Olden Days facts
While investigating facts about Olden Days Crossword Clue and Olden Days Games, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Headlights for helmets/bikes/cars in olden days were actual flames. Carbide 'rocks' would be placed in one chamber, and water in another chamber would slowly drip on it, producing a highly combustible gas to fuel the flame.
how was ice made in the olden days?
Women’s clothing buttons etc. are on the opposite side due to olden day times of servants dressing the wealthy females.
What catcalling was like in the olden days?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happened in the olden days. Here are 6 of the best facts about Olden Days Crossword and Olden Days Meaning I managed to collect.
what was school like in the olden days?
A software update is sometimes called a "patch" because in the olden days that was literally what it was: paper patches on some of the holes in a punch card
The olden day Indian practice of Sati; where a woman is sometimes forced to burn alive with her dead husband, was witnessed as recently as 2008
Ball Lightning - a natural phenomenon produced during storms. It has been well documented, and it is typically described as a ball of electricity capable of passing through walls and other barriers. Often believed to be ghost fires or apparitions in the olden days.
In the olden days people would steal dead bodies and sell them to medical schools because there is a high demand for dead bodies for study purposes.