Op Ed facts
While investigating facts about Op-ed and Op Ed Articles, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Dilbert" cartoonist Scott Adams once published a self-promoting op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, for which he was mocked by his own fans on his web forum. One user defended Adams, accusing the others of being jealous of Adams' "genius." The user was outed as Adams himself, using a pseudonym.
how to write an op ed?
One month after JFK's assassination Harry Truman, creator of the CIA, wrote an op-ed to call for limiting the agency's activities to intelligence gathering ONLY.
What op-ed means?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what op ed stands for. Here are 8 of the best facts about Op-ed Definition and Op Ed Examples I managed to collect.
who is the op ed editor at the new york times?
In 1997, the NYT ridiculed 'Dentist Barbie' for betraying her role as a sex symbol: "Barbie's role in life is to dress up snugly and gaudily [...]". Note that the op-ed was written by a woman.
A white university student in Utah posed as a black man while writing an Op Ed about a classmate running for the same position in student govt.
On June 13, 1914 the Russian war minister, Vladimir Sukhomlinov, published an anonymous op-ed in Birzheye Vedomosti, a Russian newspaper that often served as an official mouthpiece, titled “Russia is Ready, France Must Be Ready Too!”
Op in Op-ed stands for opposite and is meant to give the opposite view point of the editorial page
The New York Times published their first front page Op Ed since 1920 titled "End the Gun Epidemic in America." Here is the last Op Ed published in 1920 lamenting the nomination of Warren G Harding.
Op Ed data charts
For your convenience take a look at Op Ed figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.