Incredible and fun facts to explore

Optic Cables facts

While investigating facts about Optic Cables For Tv and Optic Cables Map, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Both Caller ID and call waiting were invented Dr Shirley Jackson; the first African-American woman to gain a PhD from MIT. Her breakthroughs in theoretical physics & telecommunications also allowed for portable fax, fibre optic cables, and solar cells.

how optic cables work?

Google wraps its undersea fiber optic cables in Kevlar to protect them from shark bites.

What are fiber optic cables?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are fiber optic cables made of. Here are 34 of the best facts about Optic Cables Types and Optic Cables World Map I managed to collect.

what are fibre optic cables?

  1. Deep-sea fiber optic cables are now buried under the seabed, because the electricity running through them used to attract sharks who would bite into them - electrocuting the shark and destroying the cable

  2. Squirrels cause seventeen percent of fiber optic cable cuts

  3. Work at Bell Labs resulted in 9 Nobel Prizes & 4 Turing Awards. Bell laid the first transoceanic phone cable, mapped dark matter, created radio astronomy, the transistor, laser, solar cell, information theory, Unix, C & C++, error detection, cell phones, optical tweezers, electron lithography.

  4. In 2013 some trading firms laid a new transatlantic fiber-optic cable stretching 3,000 miles and costing 300 million USD between London and New York. As a result, their stock trading orders are executed 5.2 milliseconds faster.

  5. Fiber-optic internet cables on the sea floor has to be wrapped in kevlar to protect them from shark bites

  6. In 2006, workers accidentally pulled a fibre optic cable just outside Buckeye, AZ, with a backhoe. As a result, internet access for millions of Sprint users west of the Rockies was disrupted for 3 and a half hours.

  7. Over 99% of international communication is delivered by undersea fiber-optic cables that spread between each continent.

  8. All intercontinental data traffic (the internet) between North America & Europe is carried by only 10 fibre optic cables.

  9. The first transatlantic fibre optic telephone cable had problems with sharks attacking and destroying it because they removed the shielding for High Voltage that was required for copper phone cables.

  10. A Georgian woman sent almost all of Armenia offline for about 12 hours by damaging an international fiber-optic backbone cable with a shovel while scavenging for scrap metal.

optic cables facts
What are fiber optic cables used for?

Why are fiber optic cables used?

You can easily fact check why are fiber optic cables faster by examining the linked well-known sources.

Fiber Optic cables transmit light in IR spectrum, not in visible light.

The longest optical undersea communications cable is 39,000 km (24,000 mi) in length. It starts in Germany, stretches down to Australia, and up to South Korea, providing internet access to 35 countries on 4 continents. - source

Ants can chew through fiber optic cable, knocking out Internet and phone service to homes. The ants are attracted by a jelly-like substance used in the cable casing. - source

In 2007, off the coast of Vietnam, pirates cut and stole an 11km section of submarine fiber optic cable and sold the 100 tons of material as scrap.

Telia Carrier (former TeliaSonera) is an international carrier that owns and manages 43,000 km of fiber optic cable linking Russia, the Baltics, the rest of EU & the U.S. If these lines would be be disrupted, it may compromise global comm. - source

When were fiber optic cables invented?

In 1985 AT&T discovered that sharks would attack underwater fiber optic cables because they were attracted to the electromagnetic radiation they emitted.

How do fiber optic cables work?

In January 2006, TV contractors dug up a fiber optic cable by accident, which turned off long-distance service for millions of Sprint users in the blink of an eye.

There are actually pipes designed to carry light(RF/Microwave range, not using a fiber optic cable).

The total bandwidth of Cuba is 209 Mbit/s upstream and 379 Mbit/s downstream. To put that in context: someone with Google Fiber has a higher capacity link than the entire nation of Cuba because there are no fiber optic cables connecting the island to the Internet.

The internet is connected via fiber-optic cables which run under the ocean

Submarine deep sea optical fiber cables are only 17 millimeters wide and much thinner than the shallow sea (less than 1km deep) ones because those are buried in the sea bed

Precautions when working with fibre optic cables?

The Department of Defence awarded a $35 million project to a Texas company to build a fibre-optic cable from Florida to the Guantanamo base to solve the problem of internet shortages and upgrade telecommunications for the naval base.

Sharks are literally attacking the internet by chewing through undersea fiber optic cables.

The IEX uses 38 miles of fiber optic cable to prevent high frequency trading from having an unfair advantage over individuals.

How laying fiber optic cables across oceans to other continents works.

The internet "cloud" is primarily underwater as there are thousands of miles of sub-ocean trenches dug with fiber optic cables connecting the world.

How do fibre optic cables work?

How undersea internet fibre optic cables are laid on the ocean floor

There is a fiber optic cable that spans the Atlantic Ocean from from Tuckerton, NJ to Widemouth, England and Penmarch, France

After a woman dug up a fiber optic cable in her Georgia backyard a whole country lost access to Internet.

Verizon developed a knife that utilizes air pressure to slice through lawns so that their engineers can lay fibre optic cables without causing any unwanted damage. The tool is able to cut through the grass, but does not break sprinkler pipes and gas lines.

There are fiber-optic cables that run from country to country that connect us together on the internet.

Google had to develop a Kevlar-like material as a way to wrap miles of undersea fiber optic cable, protecting it from damage caused by shark bites, meaning the internet has literally suffered from SHARK ATTACKS!

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Optic Cables. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Optic Cables so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor