Norse Mythology facts
While investigating facts about Norse Mythology Gods and Norse Mythology Names, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In Norse mythology, Thor once dressed as a bride and was presented to the giant thrym with loki as his bridesmaid. Thrym got a bit suspicious When Thor ate an entire ox, eight salmon, and many barrels of mead.
how norse mythology was created?
According to Norse mythology, Thor's hammer Mjölnir was originally intended to be wielded with both hands. Its characteristically short handle is due to a manufacturing defect caused by Loki who harrased the dwarven brothers Sindri and Brokkr while they were forging the weapon.
What is ragnarok in norse mythology?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the nine realms in norse mythology. Here are 42 of the best facts about Norse Mythology Creatures and Norse Mythology Neil Gaiman I managed to collect.
what's norse mythology?
North, South, East and West are derived from the Norse mythological dwarves Nordri, Sudri, Austri and Westri, who were said to sustain the earth upon their shoulders
In Norse mythology, the goddess Freya drove a chariot pulled by two cats.
The Greek religion's God (Zeus Pater), the Roman religion's God (Jupiter), and the Indian Vedic religion's God (Dyaus Pita), have similar names because those religions - along with Norse, Persian, and Slavic mythologies - all evolved from the same original religion.
In Norse mythology, during the events of Ragnörak, there is a ship made entirely of the untrimmed nails of the dead that will carry hordes to do battle with the Gods. It's important to keep those nails trimmed so you don't contribute to building it.
That, in Norse mythology, only half of those who die in combat join Odin in the halls of Valhalla. The other half go to the goddess Freyja's field Fólkvangr.
In Norse mythology, Odin rode an 8-legged horse named Sleipnir. The horse was the offspring of Loki and the stallion Svaõlifari.
According to Norse mythology, Thor rode around on a chariot pulled by immortal goats.
In Norse mythology, the Gods have a boar of unlimited bacon
In Norse mythology, Odin is said to have retrieved the "Mead of Poetry" from a giant and taken it back to Asgard in his bird form. But when the giant gave chase, Odin pooped out some of the mead in his haste to escape, and this bird dung is what inspires bad poets.
There is no definitive answer to the origin of the phrase "it's raining cats and dogs". The phrase might have its roots in Norse mythology, medieval superstitions, the obsolete word catadupe (waterfall), or dead animals in the streets of Britain being picked up by storm waters.
Norse Mythology data charts
For your convenience take a look at Norse Mythology figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is kratos in norse mythology?
You can easily fact check why is norse mythology important by examining the linked well-known sources.
In Norse mythology a “fylgja” (pronounced “FILG-yur”) is a spirit that accompanies a person in connection to their fate or fortune. In some instances, the “fylgja” will take on the form of an animal that shows itself after the birth of a child or as a “creature” that eats the afterbirth.
In Norse Mythology, Thor rode through the sky on a chariot drawn by undead goats. - source
In Norse mythology, a Dwarf named Lit was kicked into a fire by Thor - source
Gandalf got his name from a Dwarf in Norse mythology. The name comes from a combination of words that mean 'magic staff' and 'elf'.
Thor from Norse Mythology is supposed to be a redhead w/ a big red beard (in some retellings) - source
When did norse mythology start?
Norse mythology actually has three death realms. Valhalla, Folkvang and Helheim. Ruled seperately by Odin, Freya and Hel.
How old is norse mythology?
In Norse mythology, Mana was replenished through contact with ejaculate. Odin was a wizard. This means exactly what you think it does. So only women, bisexuals, or gay men could be sorcerers; however, Everyone Is Bi in viking culture.
Despite being featured in both Clash of the Titans films, the Kraken is from Norse mythology, not Greek mythology.
Dragons known as Lindwurm's existed in Norse mythology. The dragons utilized two front arms as oppose to the full four found in Asian cultures.
The the first god of Norse mythology was licked into being by a cow.