Oscar Nominee facts
While investigating facts about Oscar Nominees 2020 and Oscar Nominees 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Oscar nominee Shape of Water actor, Richard Jenkins got his start by being mistaken for the actor who auditioned before him. He overheard the guy before him, playing guitar, and how much they loved him. He realised what happened when the director asked him to play guitar, which he couldn’t do.
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Best Actor Oscar nominee Richard Jenkins, who played the dad in Step Brothers, drove a linen truck before becoming an actor. His boss was John C. Reilly's father.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what oscar nominees can i stream. Here are 21 of the best facts about Oscar Nominees 2018 and Oscar Nominees 2020 Best Picture I managed to collect.
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The Deer Hunter is the first example of Oscar bait. After a terrible initial screening due to the film's darkness, consultant Allan Carr realized the only way to market the film was if it was an Oscar nominee. It was only shown in 2 theaters until moving wide after gaining 9 nominations.
The Indian state of Sikkim is World’s First 100% Organic State. In 2018, Sikkim won the “Oscar for best policies", conferred by Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN (FAO) for World’s Best Policies Promoting Agroecological & Sustainable Food Systems, beating 51 nominees from 25 countries.
At the 1934 Oscars during the presentation for Best Director, the presenter opened the envelope and said "Come and get it, Frank!" Nominee Frank Capra got out of his seat and made it all the way to the podium but realized that co-nominee Frank Lloyd was the winner of the award, not him.
That, at the 6th Academy Awards (1934), the presenter of the Best Director Oscar announced the winner simply by saying: "Come up and get it, Frank!" Unfortunately, there were two nominees that year called Frank, and they both walked onstage, believing that they had won.
Golden Globe recipient and Oscar nominee Randy Quaid believes that a secretive organisation known as "The Hollywood Star Whackers" are actively hunting him down and looking to assassinate him
When presenting at the Oscars in 1985, Laurence Olivier forgot to name the Best Picture nominees. He simply opened the envelope and proclaimed, "Amadeus (1984)".
The Disney film Beauty of the Beast was nominated for Best Picture at the 1991 Academy Awards, making it the only animated film to be nominated for the Best Picture Oscar until the Academy expanded the number of nominees in 2009.
The rivalry between Bette Davis and Joan Crawford was so strong that, when Davis was nominated for an Oscar in '63, Crawford arranged with the other nominees to collect the award on their behalf. Anne Bancroft won, and Crawford read her speech for her, while Davis watched backstage.
The black sheep of Pontecorvo's family, Gillo Pontecorvo, who dropped university after passing just two exams, became a worldwide famous director (4 Oscar nominees and 1 Golden Lion)
The 25 acting and directing nominees from the Oscars receive a gift bag. At an all-time high, the gift bag for the 2016 Oscars was valued at around $232,000.
Oscar Nominee data charts
For your convenience take a look at Oscar Nominee figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why no oscar nominations for uncut gems?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Since her first Oscar nomination 36 years ago (1979), Meryl Streep has been a nominee 19 times. There have been more years where she was nominated than years in which she wasn't (17).
Trey Parker and Matt Stone went as nominees to the Oscars...wearig dresses while on acid. - source
At the 2002 Oscars, original animations were created to have the characters from nominees for Best Animated Feature appear in the crowd. - source
When Eminem won the Best Original Song Oscar, he was at home asleep with his daughter because he didn’t believe he’d win against the other contenders. In his mind, the Oscars were for actors not musicians, and a rap song had no chance against the other nominees.
The campy cult favorite "Army of Darkness" has an IMDB rating equal to or better than three of the five Best Picture Oscar nominees from that year (1992) - source
When oscar nominees announced?
Oscar nominees gets gift bag worth 200K$
How to watch oscar nominees?
The 2016 Oscar Nominees will be given a "gift bag" valued at over $200,000
All Oscar nominees are given a $200,000 gift bag with luxury items, including a vibrator.