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Nation Wide facts

While investigating facts about Nationwide Login and Nationwide Insurance, I found out little known, but curios details like:

12 African nations have come together pledging to build a 15 kilometer wide band of trees that will stretch all the way across Africa, 7500 kilometer, in order to stop the progressive advancement of the Sahara.

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12 African nations have come together pledging to build a 9 mile wide band of trees that will stretch all the way across Africa, 4750 miles, in order to stop the progressive advancement of the Sahara.


In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does nationwide mean. Here are 50 of the best facts about Nationwide Building Society and Nationwide Pet Insurance I managed to collect.

nationwide means?

  1. Pan-African nations have come together pledging to build a 15 kilometer wide band of trees that will stretch all the way across Africa, 7500 kilometer, in order to stop the progressive advancement of the Sahara.

  2. California administers what is widely considered the nation's most difficult bar examination twice each year. Unsuccessful applicants have even sued the State Bar—unsuccessfully—on the grounds that the exam is unnecessarily difficult.

  3. Andy—a footless goose born in the 1980s who walked around in baby shoes. He rapidly became a huge star and appeared all over the media, before he was murdered in 1991. His death sparked a nation-wide outrage and a $10,000 reward for information about his killer, but the case was never solved.

  4. In 1973, Johnny Carson made a joke during his opening monologue of The Tonight Show about an upcoming toilet paper shortage. Although meant to be a joke, the announcement caused a nation-wide panic that created an actual toilet paper shortage.

  5. In 2014, a sinkhole opened up under the National Corvette Museum in Kentucky. The 40 foot wide sinkhole swallowed eight rare or one-of-a-kind cars but didn't impact the structural integrity of the building.

  6. The Aztec Triple Alliance (which ruled modern-day central Mexico in the 15th and early 16th centuries) is widely credited as being the first nation to make education mandatory for all children.

  7. A chinese village covertly tried capitalism in 1978, leading to China's nation-wide adoption of this economic system.

  8. "Edelweiss", a song written in 1959 for "The Sound of Music", became so widely popular that it was mistaken as the Austrian national anthem.

  9. The Accordion is widely taught in North Korea is Known as the ''national instrument" and North Korean students are expected to learn the accordion throughout their elementary and secondary education

nation wide facts
Nationwide banks?

Why nationwide strike?

You can easily fact check nationwide strike by examining the linked well-known sources.

On 7th June 2016 a monkey climbed onto the roof of Gitaro power station (Kenya), fell onto a transformer and caused national-wide outage which lasted a few hours. The primate survived.

Bird watching is very popular in Gorongosa National Park due the wide diversity of species. The best time to bird watch is November as birds are migrating to breed.

The highest crater lake in North America is located in Mount Rainier. It is 130 feet long by 30 feet wide and it is 16 feet deep. The lake sits under 100 feet of ice.

Trees found growing in the park vary widely because of the 6000 feet of vertical change which provides for many plant zones. Plants and trees found in the park include saltgrass, prickly pear, pinyon pine, juniper, Douglas fir, white fir, aspen, ponderosa pine, and spruce, among many others.

The formerly nation-wide dominant Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) is still powerful in Sonora: the current governor and one senator are members of the political party.

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Tayrona National Park is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species including more than 770 plant species and over 100 mammal species. In addition there are more than 300 bird species and more than 1000 marine species found in the area.

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She rekindled her friendship with Leakey and his wife when he toured Louisville on a nation-wide lecture tour.

Khao Yai National Park is made up of forests, mixed forests, rainforests, grasslands, mountains, and wide plains.

Nahanni National Park reserve features canyons and waterfalls as well as limestone caves, forests, rivers, and a wide variety of animals.

Antarctica's Lambert Glacier, is the world's largest glacier. Its 270 miles long and 60 miles wide. It is named after Bruce P. Lambert, a former national mapping director in Australia from the 1950s.

In September 1974 they held a press conference at the American Chemical Society to call for a ban on CFC but it wasn"t until a 1976 report by the National Academy of Sciences that their research became widely accepted.

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The red poppy was one of the first flowers to bloom in the churned up soils caused by World War I, and was soon widely accepted throughout the allied nations as the flower of remembrance to be worn on Armistice Day.

Despite a nation-wide ban on alcohol in Iran, with penalties ranging from heavy fines to lashings for repeat offenders, Iranians consume 60 million liters of alcohol each year

Gunnison Rover is so deep that in some places it is actually deeper than it is wide at half a mile.

A 2014 survey of 187 cities in the U.S by the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty found:24% make it a city-wide crime to beg in public;18% make it a crime to sleep anywhere in public; 43% make it illegal to sleep in your car.

Text-to-911 is only available in 10% in the US. There are no nation-wide methods for deaf people to quickly call 911 in an emergency.

How is nationwide pet insurance?

Diesel fuel is much easier and cheaper to refine despite it being more expensive nation wide

The construction projects that threaten Mochima National Park's landscape and ecology include the highway running between Cumana and Puerto La Cruz, and the natural gas pipeline running parallel to the highway, which is more than 70 meters wide.

Thomas Edison's favorite movie was The Birth of a Nation. This film is widely credited for reviving the long-dead Ku Klux Klan.

There is a wide flood plain in Red Rock State Park that can flood during heavy rains.

Although the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) controlled the state-wide politics of San Luis Potosi for decades, a member of the opposition National Action Party (PAN) was elected governor in 2003. Since that time, though, the PRI has mounted a comeback with the current governor a member of the party.

Yellowstone National Park was established by the US Congress in 1872 & is widely considered the 1st national park in the world. At 2.2 million acres, the park is larger than the state of Rhode Island & since the 1960s has been attracting at least 2 million tourists per year.

Sequoia National Park is home to a wide variety of wildlife, most of which are also found in Kings Canyon National Park. There are 200 bird species, 26 reptile species, 73 mammal species, 5 native fish species, and several of these species are on the endangered species list, threatened, or even extinct.

US and UK military psychiatrists believed that letters from home during WW2 were bad for morale. One said he wished there had been a "nation-wide educational course in letter writing to soldiers", and another criticized "moms" (as opposed to mothers) who damaged morale through letters.

There are more than 50 named glaciers in the park including Grand Pacific (2 miles wide by 35 miles long), Johns Hopkins (1 mile wide by 12.5 miles long), Margerie (1 mile wide by 21 miles long), and Lamplugh (.75 miles wide by 16 miles long).

During the 20th century, the community of Idlewild, Michigan was a booming holiday resort town nicknamed the 'Black Eden' for upper-class and famous African-Americans. After 1964 when nation wide discrimination laws prohibiting property purchase were dropped, the town fell out of popularity.

The UK’s National Health Service still users pagers. In fact, it accounts for 10% of pagers still in use today world wide.

Unethical fishermen will catch sharks, cut their fins off, then toss the live shark, now unable to swim or defend itself, back into the water. It will asphyxiate, bleed to death or be eaten by predators. This is called "Shark Finning" and is widely legal (but not in most western nations).

The largest chamber room in the world is Sarawak Chamber, located in Gua Nasib Bagus. This chamber room is 230 feet high, 2,300 feet long, and 1,299 feet wide. To put this into perspective - the chamber could hold 40 Boeing 747s without overlapping them.

Due to KB toys selling Nintendo 64s earlier than told, Nintendo Green lit an early release nation wide in the US

Although homeopathy is considered a pseudoscience, it is practiced widely in many European countries and even covered by national health insurance in some.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Nation Wide. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Nation Wide so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor