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Nasa Voyager facts

While investigating facts about Nasa Voyager 2 and Nasa Voyager 1, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Right before launching the two Voyagers, NASA scientists used kitchen-grade aluminum foil to cover critical parts of the probes to protect it from unanticipated radiation at Jupiter. It worked.

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After discovering Jupiter's intense radiation belt , NASA needed a last minute fix to shield the exterior cables of the Voyager deep space probes. They sent a technician to the local supermarket, bought all of the kitchen grade aluminum foil, and wrapped it around the cables.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is nasa voyager. Here are 26 of the best facts about Nasa Voyager Mission and Nasa Voyager Space Sounds I managed to collect.

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  1. The Golden Circle sent by NASA with the Voyage spacecraft is going to outlive Earth due to there being no force to erode it .

  2. NASA's Voyager 2 has been travelling away from Earth for over 37 years. Within a few years of 2016, Voyager 2 is expected to provide the first direct measurements of the density and temperature of interstellar plasma.

  3. Carl Sagan and Ann Druyer wanted to send an "unerotic photo of a man and pregnant woman holding hands" on the Voyager 1 (launched 40 years ago on this day) but NASA didn't want to "send smut into space".

  4. NASA sent a copy of Chuck Berry's Johnny B. Goode on the Voyager space probe as part of a package that was meant to represent the best in American culture and could one day be discovered by aliens.

  5. Jupiter has rings--and that this was completely unknown until NASA's first Voyager missions in 1979

  6. Chuck Berry's "Johnny B. Goode" is one of the songs selected by Carl Sagan to be on NASA's Voyager Golden Record. For Berry's 60th birthday, Sagan wrote him a letter to notify him of this.

  7. NASA's Voyager (launched 1977) contained "Golden Records" w/ sounds & images selected to represent humanity to aliens. EMI denied the right to include Beatles' "Here Comes the Sun" due to copyright concerns.

  8. In 2012 NASAs Voyager 1 is believed to have reached the transition zone leading to the solar system's outer limit.

  9. The moon's surface has been studied and explored by the Pioneer, Voyager, Galileo, Cassini and New Horizon missions. NASA reported that a manned mission to Callisto may be possible in the 2040's.

  10. Here Comes the Sun" wasn't included in the Voyager spaceprobes' data files bc the Beatles didn't hold the copyright & couldn't give NASA permission

nasa voyager facts
What are the best facts about Nasa Voyager?

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You can easily fact check why is nasa looking for water on mars by examining the linked well-known sources.

Planets can "sing". NASA's Voyager picks up electromagnetic vibrations from planetary environments and translates it into sound. - source

NASA has uploaded all the golden voyager records to SoundCloud.

The uptime on the computer of the Voyager probe is 15,364 days. The Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 space probes, both launched in 1977, each had a primary objective to explore Jupiter and Saturn. This goal was achieved by 1981. Yet Voyager, NASA's longest running mission, has continued to this day. - source

When did nasa launch voyager 1?

NASA sent out 116 images on the Voyager for aliens to understand us.

How does nasa communicate with voyager 2?

When NASA sent out the Voyager spacecrafts in 1977, two golden records were included aboard which contained images, coded diagrams and sounds — including a message from President Carter — that portrayed life and culture on Earth in case any intelligent alien life form found the spacecrafts.

NASA receives response from Voyager 1 spacecraft 13 billion miles away after 37 years of inactivity | Technology Startups News | Tech News

NASA put information about earth on the Voyager probes including 116 photos meant to help explain the human race to aliens

NASA put a 'Golden Record' on Voyager 1 with music and words representing humanity, in case it ever meets aliens.

When did nasa launch voyager?

NASA put a Golden Phonographic Record on the Voyager I in the case that it will run into any kind of intelligent life. The record contains greetings in 55 different languages, pictures of the human anatomy, 90 minutes of music, and more.

NASA has reprogrammed the most distant man-made object in Human history to re-purpose a set of thrusters dormant for 37 years, extending Voyager 1's mission into interstellar space. Those thrusters enter service this month.

Voyager 1 is now over 20 billion KM from the Sun, and there are conspiracy theory people wondering why NASA stopped announcing this...

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Nasa Voyager. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Nasa Voyager so important!

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