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Oslo Norway facts

While investigating facts about Oslo Norway Weather and Oslo Norway Terrorist Attack, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Oslo, Norway. Has donated a Christmas tree every year to the United Kingdom since the 1940's. The tree is usually cut down in November and held up at Trafalgar Square throughout the Christmas holiday.

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Every year, the city of Oslo, Norway donates a Christmas tree to Britain as a token of gratitude for their help in World War II.

What to see in oslo norway?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what time is it in oslo norway. Here are 18 of the best facts about Oslo Norway Things To Do and Oslo Norway Map I managed to collect.

what to do in oslo norway?

  1. Oslo, Norway has the best subway coverage in Europe, with 80 percent of all commuting done by public transportation

  2. Norway started building a "highway for bees" in 2015. The bee-friendly corridor in Oslo passes through places where bees like to both live and feed, and features feeding stations.

  3. It’s illegal to die in Longyearben, Norway because of the permafrost. Terminally ill people are sent to Oslo tondie

  4. Oslo, Norway, has the best subway coverage in Europe, with 80 percent of commuting done on public transportation

  5. Every Christmas, a Norway spruce is given by the city of Oslo to London and displayed as a Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square as a token of gratitude for the UK's support during WW2

  6. Oslo, Norway is one of the most expensive places in the world to get a haircut

  7. Kristian Birkeland was born in Christiania, Norway which is today known as Oslo.

  8. Munch's "The Scream" has been stolen twice. It was snatched once from a gallery in 1994, and then it was taken again in 2004 from the Munch Museum in Oslo, Norway.

  9. From 1978 to 1989, skateboarding was illegal in Norway, creating hidden secret societies of boarders. There was one legal skatepark in Oslo but you had to carry your permit to use the park or be subject to arrest!

oslo norway facts
What is there to do in oslo norway?

Oslo Norway data charts

For your convenience take a look at Oslo Norway figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

oslo norway fact data chart about Variation in price per m² for used apartments in Oslo, Norwa
Variation in price per m² for used apartments in Oslo, Norway: 15,000 NOK/m² (dark) - 150,000 NOK/m² (bright), (logarithmic scale)

oslo norway fact data chart about Heatmap of temperature anomalies globally, in Alta (Northern
Heatmap of temperature anomalies globally, in Alta (Northern Norway) and Oslo (South Norway)

Why is oslo the capital of norway?

You can easily fact check why visit oslo norway by examining the linked well-known sources.

Rapes in Oslo, Norway are primarily committed by Muslim men raping non-Muslim Women

Casey Kasem's body was brought to, and buried in, Oslo Norway of all places - source

The world's largest gingerbread man was made in Oslo, Norway on November 9, 2016. It weighed 651 kilograms (1,435 pounds and 3 ounces). - source

The first speeding ticket in Norway was given to a tram driver in 1894 for exceeding the speed limit of 18 kilometres per hour (11 mph) on the Briskeby Line, in Oslo.

When did oslo became the capital of norway?

69 mostly depressing quotes by Norwegian playwright Ibsen are fixed into the sidewalk between Oslo's Parliament & Palace, e.g. "The minority always has the right," "Don't use the foreign word 'ideals', we have the Norwegian word 'lies'," & "Norway is a free land populated by unfree people" [PDF]

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Oslo Norway. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Oslo Norway so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor