Nuclear Bombs facts
While investigating facts about Nuclear Bombs India Vs Pakistan and Nuclear Bombs Hurricanes, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In Japan, Hiroshima Peace Flame has been burned continuously since it was lit in 1964, and will remain lit until all nuclear bombs on the planet are destroyed and the planet is free from the threat of nuclear annihilation
how nuclear bombs are made?
Fake oil paintings can be detected because of nuclear bombs detonated in 1945 because of the fact that isotopes such as strontium-90 and cesium-137 that can be found in oil did not exist in nature previously. If a picture contains these isotopes, it is certainly painted after year 1945
What nuclear bombs does the us have?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what nuclear bombs were dropped on japan. Here are 50 of the best facts about Nuclear Bombs By Country and Nuclear Bombs Dropped I managed to collect.
what nuclear bombs have been dropped?
The US goverment set a bunch of beer next to an atomic bomb blast to determine if it was still drinkable. In the event of a nuclear war, beer is safe to drink
The bikini was named after a Pacific island the United States bombed during nuclear testing nuclear testing, displacing the entire population and rendering the island uninhabitable. The bikini was supposed to have the same "explosive" effect on men who saw women wearing it.
A peace flame has been burning in Hiroshima since it was lit in 1964, and will remain lit until all nuclear bombs on the planet are destroyed and the planet is free from the threat of nuclear annihilation.
In 1945, Kodak accidentally discovered the US were secretly testing nuclear bombs because the fallout made their films look fogged
Operation Merlin where the CIA carried out a plan to send Iran flawed blueprints to a nuclear bomb in order to delay their nuclear program. They sent the blueprints by way of a defected Russian nuclear scientist who noticed the flaws and included proposed corrections to Iran.
The likely record for fastest manmade object is a manhole cover launched by a nuclear bomb. A high-speed camera recording the lid only caught one frame of it moving meaning it was traveling over 125,000 miles per hour
In 1946 Kodak customers complained about film developing cloudy. Kodak investigated & found the corn husks used for packing was radioactive. They discovered something that was not public knowledge; the packaging was exposed to fallout from the world's first nuclear bomb explosion.
An underachieving junior from Princeton University successfully designed a nuclear bomb for a term paper in 1977. He got an A on the paper, but the FBI took it and classified it.
The United States has Lost approximately 8 Nuclear Bombs.
Prior to the first nuclear bomb detonation in July of 1945, isotopes such as strontium-90 and cesium-137 simply did not exist in nature." Pieces of art and bottles of wine created before 1945 can be tested for cesium, if they contain traces of cesium they would almost certainly be fake.
Nuclear Bombs data charts
For your convenience take a look at Nuclear Bombs figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why nuclear bombs should be banned?
You can easily fact check why nuclear bombs should not be used by examining the linked well-known sources.
There are people in the world that think nuclear bombs are impossible and that every explosion has been faked for propaganda including Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Marlon Brando was in an acting class that was told to act like chickens and that a nuclear bomb was about to fall on them. Most of the class clucked wildly, but Brando sat calmly and pretended to lay an egg. When Stella Adler asked why he said, "I'm a chicken, What do I know about bombs?" - source
A man by the name of Tsutomu Yamaguchi is the only person alive to be officially credited for surviving both nuclear bomb blasts. He was in Hiroshima on business for an employer when the bomb dropped, survived, and then went to work in Nagasaki three days later when the second detonated.
The United States accidentally destroyed Britain's first satellite after detonating a nuclear bomb in orbit. - source
When were the nuclear bombs dropped?
During the Cold War the US seriously considered dropping a nuclear bomb on the Moon as a show of military superiority.
How nuclear bombs affect the environment?
The 1955 film, "The Conqueror", was filmed downwind of the site of 11 above-ground nuclear bomb tests. Of the 220 people who worked on the movie, 91 developed cancer and 46 died, including John Wayne.
The bikini swimsuit was named after the nuclear explosions that destroyed Bikini island. The inventor wanted to imply the bikini was as momentous an invention as the new bomb. This was a time when beautiful women were "bombshells" and anything cool was "atomic."
The USA has provided nuclear weapons for Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey to deploy and store but they cannot arm the bombs without authorization codes from the US Air Force.
During the Cold War NATO pilots were ordered to fly wearing eye patches, so that if they were blinded by the flash of a nuclear bomb they still had one good eye.
There were plans to create a sea in the Sahara using nuclear bombs