Nuclear Disarmament facts
While investigating facts about Nuclear Disarmament Treaty and Nuclear Disarmament Symbol, I found out little known, but curios details like:
When Michael Foot was put in charge of a nuclear disarmament committee, The Times reportedly announced the news with the headline "Foot Heads Arms Body."
how to achieve nuclear disarmament?
The classic peace symbol is based on the semaphone signal for N and D, which stands for Nuclear Disarmament.
What is nuclear disarmament?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the campaign for nuclear disarmament. Here are 45 of the best facts about Nuclear Disarmament Party and Nuclear Disarmament Debate I managed to collect.
what nuclear disarmament means?
Canada wants complete disarmament of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons
The famous headline "Foot Heads Arms Body" (published after Michael Foot was chosen to be the chair of a nuclear disarmament committee) was written by a sub editor as a joke and never intended to be published
The peace symbol is comprised of the semaphores (flag symbols) for N and D, representing the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
The Day After, a 1983 made- for- TV movie about nuclear war and it's horrific effects, was watched by about 100 million people when it aired. President Reagan was left deeply depressed after viewing it, the film is now seen as having pushed him to start advocating nuclear disarmament
The famous Times headline "Foot Heads Arms Body", (in response to Michael Foot being put in charge of a nuclear disarmament committee) was actually a joke meant for the sub editor and wasn't intended to be published.
The origin of the "Peace Sign" was from flag semaphores i.e. using hand held flags to represent letters of the alphabet usually in the Navy. Combining the symbols for 'N' and 'D' standing for 'Nuclear Disarmament' creates the now iconic circular 'Peace' logo.
In the early Canadian 80's an Oscar-winning short film on nuclear disarmament and 2 films for Environment Canada on acid rain were labeled 'propaganda' by the Reagan-era Department of Justice, who restricted distribution until public outcry forced them to rescind those restrictions
Bikini islanders left to deal with fallout of US nuclear tests without compensation. They now fight for nuclear disarmament worldwide, despite slim chance of success, hoping to at least shame nuclear armed nations in the court of public opinion.
The peace symbol was created by combining the semaphores for the letters 'N' (Nuclear ) and 'D' (Disarmament)
The peace symbol is a combination of the semaphore signals for the letters "N" and "D", standing for "nuclear disarmament"
Nuclear Disarmament data charts
For your convenience take a look at Nuclear Disarmament figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why nuclear disarmament matters?
You can easily fact check why nuclear disarmament is impossible by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Peace Symbol is made up of a super-imposition of the semaphore signals for the letters "N" and "D", taken to stand for "nuclear disarmament".
Ypres, one of the places where chemical warfare was first used, maintains a close friendship with Hiroshima, where nuclear weapons were first used. The city governments advocate for nuclear disarmament and for the avoidance of targeting cities in war. - source
The creator of Ivy King, the largest nuclear bomb ever tested by the American Government, later became one of the leading proponents of the Nuclear Disarmament movement - source
The Peace Symbol was actually a logo for a British Nuclear Disarmament campaign. It was later popularized by Picasso and adopted by the hippies for peace.
When did nuclear disarmament begin?
The peace sign was originally designed as the logo for the British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
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The internationally recognized peace symbol was designed on this day (Feb. 21) in 1958 by Gerald Holtom as the logo for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
The "Peace symbol" started out as the symbol of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
The peace sign comes from semaphores for N D, Nuclear Disarmament
The 1983 British Labour Party manifesto, calling for unilateral nuclear disarmament and withdrawal from the EEC (the precursor the EU), hurt the Labour party so badly at the polls it's called "The Longest Suicide Note in History."