considered an acceptable variant of 'espresso' by the Oxford English Dictionary. - source
A murderer named William Chester Minor made enormous contributions to the writing of the Oxford English Dictionary while he was in a mental asylum.
JRR Tolkien's first civilian job was at the Oxford English Dictionary, where he worked mainly on the history and etymology of words of Germanic origin beginning with the letter W. - source
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The British Potato Council led a campaign to get rid of the phrase "couch potato" and replace it with "couch slouch". This included protests outside Parliament and the offices of the Oxford English Dictionary.
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The Oxford Dictionary once printed a fake word, to catch anyone trying to copy their dictionary, and thus violating the copyright law. The word then appeared in many other dictionaries.
One of the biggest contributers to the original Oxford English Dictionary was an inmate at a lunatic asylum and former surgeon from the American civil war, incarcerated for shooting a man in London.
The Oxford English Dictionary credits Alanis Morrisette with coining the phrase 'friend with benefits'
After the war Tolkien worked at The Oxford English Dictionary, and then he became a professor at the University of Leeds.
The New Oxford American Dictionary made up the fake word "esquivalience" and inserted it into their dictionary. This false entry was included to expose any people who might copy Oxford's content and use it in their own work.