Native American facts
While investigating facts about Native American Tribes and Native American Names, I found out little known, but curios details like:
During WW2 Joe Medicine Crow, a native American, completed all four feats required to be a war chief: touching an enemy without killing him, taking an enemy's weapon, leading a war party and stealing 50 horses from the SS, singing a Crow honour song as he rode away.
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The near-extinction of the American bison was a deliberate plan by the US Army to starve Native Americans into submission. One colonel told a hunter who felt guilty shooting 30 bulls in one trip, "Kill every buffalo you can! Every buffalo dead is an Indian gone.”
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's native american. Here are 50 of the best facts about Native American Music and Native American Symbols I managed to collect.
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Honey bees aren't native to North America. When they arrived from Europe they spread out faster than the colonists, and Native Americans considered the appearance of the "white man's fly" to indicate the approach of European settlers
The US Army never gave the Native Americans smallpox infested blankets as a tool of genocide. The US did inflict countless atrocities against the natives, but the smallpox blankets story was fabricated by a University of Colorado professor.
In 2013, Star Wars was dubbed in Navajo, making it the first major film to be dubbed in a Native American language
A professinal linguist in Native American languages was asked to invent Klingon for Star Trek. He speaks Klingon, but notes that others have attained greater fluency
Andrew Myrick, a storekeeper on a Minnesota Native American reservation, told starving natives to get grass if they were hungry. He was found dead on the first day of the Dakota War of 1862 with grass stuffed in his mouth.
There is a Star Wars comic called Into the Great Unknown in which Han Solo and Chewbacca crash into Earth after using Hyperspace blindly. Native Americans kill Han, and his body is discovered by Indiana Jones 126 years later while searching for Sasquatch—which turns out to be Chewbacca.
Maize, beans and squash, the three main agricultural crops of Native Americans were named Three Sisters by them for their symbiotic relationship when grown together. Maize gives structure for the beans to climb, beans provides nitrogen to the soil and squash spread-grows preventing weed growth.
The legendary Johnny Cash fought for the rights of Native Americans and dedicated an entire album to them. Radio stations refused to play any of the album. In retaliation, Cash bought an ad on Billboard asking: "Where are your guts?"
Marlon Brando was the last person to reject a winning Oscar award (1973 best actor for The Godfather). He did it to protest the film industry's poor treatment of Native Americans. When a young Native American woman gave her speech in Brando's place, part of the crowd booed.
In 1973 when Marlon Brando won an Oscar for Best Actor, he boycotted the show and sent a Native American woman named Sacheen Littlefeather instead. She refused the Oscar on his behalf and made a speech about Hollywood’s mistreatment of Native Americans. She was booed.
Native American data charts
For your convenience take a look at Native American figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why were native american tribes different by examining the linked well-known sources.
Native Americans created a universal sign language that allowed 2/3 of all Indigenous tribes to communicate across most of North America, hundreds of years before Europeans invented a sign language of their own.
Adolf Hitler praised the Native American genocide by the US government. In 1928 he said; "gunned down the millions of Redskins to a few hundred thousand, and now keep the modest remnant under observation in a cage." - source
The US federal government has an office that receives dead eagles, which are then used by Native Americans for religious purposes. - source
Life in Puritan New England was so hard that children who were abducted by Native Americans often refused to come back
It is illegal to collect or possess eagle feathers in the United States, and only enrolled members of a federally recognized Native American tribe may legally possess them. - source
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Grizzly bears were so feared and respected by Native Americans that hunting them required a company of 4 to 10 warriors and was done with the same preparation and ceremoniality as intertribal warfare.
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About the “7th generation” principle which was taught by Native Americans saying that in every decision, be it personal, governmental or corporate, we must consider how it will affect our descendents seven generations into the future.
Native Americans were in contact with the Donner party several times, and actively offered them food. Only to be "Scared off/denied" and the Donner party to unfortunately choose cannibalism.
Samoset, the first Native American to make contact with the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony. He entered the settlement unannounced, greeted the colonists in English (which he had learned from fishermen in Maine), and asked for beer.
The Native American "Shame Pole", a totem pole erected to embarrass people for not payment of debts or ridicule misdeeds. In 2007 one such pole was erected in Alaska depicting the CEO of Exxon to highlight an unpaid debt of $5m owed from the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
Lacrosse, as originally played by Native Americans, fielded teams from 100 to 1,000 men, with goals 500 yards to 6 miles apart, with games lasting several days, played sunup to sundown. These games tended to become huge mobs of players swarming the ball and slowly moving it across the field.