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Osaka Japan facts

While investigating facts about Osaka Japanese and Osaka Japanese Restaurant, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Biologists at Osaka University in Japan have discovered a new way to grow the many separate tissues that make up the human eyeball, including retinas, corneas, the eye's lens, using stem cells extracted from a small sample of adult skin

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Ko Yong-Hui, late mother of current North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un, was half-Japanese and was born in Osaka, Japan

What to buy at osaka japan?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to see at osaka japan. Here are 25 of the best facts about Osaka Japanese Steakhouse and Osaka Japan Map I managed to collect.

what to do at osaka japan?

  1. While Osaka is the second largest city in Japan by daytime population, at nighttime it becomes the third largest.

  2. About the "Osaka Bang", where the citizens of Osaka in Japan will react and sometimes fall over if you pretend to shoot them

  3. There is an office tower in Osaka, Japan, with an elevated highway ramp running right through it - in the elevators, "the nameplates for the omitted floors [5, 6 and 7] reads simply 'Hanshin Expressway'"

  4. In 1701, a Japanese fisherman from Osaka got caught in a storm and washed up in Kamchatka, Russia. He pleaded to be allowed back to Japan, but was instead sent to St. Petersburg where he became the father of Japanese education in Russia.

  5. Scientists at the University of Osaka in Japan have used genetic engineering to produce a mouse that sings like a bird.

  6. In 2002 artists turned the phone booths of Osaka Japan into aquariums

  7. People in Japan are chronically lonely and about 70 people a day commit suicide mainly due to this but they seem to do little to prevent being lonely. Currently in Osaka if someone wants a free hug.

  8. Eastern Japan runs on 50 Hz current whereas Western Japan runs on 60 Hz current. This is due to Tokyo and Osaka's first ever generators being different, back in 1895 and 1896.

  9. A highway offramp of the Hanshin Expressway passes through the 5th to 7th floors of the Gate Tower Building in Osaka, Japan.

  10. The five cities with the most Michelin stars, three are located in Japan. Tokyo (#1), Kyoto (#3), and Osaka (#4)

osaka japan facts
What time is it in osaka japan?

Why does osaka represent japan?

You can easily fact check why osaka plays for japan by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Kansai Airport in Japan, entirely surrounded by water. It was built on an artificial island to relieve congestion at Osaka.

There's a restaurant in Osaka, Japan that serves fried Axolotls, the critically-endangered amphibian that was the inspiration of the Pokémon, Wooper! - source

Ramen was invented using trial-and-error in a backyard shed in Osaka, Japan - source

After the failed Japanese invasion of Korea in the 1590's, many samurai brought back Korean body parts to Japan as trophies. And in 1983 a tomb containing 20,000 Korean noses was discovered near Osaka.

of the Curse of the Colonel. After winning the Japan series for the first time Hanshin Tigers fans threw a statue of Colonel Sanders into the river off the Ebisubashi bridge in Osaka. Many fans believed this caused the team to go 18 years with only one winning record. - source

When was osaka the capital of japan?

In 1985 Japan Airlines flight 123 crashed during a flight from Tokyo to Osaka. Over 500 passengers died, including well-known celebrities. It is the deadliest accident in aviation history and many theories exist about the cause of the crash due to the delayed rescue operation and other info

How to pronounce osaka in japanese?

In Osaka, Japan there is a hotel for the dead

An 1890's decision makes it extremely difficult to send electricity across Japan and used to prevent you from using a microwave designed for Tokyo in Osaka.

There is a "Gate Tower Building" in Osaka, Japan with an express highway running through it.

In 2005, there was a major train accident in Osaka, Japan, where a train rammed into an apartment building, partly due to the train was running late for 90seconds and the train driver was trying to make up for the lost time

Whisky production in Japan began around 1870, but the first commercial production was in 1924 upon the opening of the country's first distillery, Yamazaki in Shimamoto, Osaka Prefecture

When is the best time to visit osaka japan?

There is an instant noodle museum in Osaka, Japan

Osaka , Japan's phone booths were turned into aquarium after they were outdated by mobile phones.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Osaka Japan. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Osaka Japan so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor